Friday, April 29, 2022


 With all the long weekends we've had lately, and Stew being home on holiday too... I'm damned if I know what day it is.

I was totally sure it was Saturday today! 

This week has obviously dragged.

This morning I am going to work on the third quilt block, maybe even the fourth too.

But not before I go out and buy a new iron.

The iron I got from Martyn leaks at the bottom by the power prongs, and it scares the shit outta me... water and electricity?  Yeah nah.

So, that's what I shall do first today.

10 am.  I go to Briscoes for an iron (or two).

ABOVE: For a change there isn't 24+ to choose from!  Only 9!
I chose a cheaper one for ironing clothes, and a more expensive one for the sewing room.

Then I go up to the counter to pay.  But first, I ask the sales lady if they are going to be on SALE in the next few days.
Cos you know, it would be really annoying to miss out on a sale by a few days.

AND the sales lady told me they would be on sale at 3 PM TODAY!!!

So I tell her to hold on to them for me, I'll be back at 3 pm.   😅😆😆

She told me that if you buy something and then it goes on sale within the next two weeks, you can go back for a refund of the sale price difference?  Never knew that!  Worth storing in me head.

After that, I called in on Bex and borrowed her iron for the time being.
Then I popped into Brylee's new abode (she just moved into a new place today).  I took her a pie for brunch.
Now... I'm home and gunna get back to me sewing room.

ABOVE:  Number three.  Hands down my favourite so far.   Looking at it like this, I can see I need to 'tweak' those three falling  heart petals... off to do that before I iron it all down permanently. 

ABOVE:  OH MY GOD!   I love it so much!
No stitching done yet.  Maybe by the time I finish it all I will be totally over it?
But for now?  It's stunning.

Brylee is visiting.  She's entertaining the dogs.  And yakking.  😂😊

ABOVE:  And... bang on 3 pm I was at the Briscoes counter, buying my two new irons.

The combined cost for them was $219.98 ... but I paid $104.98, saving $115.00.
You simply cannot get a better deal than that.

So now... it's take a break time.  I've been on the go all day.

Well.... I added more during the late afternoon... and then blogger ATE IT.
So I can't be arsed adding any more in case it happens again.
We had a lovely dinner, silly bugger type dinner.
Now... watching the TV till bedtime.


  1. Wow as Briscoes always have sales that info is worth storing in head for sure.. hope Brylee is settled this time i know how exhausting it is shifting how does her shoulder hold up lugging boxes.

  2. Wishing Brylee all the best with her new home. She must be sick of moving. Nice that clerk filled you in on the store's sales policy. I hope these irons are good for you. I have used the same iron for 20 years but I am married to a farmer so no shirt ironing there. I also rarely use the steam option. When I do I put distilled water in it, otherwise I use a spray bottle with distilled water in it. We have hard water here and it kills appliances and stains all white fabrics. It even makes white dishes dingy.

  3. Good luck Brylee, I hope you have found a place that welcomes you and becomes your home for a long time!! I'm so glad you didn't buy those irons at Briscoes until the sale... No1 rule in NZ, don't buy anything at Briscoes unless it's on sale :)

  4. Anyone else notice that the "comment" section looks different now when you leave a comment?
    Anyhow..... What is up with Brylee's new abode? Is she on her own or does she have room mates?
    I wish her well!
    Why does the clothing Iron get the downgrade? Poor Stew. I assume that is for his work duds!
    Joking of course! I know nothing about Irons - I only use it to melt wax on skis.

  5. I have an iron but it's gets bugger all use but it's there if I need it 😅 yay for Brylee hope it's a cool pad for you 💙💙

  6. Love the fabric pieces very bright.
    Nice weather for moving that’s for sure in a move I love the minimising styling and CLEAN sheets lol

  7. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Your quilt is going to be gorgeous. That square is my favorite too.

  8. OMG everything is so expensive there. I paid $15 for my iron lol. The quilt blocks are BEAUTIFUL! Love them!


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