Wednesday, April 12, 2023


 I've woken up with a nasty headache. 

So first up... panadol.

Once that works ... well it will be a sewing day for me.

And I'm gunna sit down and write up a 'menu' for the week. Trying to make sure I stay on track so I can reverse that shitty weight gain. 

Off to the supermarket soon.  I've just tidied up the laundry area, and there's quite a few gaps in my cleaning supplies.

So... I might grab some nice meats for lunch options while there as well.

Headache is easing, thank goodness.

Oh the joys.

When we had visitors over the weekend I realised it would have been nice if two people on the lounge suite could have put their feet up.
So yesterday I pulled the coffee table out so the recliners could be used.
And turned them on.

One worked, one did not.
They were both working when they were delivered 14 months ago, but we have not used them.

I rang Nick Scali, and after being on hold for 36 minutes, I finally got a person to talk to.

He tried to tell me that if you don't use the recliners, they stop working after a period of time!  BULLSHIT.  And that's what I said to him too.

Now... I have to wait a couple of hours for the service man to let me know his schedule, so he can come out and investigate what's wrong.

I'm not impressed so far with their 'post purchase service'.

I'm not getting much done today!  Though to be honest I don't feel like doing much.  It's a wet, miserable day and I'm cold.  
Let the:  'I'M COLD' bitching commence! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜–πŸ˜Š 

ABOVE:  Too funny not to share.

ABOVE:  NEVER ask Steve to take a photo for you!  He does THAT.

I mucked around this afternoon moving a few things around in the family room.  I took the large coffee table away from in front of the corner lounge suite, and positioned it between Stew and my chairs.   I don't think I will be putting a coffee table in the middle of the room again.
That way the recliners can be used.

Stew just got home and dissuaded me from selling the two seater sofa that is in the dining room.  It gets to stay. 

7.31 pm:  Another good day here.  I didn't get a lot done, but that doesn't matter.  As long as I'm happy eh?
And I am.  No stress is great.


  1. Good morning! I am procrastinating and doing literally ANYTHING rather than working. Including.... exercising - so perhaps THAT is a good thing!

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

    That pic of Steve🀣🀣🀣

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I hope your headache is better. Ky Girl

  4. Kiwionholidays5:01 PM

    Do hope you get some satisfaction with Nick Scali re the lounge suite,
    That time frame from brand new is not acceptable.Please keep us updated πŸ‘

    That top yesterday on you was fabulous,,
    Love bright n colourful,,

    Pic of Steve , That’s scary 😦

    Take care
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  5. Omg, Steve that pic !!

  6. There seems to be zero quality in new purchases these days let alone service. Good luck getting the couch sorted out. Nice pic Steve!

  7. It stops working if you don't use it. HA. Nice try.


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