Thursday, August 29, 2024



Today I'm off to Cambridge AGAIN!  Luckily today's walk doesn't start until 9.30, so I don't have to get up too early.

After the walk I must take my car key in to get a new battery, before I can't start my car.  The KEY light has been flashing for a while now and I didn't realise it meant the battery was getting flat!  True blonde moment when the kids told me last night!

Once I've got the key battery sorted out, I'm heading back to Hamilton to have lunch with Lacy.  I am looking forward to that.

So, until later....


OMG... the worst night ever. No matter what position I lay in, my goddam back hurt LIKE HELL. I took copious pain killers all night long to no avail.

So I decided after my walk to go to the doctor.

Walk was awesome.  I took Coco, and she managed the 5.7 km distance just fine!

ABOVE: I've always loved this swing outside a home for all to use.

ABOVE: Lunch at Lacy's was just lovely. I am now here...

ABOVE: Sitting in the car park, outside the doctors, waiting for them to open at 1pm. 

I'm third in the queue,  so shouldn't have to wait for too long once the doors open. 

Mini update... more when I get home.

Look what I've got:


It is now 4.08 pm, and I am FINALLY home.

The doctor was wonderful, gave me painkillers and the combination to take them in, so hopefully the pain can be controlled.

Then he sent me for an x-ray, to make sure I hadn't damaged anything when I initially hurt my back.
 I feel like there's just been one thing after another with my aches and pains of late!
Not fun.

Anyway, x-ray is done and the technician reckons it's a muscular issue, not bones.  So do I.

I got my second Shingles Vaccination while at the doctors, so lots going on today.

So happy I have Trulicity again... seems you just need to know where to go... and my Doctor did.  So I shouldn't have a supply problem again.
It DOES curb one's appetite, and that's what I really need.

I've been home long enough to get some dinner cooking (Spaghetti Bolognese), which Stew and I can have either this evening, after he's been to the pub, or we can have it tomorrow night.

I'm utterly knackered.  I felt quite ill around midday, just soooo tired really.  I sure hope I can sleep tonight cos this relentless pain is horrible.
I thought I was coming right, until LAST NIGHT!

ABOVE: Today's walk photo.  I don't know why I decided to take Coco today, but she LOVED IT!  I could never take both dogs, before you ask.  It was challenging enough with just Coco, her darting here, there and everywhere non stop.

ABOVE: The walk stats.  It was a bit longer than advertised.  If I'd known it was that long I might not have taken Coco, but she managed the distance just fine.  You would never know she was 14 years old!

Before I left Cambridge, I stopped in at Super Cheap Auto and got both my car keys batteries replaced.
I'll not let them go flat again.

Now I'm just waiting for Stew to come home, then I'll take him to the pub and visit Steve, Bex and the kids. 

We've had a lovely evening, I enjoyed seeing the family, and the dogs had a play date with the kids.
I joined Stew at the pub at 7 pm and we had hot chips (shared at the table with anyone who could reach them - lol), then home to wind down and watch the telly till bedtime.

The combination of pain killers the doctor prescribed has WORKED!  My pain in now under control.  Thank Goodness.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I can change all of our car keys? YouTube is your friend for this.

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Wow can you just walk in and get an appointment at Dr.....made my appointment 3 weeks for next Tuesday glad im not dieing Felicity

    1. Yep. The only place in Hamilton where you can just walk in, apart from A and E.

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I know what a sore back is like. Besides the replacement hip I also have a compressed fracture of the spine. Lots of painkillers at the mo. Anne - Palmy

  4. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Chris I’ve had both shingles jas, first one just a sore arm, second one I couldn’t keep my eyes open the next day, made me so tired. Marie, Melbourne

  5. Anonymous8:20 PM

    You had a good day!..good you have the trulicity back so good for the diabetes...Peta

  6. Thank goodness you are feeling better. Back pain is the worst! Take care.


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