Thursday, February 08, 2024


 So...I'm still in bed.

Come back later. 

Here I am.  Better late than never I suppose.

There was no urge to get out of bed this morning.  I felt blah.

But now that I'm up, and done a few jobs... I'm feeling much better.

ABOVE: Today's gathering.  Our beautiful little 'Cherry Blossom Tree' has produced a really big haul of Peaches this season.  Such a good little tree.  For a Cherry Blossom.

And we are still getting a few tomatoes, and they are just delicious.

ABOVE:  My jig saw is coming along nicely.  I only do it after dinner.  

ABOVE: I had the pieces all ready for stitching for a Stay Open Bag, but kept putting it off.  I know why now.

I bloody well hate making them!

So I'm simply NOT going to.  I will turn these pieces into a runner!  Waste not and all that shit.

ABOVE:  Lunch.

And that's me for now.  I am going to finish my morning jobs, then head into the sewing room.

ABOVE:   Oi!  You cheeky little tart Joyce!  YES we did ascertain it was a PEACH at the end of the day. (how derr of us to not actually read the label at the time)

It was a very happy accident buying a PEACH tree instead of a Cherry Blossom.

ABOVE:  And NOW I remember why I've not done many 'Wave' runners lately!
It takes forever to join all the pieces together with a tight satin stitch!
Two hours in and I'm just over half way ...

ABOVE:  Wow that turned out better than I expected.  I love the KIWI on the end.

I'm now done in the sewing room for the day.
I'm off to have some lunch and then a swim.

ANON:  The round end runner was incredibly easy to do!  I didn't bind the edges like 'normal' either.  If I'd tried to bind it, it would have been a right bitch! lol

So Stew went to the pub this evening, and I visited the kids then picked Stew up and we came home.

It's now wind down time, we'll watch some telly, I'll work on me jig saw and then it will be bedtime.


  1. Joyce O9:26 AM

    You sure they're not apricots lol😂😝.

  2. That would make a very cool bag. For you ? Or bex? Or a future babies?

    1. There would have to be a MASSIVE change of mind for there to be another grandbaby. I keep working on them!!!

  3. Pretty cool cheery tree making peaches lol. I got 2 off my peach tree and 4 off cheaper to buy them than waste the water lol

  4. I like the runner too.

  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I am glad to hear you confirm the bags are too much effort. I read those directions and that is the conclusion I came to also.

    The runner is lovely, good save.

    I am glad you are using your pool regularly. I got out of the habit a couple years ago. We have a neighborhood pool, open in the summer.


  6. Love the runner, the colours are gorgeous and the kiwi makes it.

  7. Your tomatoes and peaches look very yummy. I wish we had a fruit tree (well we do have a very sad lemon tree ... lots of green leaves but very few lemons - even though we fertilise it). I hope you enjoyed your swim.

  8. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Runner is beautiful! What's trickier to do, a pointy end or round end?

    1. The round end was incredibly easy.

  9. Nice haul of produce from the garden. Enjoy!

  10. Love the runner and the kiwi. Gorgeous work as usual Chris.

  11. Anonymous10:11 AM

    It's Saturday and I'm still in bed at 10am. No need to go shopping and Noone to visit but I will get up and get onto my half finished quilt. Had another fall and slipped off the toilet!! Think it was a sugar low. Fell off me throne! Lol kj


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