Wednesday, August 21, 2024


My new sneakers are ready for wearing.

So, I'm off on a walk this morning, probably the same one I did on my own last time.

Out towards the Expressway on Resolution Drive.

ABOVE:    I think they are lovely, compared to the last ones, which were black.

It's a 5 km walk, so I should be out for about an hour.

When I get home, I have a few jobs to do around the house. Washing, clean bathrooms etc.

Just boring shit really.  After that I will head into the sewing room and finish another Braid Runner.


Nuts I know, but I didn't want to get my new sneakers dirty, so I walked on the treadmill instead!

My feet feel fine after the walk, so I'm pretty happy about that.

I've done my jobs, though the washing is still 'washing', once it's done it will go on racks in the garage.

Until then, I'm now in my sewing room, about to work on another runner.

ABOVE: It's  now 1 pm and I have finished that one, and am 90% done on another one for today.

But I've had to stop. 

My back where I've pulled SOMETHING is hurting like mad. So I'm  lying on the couch with a hotpod..  maybe it will feel a bit better later on. 

I think I need to get some sort of ointment,  deep heat type for it. 

But for now.. rest and a painkiller.

I had some friends visit this afternoon, so I didn't get back to the sewing room.

One of my visitors this afternoon was super impressed with the bathroom, and what we have done to it.  He's going home to take a look at his bathroom now.  He loved the half blue walls and panelling.  

The long hot soak in the bath will be happening after dinner.  I'm so relieved we put it in, it is worth it's weight in gold.

Sorry, no photos of visitors, I was too busy yakking!  lol  Funny that. 

Once Stew gets home from work, we are going to our favourite Indian Restaurant for dinner.  I'm tired, have a headache and backache, and just don't feel like cooking.  I might even indulge in a little glass of BRUT.  

ABOVE: Far out!  I just looked online and found I can buy those little bottles in the supermarket (a 4 pack) for $20!   I think they charge double that at the restaurant!  Might not get a drink at the restaurant now.  

I think a quick stop at the supermarket on the way home is on the cards.  I quite enjoy a little glass of bubbles now and then.

8 pm:  Dinner was lovely as per usual.  I did not get any wine after all that, because I had taken some pretty strong pain killers.  Not a good idea to mix them with grog.

But, I will be getting some from the supermarket soon.  As Stew said, a little glass of wine every now and then will be nice for me.  He's got his beer and the odd rum and coke on the weekend.

And now, it's time to sign off for the day.  We are both really tired (not sleeping well), so are going to bed in the next hour or two.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Love the new sneakers! And they look blue too! I am going to be needing a new pair so the review is super helpful. There is like a million different ones to chose from.

  2. The new sneakers look lovely. I think you need a second pair ... lol ... you can have one pair for "outdoor" mesdy use and one pair for "indoor" clean use 😀

    1. They are quite expensive... having two pairs would be a bit extravagant! Nice thought though. 😊

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Bath tub soak time!

    1. BLOODY HELL!!! Why didn't I think of that???? Ain't had a bath in this house long enough to remember its there!

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Wow that table runner is gorgeous. I would find it pretty hard to choose one. Bath sounds good for your back.take cate of you my friend. Kj

  5. Gee drink one before restaurant and one on way home score
    PRELOAD hahaha

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    That runner is. Gorgeous. I love the white, aqua and black spotty? Fabrics. So different but I can't buy any. Got my own shop fill to use first lol. Kj


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