Sunday, March 31, 2024



I'm eating chocolate today, and I don't care.

ABOVE:  Last night we bought chocolate for the kids, and adults.

That Whittaker's Choc Cross Bun', Limited Edition is amazing!  Yeah, we might have tried it last night.


Expecting family today, we are NOT eating all that shit on our own!

And if it's not all eaten, it will be taken home with the kids.  I don't want any left here, that's for sure.

A couple of days of self indulgence is quite enough.

A quarter of the year is already gone!  April tomorrow, and truly heading into winter soon.

The temperatures are dropping by the day, and the winds are getting up.

LOVE IT!   I can go walking almost any time of the day now.  

In three days I should get confirmation of our site at the Kinloch Market, which will be so good.  At that market we will get to meet lots of people that we never see at our Waikato markets... a whole lot of people who have never seen our products.  It's going to be fun!

So, while we don't have any family here yet, I will get into the sewing room and continue getting my fabrics ready for sewing.

I want them all cut out, so once I sit down at the sewing machine, it will just be sew, sew, sew.

ABOVE:  We laid the new memory foam topper pad on the front bedroom's bed, and left it for a few hours yesterday.  It poofed up beautifully.

I'm really happy with it, it's gunna make that bed so much more comfortable for visitors.

And... guess what?

That's all I have for now.


ABOVE:  Keera helping make morning tea.

ABOVE:  Stew checking out the chocolate...

He finished the Whittakers Hot Cross Bun Chocolate!  What a shit, I loved that one.

ABOVE: Lessons in nail care.

I showed Keera how the water came out of the spout in the bath.  And somehow...

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet ended up having a bubble bath!  Too cute.  She loved it.

Yep, Lacy jumped in for a photo too.

ABOVE:  I gave Steve some eggs. lol  😖😠 

ABOVE:  A nice shot of Lacy today. 

ABOVE:  Today's visitors.  

It's now early afternoon, and we are back to just the two of us.  I shall go and do some sewing soon I think.

ABOVE:  Lucky last for now... just me and our darling Keera.

 7.55pm:  It's done.  I have 146 bowl cosy inner and outer squares cut out!  I only needed 104, but got a bit carried away.  Never a problem as I'll need the extra ones eventually.
We have had an awesome day, love having family visit... and love a lazy afternoon too.

Time to sign off for the day.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a good day! Chocolate, family, and sewing!

  2. How lovely to see Keera. It's been a while. She is growing into a beautiful young woman.

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    What a great photo of Lacy
    Great family catch up

  4. Awesome family day 💗

  5. What is Keera making? It doesn't look like "tea". hee hee.

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Look at those tow dogs that's hilarious both tummy rub tarts 😂😂 GM 💙💙

  7. Happy Easter. No hotcross buns or special chocolate here. Yet. I shall have to bake my own buns lol
    Glad you had such a wonderful day....and variety of chocolate. Unbelievable

  8. What lovely family pics..
    Keera is gorgeous 😘


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