Wednesday, June 13, 2007


VegasGirl: no question is stupid mate.... in New Zealand our water is sourced predominantly from local lakes and rivers, and held in very large "tanks" , where it is filtered etc before we get it... if we have had lots of rain the water is discoloured due to dirt getting flushed into the rivers etc... and obviously it's impossible to get the colour out totally... this only happens once in a while luckily. And it does not taste like dirt!

Today: Kids to school, RPM at the gym, walk the dog, work on picture for Brylee's room.... housework too I suppose!


  1. Im the same, I eat just for the sake of it!! Im sick of this constant battle with food, but if I give up, then the weight will pile on!!

  2. Hey there... Willpower... hmmm I heard recently that there is no such thing....
    Crap crap crap...Of course we have willpower.. but we need to wake the little fkr up and start using it again!! Ha haha...
    Come on Chris... weigh day for week 1 of the challenge... I know you will have a pearler of a loss... you are too stubborn not to have done it!!

  3. Do you really get lonely Chris? I cannot imagine it with you big family. There is always something going on. I overeat out of habit. I too think about getting a job, but Tara is too small yet, and I'm not doing the daycare thing. What would you like to do?

  4. If your bored you could email me more so I can annoy you more...that'll help!

    I bet your kids took your wont power when they left....either that or ate the stuff before you...

  5. Have you thought about some voluntary work until you can find something that pays,it would keep you busy, increase your network and you may be able to do something which adds to your employability - just a thought mate.

  6. I can imagine it gets lonely... but hun I have a job that is three days a week that I can still get the kids from school etc. Can't say it is the most stimulating but I enjoy the people I work with and that is a good thing.

    I can see you doing something with people hun... you love helping and chatting so it would be good for you.

    Love ya my friend

  7. It is never too late to study nursing.... that would be my prefered job too.... I can't leave this job (family business) and at the moment, we need the two wages so having 3 years off to study is impossible ....... BUT you my dear ... go look into it!!
    I suppose you would put up with brown water knowing you've had such great rainfall ... wish we did *sigh*
    Have a great day chookie .... I understand about being loney.... But you know you always have US!!! lol..... mmmmwwwaaahhhh!!!!

  8. OMG WOMAN!!! You need to do ambulance!!! It has everything you describe you needing. And don't worry bout the needles. I've never needed to put a needle in anyone only the big bosses do that and you don't need to look. The blood factor scared me off it for a long time but honestly 99% of it is elderly people who are just sick with no blood and guts.

    If you are interested you can be an observer for a day or so and see if you like it without joining.

    The reasons you describe are exactly why I joined. And the buzz of helping someone ... there's nothing like it!!

  9. You would make a brilliant nurse Chris, look into it. It's a rare talent, but you have the knack of instantly putting people at ease, and that is huge given the embarrassing realities of being hospitalised.

    I have just emailed you.

  10. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I can certainly relate to your eating out of lonliness! ;)

    Brylee's room looks fantastic - those headboards and bedding are darling (as is she!)

  11. What about going back to teaching a night pottery class?

    Or what Lyn said - an ambo - I can just imagine you chatting away to people while helping them with injuries etc......

  12. Hi Chris. How about teacher aid at a school, does not necessarily have to be the same one your kids go to. School hours & school holidays off too.

  13. Well mate, if I wasn't working I'd definitely be doing volunteer work. Mind you I would do only a couple of afternoons a week for a couple of hours at a time. Maybe the Citizens Advice Bureau. You'd learn an awful lot too, helpful stuff.

    Anyhow that's my two cents worth.

    I'm sure you'll come up with something.

    Hey, you could start an agony aunt column!!!!

  14. How about a lap dancer at a strip club... you get to hang with adults and laugh and even have a wee drink... rofl....

  15. Too old to train as a nurse, heh? Then what's the point in losing more weight? How can you be too old for one thing that will make your life and health better, but not the other?

  16. Re: comment
    Just go into your nearest St Johns station and say you are thinking about joining and go from there. Just tell them you want to observe for a bit and then decide.
    Or even look St Johns in the phone book and give them a call.

    Thinking about it ... I think you would be really suited given that you don't take shit from people. You can't be someone who gets all sooky, you need to have a common sence brain that doesn't get caught up in the emotions, but can still do a bit of TLC.

  17. Honey there's no way you'd ever be able to tell people what they wanted to hear.

    Nah, we'd call you the Straight Up, No BS, Agony Aunt. You'd be an overnight sensation.

    Bring them from fantasyland into the real world.

    Hey - we could call you Mistress Chris. Only cause the truth hurts sometimes. LMAO

  18. I wouldn't have thought you would have time to get bored!! I sort of agree witht he voluntary work - you will get the popel contact. Also it's never too late to go back to study!! I did the NZIM Cert of Management at around your age (little boast here - I got top student award). If I had more time I would continue with study of some sort. Next week (this one is just about shot for me) come for a coffee!! Tues & Thurs are best for me but I will txt you!

  19. Trust Wanna to come up with that one ..... lol ....
    Mind out of the gutter Wanna!!

  20. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I vote for volunteer work. I have a job, but choose to volunteer as well - it's great, and you do make a difference to those involved.

  21. Here in Miami we have those seafood fritters too. They are usually a tad greasy, but when you find a place that makes them with more percentage of fish than batter then it is an awesome treat!

  22. I want about 10 of those gourmet seafood fritters!!!!!!!

  23. Oh, I'm hungry now after seeing that fritter. I also wish food wasn't so delish.

    I won't give you any suggestions for a job. I love mine. Two days typing in an office in an old house all by myself. I never get lonely. I did work with people and now I don't, but I much prefer to be alone. :-)

  24. LOL @ Wanna! You could do that while at uni Chris! A perfect combination AND it would tie in nicely with studying anatomy subjects!

    PS. 'Nuf of this "too old" bs, k?

  25. Hey life would be no fun if I stayed out of the gutter... hehe

  26. old are you again?? I made a major career change at 44 - you're never too old!

    I think something crafty AND that involves people. Maybe you have a calling in interior decorating?

    And if long-term training seems daunting, how about looking into some short courses to begin with? They're not expensive and you can see whether you like the work without a big commitment.

  27. OH!! could start one of those businesses where you go into people's messy houses and offices and help them organise their crap. You've had practice, tidying up after the teenagers. ;-)

    I can hear you now.... "Eeeuwww! Were you people brought up by PIGS?"

  28. Oh heck....yeah loneliness....oh my, do I know all about that also.
    I start and wander around the house just waiting for time to go by BUT I should NOT do that, life is supposed to be a gift not waiting for it to pass eh?

    I also know about the job thingy with having to sort kids out and even going to college with the same holidays as schools was difficult.
    Getting them to breakfast club so I could get to college on time and paying a child minder to collect James from school until I got back does not come cheap AND WHAT REEEEEEAAAALLY annoyed me was that some months the child minder only collected James ONCE.....BLUMMIN ONCE!!! AND yet I still had to pay her the full months money ANNNNND I had to pay her the same hours through school holidays even though my college holidays were exactly the same as schools and we were not at school or college BUT that is the way it is done over here.....RIP OFF BRITAIN.....OH YEAH! RIP OFF ALRIGHT!!! Maybe it is the same there with childminders....or maybe NOT.

    I totally refuse to go to work for someone else only to have to give half if not more of my wages away to a child minder so that is why I am going to....eventually start my mobile Beauty Therapy off and like you I had always wanted to go to train to be a nurse AND I nearly did but my so called loving mother but a stop to that, so later in life I done my Beauty Therapy course so I can still make people feel good....hopefully...heehee

    You have a good day, I wish I lived closer.

  29. I'd love to have the opportunity to do volunteer work like for Blood Donors, Cancer Society, RSPCA. It would definately get you out and about, support your community and feel like you are very much a contributing member of society ... all thought with 8 kids you have contributed heaps! LOL

  30. just had another thought ... scarey huh? LOL ... have you thought about training up your beautiful retriever and taking her to visit resthomes and hospitals? I'd love to do that with Calais - the sick and the invalids absolutely love these dogs of ours and you'd bring some much pleasure to them ... and Issy would LOVEEEEEEEE all the attention and affection from you and them. Kids, elderly and disabled ... man now that would be cool

  31. great idea to do some volunteer work!
    another idea is that you could go to uni and do a paper part time?

  32. OK, I have the perfect job for you: PERSONAL SHOPPER!! You get to shop, and you're spending OTHER people's money for them. And they pay you. :-)

  33. Awesome job on the number of steps BTW...


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