Wednesday, March 03, 2021


 Today I'm going to town.

I plan on meeting up with Stew and doing some business, then going to lunch.

After that, I shall come home and continue working on the latest Table Runner.

I feel bad that I didn't do much on it yesterday, but I was having a very so-so day, and just didn't have any energy.

I hope today is better in that regards.

Last night at Cards, one of the ladies brought along some Passion Fruit to give away, and I scored it.

So, what can I bake using passion fruit ladies?

I would love a nice slice recipe, anyone got one that is tried and true?

Right, I better get a move on.  Not that I have to be outta here early, but the hair....  well the hair needs a wash/dry/tart up.

And that can take a while!  Not to mention the face.  😊

2.50 pm:  Yes, I know, I've not updated all day!

Well... 'business' took a while in town.  Then I decided I didn't want to stay in town for lunch, and came home.

Then Lacy arrived for a visit and chat.

Then once she left I decided to lie down for a nana nap...

And I'd love to say that worked.  But no.  One's brain would not switch off, so I just lay there for an hour thinking of all the things I could be doing.

But didn't want to.

Then Stew rang, cos I'm sure he was concerned that I'd not updated all day... and wanted to check up on me.  Thanks Darling.  I'm fine.

Just ... you know, a bit flat.  

But, I will bounce back eventually.  This is a temporary glitch.

And then... Amanda called in for an hour or so.  And it was nice to listen to someone else's woes for a while!

She too is going through a tough time.  But at least she had some good news today.

Once she left, I sat and thought about 'stuff'... and after another communication this afternoon... I think one issue might just get resolved eventually.

That might be a load off my mind, for now at least.

Tonight Stew and I are having Lamb Rissoles, Mashed potatoes and veges for dinner.  With gravy.

Should be yum.  Sorry Lacy, there won't be any leftovers!

11.15 pm: And yes, dinner was lovely.  I had out just enough for the two of us.  I'm loving cooking for just Stew and me.

Nicely tired now, so off to bed.  Looking forward to a better day tomorrow.  


  1. This is my go to ! It never fails and it tastes delicious!,to%20edges%20and%20press%20down%20with%20your%20hands.

    1. Thanks Tania, I will certainly try that one.

  2. Passionfruit curd :-)

  3. Tiredness is understandable seeing everything that has gone on in your life of late. And sometimes new meds can knock you around a bit, too.
    I must be the only person in the world who doesn't get passionfruit. Why on earth would you eat pips?

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    You are allowed to have days like that. Rest and rechargeπŸ’—

  5. Sorry you are feeling flat. I hope things get easier soon.

    Would you like a recipe for passion fruit melting moment biscuits? They are amazing!

    Much love, Penny xxx

  6. I've never eaten anything with passion fruit but I've heard it's good. Hang in there Chris!

  7. oh no!!!! Very sad face!!!!.... I adore passionfruit, put it on museli or make smoothies or gelato mmmmmmmmmm

  8. ....its ok lol i do Lamb Chops πŸ₯© not Rissoles 😁
    #Lacy πŸ’™

  9. It stinks to feel ..What did you call it? Flat? I wish I could come sit quietly with you and eat passionfruit something or other and do puzzles.

    1. Wouldn't that be wonderful! Sadly, you are on the other side of the world.

  10. Oh hun, you have a lot on your mind. Relax and simply regroup. You’ve got this Chris. πŸ˜€

  11. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Okay - I am glad your day turned around a bit for you because that is the saddest picture of you that I have seen yet, Chris. I would give anything to hug and hold you and to try to help to relieve your anguish. I hope things are better for you today and more peaceful on your mind. XO, Ky Girl

  12. Aww sorry to hear you had a rough day. Take care!


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