Monday, October 15, 2007


I'm feeling nervous! This week two really "interesting" things could happen...

1. We might hear that we are moving

2. My sister might visit me....why is this interesting?

I have not seen my sister in about 6 years.... she lives in a little town about 3 hours inland from Sydney, Australia... and we have had our "ups and downs" over the years and have not really got on that well. So, she's coming over to visit her two kids who live here in New Zealand, and is going to visit me too.... I am kinda nervous! She has not seen me "slimmer" ... in fact the last time she saw me I was almost 130 kilos! Should be interesting.

Today: kids to school, walk Izzy, take a load of stuff to the Hospice shop, then?


  1. Ooo, I hope you finally receive some news as to whether you ARE moving or not.

    Also, I hope that your visit with your sister goes okay. Sounds as if you both have LOTS of catching up to do....


  2. I know what you mean about seeing someone that you havent seen for a long time and that havent seen you slimmer... I did that saturday.. we went and visited a guy we havent seen for 12 months... he came to the door and just stood there and I thought..umm helloooooo its me!!!! I have had my hair chopped and coloured and lost over 30 kilos since last seeing him I guess.. hehe.. he was shocked.. and said it is the best he has seen me ever!! and I have known him about 19 years!!!
    feeling good... hell yeah... Have a top week Chris...

  3. WOW your sister is going to get a shock when she see's you eh?
    Hope the visit goes well.

    I have all my fingers crossed that Stew's new's on his Auckland job is POSITIVE.

  4. your sister will be blown away mate, nerve wracking I can understand - stand tall and proud girlfriend :D

  5. What a fantastic week you will have. Nothing better than being a good 50 - 60kg lighter!!

    Fingers crossed for the result you want for Auckland

  6. Yikes, your sister is going to be absolutely blown away! :-D

    Fingers crossed that you have good news about the potential move!

  7. You have a bit on this week. Fingers crossed for Auckland!!! Also would love to see your sisters face when she sees the new Chris!!!

  8. Head held high chick? should be, you have nothing to be nervous about, just say how you feel about things if you have to 'get into reasons'. And you will blow her away, she will be amazed at how you look. Put the past in the past chicken and move on from today. Hope you hear about stews job soon. good luck all round today, have a good one. K

  9. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Wow! That will be very interesting... Are you excited to see her? Either way... Good luck!

    As for the moving business... Well, what ever happens, I hope you're thrilled about it!

  10. Sending you good vibes about the move +++++++++++++++++++

    Family - Your sister will be amazed when she sees the gorgeous new you. Hope it all goes well for you this week. We all have ups and downs with family. I hope it is all ups and no downs for you two from now on ;-)

  11. wow! does sound like it could be an interesting week!

    your sister will be blown away! that is great that she is going to visit you.

  12. Gee your sister will get a shock!! Yay for that..
    I hope you recieve good news about moving too, we are hoping to hear good news sometime tomorow about a new job for hubby???

    Fingers crossed all around...

  13. "Occupation: Bloody Blogging"

    Ha, ha, ha. That is pretty darn funny. It kinda grabs ya and won't let go of ya.

  14. Helena said it.. "Head held high".

    Stand tall, feel peaceful and smile. I bet her jaw drops!

  15. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Wow, what a shock it will be for your sister! I hope your interesting week turns out to be a fabulous week!

  16. Good luck on hearing about a future move. And hope you have fun seeing your sister. That is sad that she's not in many of your photos. Hope you get along well now and have a good time with her.

  17. Fingers crossed re the move.

    Fantastic news about your sister. You shouldn't be nervous. Whatever differences you've had in the past leave them there. I don't doubt there will be a lot of OMG's but I bet it won't be long before the ice is broken and having a wonderful time together catching up.

    Now going to catch up on the rest of your posts while I've been AWOL.

  18. Sisters visiting that you dont get alomg with? Chick fight coming....:D

    Moving soon? Whats the new place look like?

  19. I didn't know you live in New Zealand. For some reason I thought you were over in the UK. Have fun with your sister.

  20. Here's to a fabulous week :) Wish I could be a fly on the wall when your sister arrives..LOL Some big surprises in store for her :)
    Enjoy your time together. knee is still sore!!!!!! I'm giving up de cluttering!!!!!!!!

  21. I'm sure your sister is probably feeling just as nervous.I'm sure it will fo fine. The kids look cute in their new clothes.

  22. How exciting getting to see you sister this week!! I can understand you being nervous. I'm sure it will be fine though and you will have a great time with her.

    Your kids look great in their new clothes!!


  23. I get nervous about seeing family. Heck, I get nervous about seeing the mailman.

    And hope you get that news about the move soon!

  24. oh, good luck with seeing your sister, hope it goes well and won't you give her a bloody shock!

  25. I hope everything goes well with your sister and the house move!
    You are going to be busy!

  26. wow, your sister will be impressed with how bloody gorgeous you are! Hope it goes okay. Brylee is gorgeous in those dresses, hope you hear about the move soon.

  27. Love the name of your blog! Diet coke DOES rock!


  28. Awww, cute pics. Enjoy your sis.


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