Saturday, February 28, 2009


LATE IN THE DAY POST: so shoot me, I slept in!

Gale force winds and torrential rain... WHERE?

The storm didn't happen... just rain:

Wouldn't wanna be that postie! Poor buggers having to work in this weather.. I suppose they are happy it's not gale force winds eh!

So..... taking the shitty weather into consideration, we shall be blobbing out in front of the telly today I reckon... and I can do some hand sewing... got lots of that!

Well... I don't think we could have done LESS today! It has been a long and miserable day... Stew hardly left his lounge chair, and I sewed. Talk about Darby and Joan!

Stew was a darling and made dinner... and I sewed some more!

Tomorrow... hell's bell's... more of the same I reckon. ... I mean, what can ya do when it's miserable outside???

End of Day... glad it's over. nite nite.


  1. sounds like nice hunker down weather! enjoy the telly!

  2. I'd almost forgotten what rain on a window looks like - ya lucky buggers!!

    enjoy your blobby day.

  3. Ahhh sleeping in, how nice! Looks like a great day to do it too!

  4. looks like we have a WHOLE weekend of rain and cold and mike said it may even SNOW! thats freakin insane today was in the mid 70's!

  5. We've had weird weather too this week. Snow yesterday, sunny and warm today. I want flip flop weather to arrive and stay put!!!!

  6. Chris, I just love how you've decorated your home. I wish I had the flair that you do.

  7. Crap weather here too, think I might have to take up some form of craft to mee busy, cuase I am bored bored bored lol
    Have a great weekend

  8. Sounds like a good day to me ;-)

  9. Your house looks really comfortable. Hope those gail force winds and torrential rain miss you compleatly.

  10. It's miserable here today too. Raining like crazy, cold and miserable. I don't mind days like this as long as I don't have to go anywhere. Today I have to go out..grr..

    I love your house Chris. It looks so homey. YOu did a great job.

  11. Mmm... the room looks comfy and neat. I don't know who Darby and Joan are, though.

  12. Rain. Sounds nice. Please send some over here to Texas - we need it!

  13. Light up that fireplace and you're talking cozy. :-)


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