Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 The electricians were here for almost 3 hours yesterday.

The good news is the heat pump in my sewing room is 100% OK.

Serviced and working.

The bad news is the heat pump in the hallway is working, but the magnetic pump that takes away the water generated is not working.  So that has to be fixed today, before the temperature in the roof gets too hot for them to work in!

Yesterday it was 50 degrees C!

The EXTRA BAD NEWS is the heat pump in the family room is DEAD.  The Master circuit board is dead and cannot be replaced with a new one as they are obsolete.

The electrician is trying to source a second hand master circuit board for us.  If he can't get one, it means no heat pump in the family room for now.

So today I have to get up bright and early as the electricians are due back here around 8 - 8.30 am.

While they are here I will get back into the garage and get on with tidying it up.

Catch ya later.

9.42 am: The electricians are here working away on the heat pumps.
I've been mucking around in the sewing room/garage.

ABOVE:  Because I don't have many flowers in my gardens, this is why I bough those cute little vases.  Just big enough for a flower or two.

Right.... back to the garage.

The electricians have left.  We now have two working heat pumps/air con units.
The electrician said the one in the hallway is really good, but whoever put it there wasn't thinking straight!
It's in a dreadful position and might as well not be there at all!
I tend to agree.

As for the family room unit, he's still trying to track down a 2nd hand master circuit board.  Failing that, we will have to buy a new unit for there.

ABOVE:  I just put that little gate there.  Don't know why I'd not thought of it before.  It goes there perfectly.

I'm not making much progress in the garage.
I feel sick whenever I try to do anything actually.
Pretty much just feel like I want to lie down and sleep.  My head is pounding and I just feel blah.

7.22 pm:  Well the day got better.
I had a swim which was so refreshing and fun.
Playing with the little boys in the pool.

Bex helped me a  bit moving stuff in the garage, not that I moved much.  But it's much better organised now and tidier.
So is the sewing room.

I ended up getting quite a bit done today.  Very happy with that.

Time to sign off for the day and just relax.  Enjoying a visit from Amanda right now, she came to pick up a few things for her work, and she ended up staying for dinner.


  1. I hope the repairs can be made rather affordably. This was a bit unexpected!

  2. Bugger about the heat pumps :-)

  3. Ouch about heat pumps lets hope your run of service men coming thru the house comes to an end soon

  4. I do not understand about heat pumps at all, so this might be a ridiculous suggestion, can they move the hall one to replace the broken one?

  5. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I hope you are feeling better sooner than later! Ky Girl

  6. Can they move the one from the hall into the family room? Not sure what a heat pump is to be honest.
    Lie down and rest. Your body is telling you.

    1. Reverse cycle air conditioner to us!

    2. Thanks, Barbara. Sort of makes sense!

  7. It doesn't sound like you should be working away in the garage feeling the way you do. Go in, turn on the air con. And Chill Out!

  8. Rest Chris for fucks sake listen to your body!! The heat certainly won't be helping 💙💙

  9. Thanks for dinner mum 🥰

  10. Hopefully all the Air Cons get sorted out quickly. Take care.


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