Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Today I need to contact an HRV company.  We need the filters cleaned or replaced asap.
I seriously doubt the previous owners of this home had them looked at or cleaned at all during the 18 months they were here.

Now that we are at Level 3 we should be able to get someone here to do it, keeping all the necessary precautions in place.

Also today we are hoping Lacy finally gets safely home, after being in lockdown up in Whangarei.  Hopefully we hear from her soon to say she's on her way.

What else?  Not much!
Stew will be working all day.
I will do more sewing after attending to the housework.

It really is the same stuff every day right now!

A couple of mornings ago we had a cracker jack fog hanging around and it was horrible and cold.

And it prompted me to say to Stew I really didn't think it was worth me doing the Cambridge Market any more.

Two reasons really.  1. It's not profitable most of the time and 2.  I hate standing out there in the cold for 8 out of the 12 markets in the year.

Seriously... I get so cold I could cry.  And now that we don't live in Cambridge anymore, Stew has to stay with me the whole time.  So he's cold too.

For what?  Certainly not for the money!  I do enjoy the social interaction... but not when I end up freezing cold and miserable.

So... I am handing in my notice.  Then I shall just concentrate on the two Church markets that are profitable for now.  And also perhaps go back to having an Online Facebook page for selling my stuff?  There might be a few once a year markets I can get into as well in the area?  I will check it out over time.

I could also set up a space in my garage (once Lacy's out of it of course) and have a go at selling from home too?  Worth a thought.

So... plenty to think on and do/find out about.
But for now, enough waffling.  I'm off to do some housework.  Oh yaaa.

ABOVE:  Too funny not to share with ya.


I had a quick look on Facebook while having my brunch just now.  And I'm so incensed.

So many people seem to think going to Level 3 meant they could just travel anywhere within their 'region'.  Ah NO.  You still have to stay LOCAL... not go 50-60 kms away to catch a bloody fish!  Or walk on the beach. Or climb a mountain.  WTF are people thinking?
I fear we will be back in Level 4 before we know it.

I applaud EVERYONE who is doing the right thing.  THANK YOU.

So I rang the HRV place here in Hamilton and left a message. Still waiting to hear back from them.

I've spent the last 2 hours on the phone/internet trying to find a particular cotton thread I need for my cot quilts.  Still no luck.  Grrrrr.

ABOVE:  Two of my dearest friends in the entire world, Sandra and Chris D.  They live in Palmerston North.  I miss them so much.  Anyway... Chris has been on her own during Level 4, but yesterday she was added to Sandra's bubble.  So happy they are together again, and Chris is not alone any more.

Though she does have her two adorable little dogs, Buddy and Harley to keep her company.

We got a knock on the front door  just before.  It was one of our neighbours and her little Grandson, Arlo.
Arlo wanted to hand deliver a letter to me.
Just the cutest little 5 year old!!!

He's usually very reluctant to write his Grandma told me... but he had no problem writing a letter to me:

ABOVE:  How darn adorable is that?  
He rather enjoyed looking at our fish too... though I had a couple of mini heart attacks with him on the bridge!

STEVE:  we do need side rails!  ASAP.  In a very rustic sorta way ... we can discuss it when we get together again.  *smiles*

Lacy... is half way home.  There goes our left overs every day.  lol

And FINALLY... I have found a stockist of the thread I want!  Way down in Petone, Wellington.  I'm just waiting to hear if they have the colour I want, and when they can send it to me.  Until then, I'm not stitching the cot quilts.

Whoop whoop!   They do have the thread I want, and more.  So I just ordered a heap... enough to ensure I don't run out in a hurry.  So relieved.
Now I just have to sit and wait for it to be delivered.  

ABOVE:  AND ... she's home.  Marley hid behind the curtain until she got enticed out for a cuddle.
Lacy had no problems on her drive home thank goodness. 

A lovely dinner tonight of chicken steaks, fresh bread rolls and a lettuce/egg salad.  It was actually just as nice as the takeaway meal we had last night!

Time to sign off and enjoy an evening of TV, maybe some craft in me sewing studio?  Dunno yet... depends how lazy I feel.  lol


  1. If you re not doing the Cambridge markets you can now pop along when it warms up a bit & wander around catching up with all your friends and looking at the other stalls. That way you get the social side without the work& arse freezing :-)

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Have a garage sale to sell your goodies

  3. Good luck Lacy on your trip home.Dont forget, no public toilets open on the way home.will be able to relax when you get there so let us all know.THE OLD MOO

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      was a nice drive Granny, no trouble and nice weather 😊
      #Lacy 💙

  4. Anonymous2:24 PM

    How nice of Arlo bless. Drive safely Lacy George's Mum.

  5. How sweet of Arlo.

    And welcome back Lacy

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Thanks Jen 😊
      #Lacy 💙

  6. What a lovely wee letter, Arlo sounds adorable.

    Welcome home Lacy, glad you arrived safely.

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      thanks Tracy was a nice drive 😊
      #Lacy 💙

  7. Good to see you home lacy xx

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      thanks Sis xx
      #Lacy 💙

  8. Kiwionholidays5:29 PM

    Fab post n welcome back Lacy from sunny Northland l,
    Love the way Marley acted shy .. They know the score that’s for sure lol

    What a neat wee letter,
    Love the innocence of the wee ones ,

    Fab to catchup with your girlfriends, we forget what it’s like for those on their own , and it’s so neat to be back in touch with them

    The 📞 has been a lifeline here and across the tassie while this Covid 19 is all around,
    I am sure something will crop up for your sales of your lovely crafts

    Cheers 🥂

  9. Your tree is obviously bringing such joy to others just as your blog does.

    So great to see Sandra and Chris!! I at times miss Palmy, mainly only the people.

  10. You have giventhe market a good go Chris but agree who wants to freeze for little reward. The one off markets sound a better option. What an adorable letter and it just shows what you adornment of the tree has meant for people so be very proud. Great you found your cotton-what were you looking for? Glad Lacy has arrived home safe and sound.

    1. Marlene I was hunting for Gutterman SULKY, Variegated cotton. So thankful I finally found some in Wellington! I rang about 6 different places before finding any here in New Zealand! I almost resorted to ordering it from over seas.

    2. I have bought it at Spotlight before. So glad you found it.

    3. Yes so have I, but they don't have it listed online, and I tried to ring the shop multiple times to no avail. In the end I gave up on getting it from Spotlight until they open up to having customers in the shop again.

  11. How wonderful that your tree brings so much happiness to the neighborhood. Nice to see Lacy made it home safe and sound. Hope the level 3 sticks! Take care.


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