Thursday, April 06, 2023


 I asked Stew to make me get up early this morning.  

I'm going over to Cambridge for an FBG walk.

It's the LAST THING I FEEL LIKE DOING,  but I have promised myself that I'll do more walks this year.

So... I'm up and ready to go.  MEH.

There will be a flask of me hot drink in the car for afterwards.  I will walk with that in mind, as my 'reward' for doing it.

Once home again, I will wash all the floors, and make up the spare bed.

We are expecting Mike 'n' Joyce for the weekend, I'm really looking forward to seeing them again. 

WILDLIFE at the OFFRAMP today:

- 5 Rabbits  
- 2 Ducks 
- 1 Pukeko

Not bad!  😂😅😉

A very foggy, crisp morning to be out and about in.

It was wonderful.  I love walking in cooler weather.  And with lovely company.  I hardly noticed the distance, I must be getting fitter?

Either way, I enjoyed my early start.

Now?  Housework.
OH and Darling, thanks for making the bed.  Nice to come home and see it done.  One less thing to do.

I just put a loaf of bread on in the breadmaker!
First time since we were selling our Cambridge home.
It's about the only time we seem to use it... to make the house smell delicious on Open Home Days.
But today I just thought it would be nice to make some bread.
First up, a Date Loaf.  Later on, I shall make a Herb and Garlic loaf as well.
They will be handy for weekend visitors to snack on.

Gosh, I'm feeling all sorts of house wifey!  😂😊
Guess what you will be shown... later!  I bet ya can hardly wait.  *snort*  🍞🍞🍞

ABOVE:  Today's walk photo.  It shows me how far I still need to go to be a 'normal' size.  *sigh*
It's a bit depressing actually. I'm sick to death of being fat.

ABOVE: My first loaf of bread in 3.5 years, and it's not looking very good.
I was supposed to use 'Sure Bake' Yeast, but the supermarket didn't have any of that brand, so I got another sort.  I hope that was the problem.
I'm now going out to another supermarket to find the Sure Bake Yeast.  *sigh*
I hope that loaf at least tastes OK.

4.30 pm:  And the second loaf is in the bread maker.  This time with Sure Bake Yeast.  And it's a Garlic and Herb loaf.  Should be finished around 8.30 this evening.  Fingers crossed for a perfect outcome.

9.15 pm:  Mike 'n' Joyce let us know that they were going to Taco Bell in Taupiri for their dinner before coming back to ours.  So Stew and I went out there to surprise them.  It was neat to have dinner with them there.
Then back home, where we were joined by Steve, Bex and the boys.

ABOVE:  Lovely busy, noisy night with them all here.  And three dogs to fuss over.

Now it's gone quiet as Steve, Bex and the boys have gone home.

Time to sign off for the night.  
OH and I have news in relation to the Hair Salon too.  More on that tomorrow.


  1. Great effort Mike n Joyce will for sure notice your weight loss Joyce might go walking with you? Over Easter have a great day.

  2. You will be glad you walked. You are doing really well ! I know how easy it is to procrastinate or avoid exercise. I am a pro!

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    You are doing really well with the weight loss. You are a bigger person (like me!) than most of the people you walked with (they will probably always be thinner than you so try not to compare. You are not fat now so stop thinking that way! Audrey

  4. Stop being so hard on yourself Chris. You have came a long way on this weight loss journey. Plus you are doing it on YOUR terms nobody else getting in your ear & saying you should do this or that.
    Keep up your good work.Doing what you are happy with.

  5. 8m with you on that feeling Chris I get so upset with myself for gaining my weight back and just can't get motivated to loose it AGAIN for the millionth time

  6. But look at how far you have come. Try taking measurements to give yourself a confidence boost

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I love date bread. Enjoy it and your company! Ky Girl

  8. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Date bread sounds delicious. But if I had a bread maker I'd eat it all. Kj

  9. I had to look up 'Pukeko'. Just because the bread collapsed a little doesn't make it bad. Does it? It looks good!

  10. Don't be too sad about your bread. It looks like it was very good and I can just imagine it slathered with butter. How did your garlic and herb loaf turn out?

  11. What a wonderful weekend.


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