Sunday, June 03, 2007


While we were out last night, Steve and Lisa cleaned up the rooms upstairs !!! And they did a decent job, so I am thrilled to bits with them. And this morning we were talking about them having their own place, and Griffin said "I can have a sleep over at Steve and Lisa's house soon".... oh my gawd... we never thought of that!!!

Imagine... dropping them off on a friday or saturday night and actually getting a sleep in for once!!! OH YEAH !!! Hmmm, wonder how soon we can do that??? It would be a FIRST for sure.

So today will be spent moving bedrooms around and hopefully setting up my new "dressing


  1. By 9:40 a.m. Saturday I was at the gym running on the elliptical. But then at 9:40 a.m. in Miami, you were at about 1:40 a.m. on Sunday? If Miami is -5 GMT, and you are +12, then there is a 17 hour difference. That is a lot like going back in time. When you post a message, I get it 17 hours earlier?

  2. Well you could set the room up for overseas visitors!!! hahaha..
    Oneday I will get there...

  3. Fantastic - it just keeps getting betterer and betterer!! Have fun! Oh and I tagged ya' - see my blog for details :)

  4. Ah, sleeping in. What's that? Sleeping in for me is 8:00.

  5. He he he not going to be done now now now... all takes time now be patient he he he

    Getting excited about coming down now... Can't wait to see what your house looks like now tha tyou have described it in a lot of your posts woohoooooo..... and seeing everyone too whooo.

    Love Chubbymum

  6. Hahaha I know that NOW feeling....

    Have a nice day tomorrow


  7. Sounds like you should be very pleased with what has been achieved. You must be exhausted!

  8. Ohhh my my arent we the impatient one..hahaha

  9. Omg.... what a mess they lived in... little grots!!

  10. wow you've been busy!!!!

    oo sleep overs are cool...esp for the parents who are not there!!! what a cool idea!!!!!!!

  11. Give yourself a break! You are a bundle of energy! Sounds like you have transformed that house over the last couple of months- you should be proud of yourself. put your feet up for 5 and have a cuppa!

  12. Big difference in the bedroom before and after pic


  13. Looks like you are getting a lot done! way to go. Maybe pink or yellow for the room? What does Brylee like?

  14. Great that they clean up after themselves...but you might want to rethink that dropping them off at Steve or lisa's house. I know I'd teach them bad habits and load them up with sugar and send them back to you for fun....:D

    Looks good so far!


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