Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Today... kids to school, walk with Izzy and Janet, then... I have that interview at the Hospice to become a volunteer... quite looking forward to that!

I've woken up starving! Must have done something right last night eh? I did NOT go anywhere near the pantry or fridge, wooo hoooo. Now just have to do the same again today, and tomorrow, and.......

Must buy more paint today too. The white in the lounge is looking..... very stark! Not sure about it yet. I am going to do two walls then decide if it should be a 'colour', or be white.

The interview went very well, I was given the run down on the place, given the grand tour, and then..... I shall probably be helping in the Day Stay Area, where people come in on a Tuesday and Thursday for craft and lunch, and generally spend time socialising..... right up my alley. And I might even help out in the Hospice Shop as well as they are screaming out for help apparently. I was really impressed with the organisation, how many voulunteers they have (over 350!), and thought maybe they had enough? But the Volunteer Co-ordinator was very keen to get me "on board", so I'm happy to go there. And I don't have to wear a nasty uniform, EVEN BETTER !

After that, I went into town and had lunch with the man... we went to a relatively new place in town called the Noodle Canteen, where they sell asian style noodle meals in a cute little "box".... it was extremely delicious, and soooo filling ! I could hardly finish mine. That should keep me going all day. Now I am going to get out of me "posh" clothes and do some more painting.

I didn't get a chance to get outta me "posh" clothes before going to get the kids from school... it was so funny getting up there and having the other girls say : "Wow, where are you going?", "Look at you!", "Havn't ever seen you in a skirt before!"... ha ha ha. It made me feel quite good actually, I usually live in my casual gym type stuff, so getting dressed up must become a "once a week" thing me thinks ! It makes ya feel nice knowing you look kinda nice, and not skanky even!
WANNA: If I can be bothered I will get back into it later and take a photo of me "posh" outfit....
MR CHOO: you have a grubby mind!

Right, I have finished one wall of the lounge totally... and here is the posh outfit I wore today, as requested. Now I'm going to go have a sauna and get the paint off my hands...

Oh yes, I am also going to bed next... so nite nite. STEPS TODAY: 17431


  1. I like white walls!! I am doing my stair, hall and landing white and my living room is already white...love it.

    Oh yeah Sushi, I remember you saying you don't like it....heehee - I love it...yum

    Well it is 8.50pm here so I am going to think about settling down soon BUT you make sure you have yourself a fab day and GOOD LUCK with your interview!!


  2. Well done keeping away from the pantry last night!!

    Good luck today!

    Saw your comment on Meillisa's blog about the nails. They aren't hard work at all. I only go back every three weeks, no maintainence in between that. I have short to start and got used to them really quickly.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Aaah, painting....so tedious! Keep up the good work. And best of luck at your hospice interview!!

  4. Good work sweet! You are always such a busy lass it must be hard when everyone is out of the house and you have "quiet" time. You should indulge yourself.

  5. I want to paint my daughter's room this summer, maybe we should go pick out the paint this week.

    Hope your interview goes well.

  6. Hmmmm got the painting bug bad havent ya..... come and finish mine can you... hehe

  7. I had that same empty feeling this morning .... GO US!! I think whatever has clicked for me is working ..... Gotta keep with it!!
    I am sad I couldn't make your party .... Sounds like a great time!!

  8. Good luck with your volunteering! it always make you feel good to know that you are doing someething for the community!

  9. Hi Chris - check your emails re Sat 30th June.

  10. Oh? I think I know what that something right was...*wink wink*

  11. You make me feel like I need to paint some wall or something - will you talk to my hubby and convince him its a good thing? LOL! Take care.

  12. Those noodles should keep you going till dinner time.

    Glad you and Hospice get on well. I didn't think for one moment that they wouldn't take you. The fact that they have so many volunteers already speaks volumes about the organisation itself. They do a fantastic job.

  13. Good on you with the interview, I can see you teaching some craft perhaps.

  14. well wheres the photos of ya "posh" outfit????

  15. Aww thank you lady... makes me feel kinda special... ;o) hehehe

  16. Lady...what lady... wrong bloody blog I am thinking... haha

  17. yeah where are the photos of your "posh" outfit??!!??

  18. Oh very posh. Is that the same Chris H we know, me thinks.

  19. Sounds like you have had a very productive day. The hospice sounds interesting.

    What a great photo of you in your 'posh outfit' you spunky thing!!!!

  20. Mmm, classy, and not the least hint of skank. :) I like the top!

  21. Oh bloody hell girl... wheres ya friggin smile... looks like you should have a prison number hanging round ya neck... hehe... ;o) But looking posh hey!!

  22. Glad to hear your interview went well, sounds like a good fit for you.

  23. Congrats on your victory over the pantry. The hospice job sounds like its just right for you. Nice outfit.

    Your correct about the movie being POTC #3. Pretty sure I dozed off cause DH kept elbowing me. Maybe we should have bought the popcorn.

    Have a great day.

  24. That's a great outfit... you look great!


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