Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I forgot my BLOGOVERSARY!!!! It was on Sunday... I have been a blogger for a whole year already! WOW, so much has changed in that time.... well to me anyway.

I have met so many really neat people through this blogging .... and I feel like I have so many new friends now... this is AWESOME.

In this past year I have written 373 posts, had over 70,000 page views of my blog, met about 18 bloggers in the flesh and am looking forward to meeting many more! I started this blog as a way to help in my weight loss, and to just jot down my day to day stuff.... well I havn't lost any weight! But that's ok, cos this has been a lot of fun, and I hope will continue to be.

Today, kids to school, then I'm off into town to do a few jobs, get new handles for a set of drawers we no longer use and take it to the shop....


  1. It will be a good day cos "any day above ground is a good day"!!

    Happy Blogoversay Baby, got u on my miiiiiiind

  2. Happy Blogaversary! May you have many more blogging years ahead of you!!!!

    I enjoy your reads.

    Hope your errands were productive!

  3. One whole year - happy blogoversary!!

  4. Addictive this blogging, isn't it? Happy blogaversary!

  5. Congrats on your BLOGOVERSARY. Let's hope that you have many more years of blogging to come :-D


  6. Happy Blogoversery to you... Happy Blogaverery to you... Happy Blogoversery dear Diet Coke.... *deep breath* Happy Blogoversery to you.... hip hip hooray....

    Love Chubbymum

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    happy anniversary... i wonder how long i have been blogging, need to check... :o)

  8. Aww Happy Bloggerversary....

    Mines nearly a year too!!

    And many more years to come:)

  9. gCongratulations on your blogaversery!

  10. Awwww, congratulations! You are an awesome support to me. I can always count on you for a friendly comment or word of advice. Fanks heaps xx

  11. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Happy Blogoversary!!!!

    It's amazing how blogging can unite so many people and create lifelong friendships :)

  12. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Happy Blog-a-versary! Wahooooo!
    I'm with you on the cold weather front - makes me want to do NOTHING!

  13. congrats and happy blogaversary! LOL

  14. I'm sure the shop will be pleased to get those drawers. :) Happy Blogsversary to you :) Cold here too & like you I don't function when its overcast & grey & cold. Think I'll watch some mindless TV LOL

  15. Come on, spill. DIdnt sister vist yet and are you moving? Some of us are impatient for the Soap Opera to begin here....

  16. WOW a whole year of blogarama!

    Happy Blogaversary hunny!


    ... Erica x

  17. Happy Blogaversary! Isn't it suppose to be almost summer down there? It's almost winter here in the States.

  18. wow, has it really been a year. That means I read 360 something posts as I've read them all. Even when I'm away I always come back and back track to catch up on everything I've missed.

    Happy blog anniversary.
    Hope your doing something special to celebrate. Maybe a 'looking back on the year post' All the highlights or something.

  19. Happy one year of blogging and many more to come xx ;-)

  20. RE-Comment
    Fruit Bran Fruit Flakes, I will have a look TODAYYY and if/when I find them I will send them to ya.
    Are they a cereal or a snack?

    I too haven't lost much weight since I started blogging, I actually started in 2002....teehee

    Yeah my man is very caring and loving. I know I don't mention him much on my blog - ah well

    Hugs to you xx

  21. Happy Blogaversary....thats great news. Love reading your blog...

    ohhhh, by the way a "At Homer" is my term for using the At Home weight watchers forum online.

  22. Yep hun
    I FOUND EM!! They come in Strawberry and Blackcurrant, I will send multi packs of each.

    Great idea of sprinkling them on breakfast!

    Okay I will get some into the post for ya in a week or so because I want to put one or two other bits and pieces into the parcel...Pink n Whites?? Yeah? Do you fancy trying them? Is there anything else you want sending over?

    Let me know hun

    Huge hugs to you xx

  23. 70,000 page views - ooohh, one of the popular gals!!! Hope your bad mood subsided and you slept well..


  25. Happy Bogaversary to you! Just catching up on the past few days posts. Hopefully you will hear about that job posting soon! The weather here has been total crap as well. But sunny warm days are heading your way.

    Have fun visiting with your Sister. Keep warm.

  26. Happy blogversary!! And hope you find out the move news soon.

  27. I ate some bad stuff for you. crap.

    I like your new coke can at the top of the blog.


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