Monday, January 08, 2024



ABOVE:  I'm so proud of my darling.  He's worked just as hard as me over the past 18 months to lose weight and get fitter.  He's done really, really well.  He hasn't been this weight since he was about 21 years old.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING, I hope you have a lovely day. I love you HEAPS. 💙 💚 💜 🍧 🍰 🍺 🎂 🍉 🍩 🍨

So our day will go something like this:  Buy two birthday cakes.

Take one to Stew's office, cos it will be nice to catch up with all the staff in the office, and share birthday cake with them.

Come home and spend the day doing this 'n' that.  Sewing.  Movies.  Jigsaw.  Family visiting. Etc.

ABOVE: This is the runner I finished late yesterday.  It is number 60.  When I made the very first one just over 5 months ago, I would never have imagined me making that many!

And now I can't imagine not making more.  

I am going to be revising what runners I continue making, what sells and what doesn't, and then work on having a smaller line of runners.  Obviously, Braid Runners are now top of the list.  😁😊

And that is me for now, I gotta go... 


ABOVE:  We got up bright and early this morning and took off for a walk around the lake.  It was WONDERFUL.  The sun was behind clouds, so I didn't overheat.

ABOVE:  Cut half a minute off our time compared to the last lake walk.  I have decided NOT to do any more jogging, and just walk at my pace.  That way I don't put unnecessary stress on me knees etc.  

After our walk we popped into the supermarket  and grabbed the cakes, and other stuff for a family dinner this evening.

Now I need to pull finger and get a move on, we are due at Stew's office in an hour.

12.50 pm:  And we are finally home after our little outing.  Morning tea with the staff was neat, so was the carrot cake.

After that we went on the hunt for two teddy bears. It's been a tradition of mine to buy each new grandchild two identical teddies.  This time I left it quite LATE, but after pounding the aisles in Chartwell Square ( no luck there), then everywhere at The Base, we finally found what we were looking for.

PHEW... I was starting to think we were never going to find 'the one', let alone two of them.

I can relax now.

Stew and I are now having our lunch.  I'm having crackers, cheese and chutney again.

I spent some time in the sewing room this afternoon.  It's too cloudy to sunbathe or swim (well for me anyway).

Then I went out with Bex for a check up... all is good... nearly locked and loaded.

Nearly time for birthday cake, ice creams and far too much food.

OMG  ... I'm full as a bull.  Dinner was so nice.  The cake was too rich, but I still had a piece.  And an ice cream.  I think everyone left on a sugar high!
Now that everyone has left, we are going to wallow for a while before...


  1. Happy Birthday Stew!

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Have a fun birthday!

    Round is a pain, I know.

    But if you made them with muslin in the corners, so they were square for all the steps, you would not have to deal with “round” until you bound them. (You would pitch the corners.) This could be a mariner’s compass (fun to make) or a star.

    Also, square might be desirable to some people.

    I still think you should do a neutral and see how quickly it sells.


  3. Happy birthday Stew!

  4. Have a Happy Birthday Stew.

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Happy Birthday Stew!

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Its Laurie-dont know why it is showing anonymous

  6. I concur... You do NOT need to jog ever!

  7. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Happy Birthday Stew! you are both looking great...Peta

  8. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Happy birthday Stew. Good job on finding the bears. Marjorie

  9. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Happy Birthday Stew! It is awfully sweet of you to treat your co-workers. And carrot cake to boot!! May your day be extra awesome for you! Ky Girl

  10. Happy birthday Stew ive tried getting on line all day to wish u birthday greeting but life hasn't allowed it until now. No little bundle as gift yet....still time.

  11. Happy birthday Stew

  12. Happy birthday to Stew. Great idea to buy twin teddy bears ... if they are the favourite toy, there will always be a spare - even when being washed etc 🙂

    1. That is why I have always bought two. Griffin lost one of his, but I have the other one.

  13. I like the good MOrning Shih Tzu.

  14. Happy Birthday Stew. It was my birthday yesterday.....

    1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR yesterday Christine! Sorry I missed it somehow.

  15. Happy Birthday to Stew.

    Glad you found the Teddy Bears.

  16. Sue aka coffee slut10:39 PM

    Happy Birthday to Stew!!!

  17. Happy Birthday Stew. Congratulations all round. Kronia polla Kai kala. Wishing you many happy years

  18. Happy Birthday Stew!


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