Sunday, June 21, 2020


QUIET?  Ha ha ha.

Dante and Archer are anything but quiet.

They are perfectly normal little boys... LOUD and boisterous. 

So, we are bound to have them jump into bed with us any minute now... oh yaaaa.  lol

This morning Steve is finishing a job for some friends (fixing flooring and a wall that got flooded), then him, Bex and the boys are going to Te Awamutu to visit Bex's brother and SIL, who just had a new baby girl.

I will be stitching some bunting together...

ABOVE:  I will be joining the 3 meter length of pretties (top row) first.

After that I will probably take a break and spend some time with Stew.  We might go to Tirau for lunch and browse in the shops.  

That should be a nice little outing for us.


Ok... we are in Tirau. Waiting on our lunch.

We did some shopping...

ABOVE: Guess what we bought. Lol

Shouldn't be too hard.

ABOVE:  Yeah, I got a fish.... or two.  And a new birdhouse too.
All made out of driftwood.

ABOVE:  And there they are on the fence.  Might just have enough fish now.  lol

Stew has put roast pork in the oven for dinner.  And Bex keeps talking about Lemon Pie or Cheesecake.... but not for today dammit.

She's dreaming about using the brand new oven in their new house.... and for the first time ever they will have a dishwasher ... that doesn't talk.  (Said Steve, referring to Bex, the shit)

10.45 pm:  all is quiet in my house.  Visitors have left and arrived home safely.  This weekend's visit was probably the last one they will make where they actually stay overnight!

In two weeks they will live here in Hamilton, and sleepovers will no longer be necessary!

They can just pop in whenever they like then go home again.  It will take them like.... 3 minutes to get here.  *smiles*

I'm about ready for bed, so catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Tirau is such a cute place hopefully the weather there is better than here. When is moving in day? George's Mum.

  2. Did you buy something in that photo? A giant fish? Will you be painting it different shades of blue?

  3. I was thinking the umbrella....

  4. Fish to hang on your fence with the “bubbles”.

  5. I did well, surprised myself. I was torn between the fish and the birdhouse. The fish look fabulous.

  6. Thought it would be the fish..I love them.

  7. yaaaaayyy for the new house and the impending move!!! How exciting xxxxxxx

  8. Tirau is a great place to browse around. Love your fish :)

  9. I love those fish and your birdhouse. It will be wonderful to have family so close. Jean


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