Monday, November 27, 2017


Today I've got three things on.

But first up, get Miss Muppet to school, then grab a bit of cash cos I need to pay for our Patchwork Christmas Lunch.

Next... off to Patchwork, where I shall be stitching my little hexie's together.  No more lugging my big machine around.  Yaaaa!

I have my little hexie bag ready to go:

ABOVE:  It is so cute!  It's actually a 'Fat Quarter' bag, but I've found another use for it.

After Patchwork I shall be coming home and doing a bit of housework... as ya do.
Also have my lunch and play with puppies.

They just love their ice cubes, so I'll be giving them some of those.  They make a right watery mess, but hey! It keeps them cool.

Second thing 'on' today is Weight Watchers at dinner time.  There is a new 'thing' being rolled out today, some 'tweaks' to the programme.  From what I have seen so far it's just additions to the 'FREE' foods list.
But I will find out more tonight for sure.

After WW I have another walk planned.  There seemed to be some interest in me posting walks in the evening still, so I have two planned this week.

I'm also going to Aqua Fit on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  So I think I'm getting my 'quota' of exercise in per week?

Bex and Steve are on to it... they are sussing out what school to send Keera and Dante to next year. There are several to choose from in their NEW area... I am sure they will have that all settled by the time the kids start next year.

If they do, they can visit the school over the holidays and show the kids where they will be going.  Great way to get them familiar with the place.  The Kindergarten for Archer is fairly close to their new home too!  It is going to be so handy for Bex!

I am SO RELIEVED I pushed Bex into looking again... they had a place lined up on Saturday morning which they thought they would get, but I told them 'NO'... it wasn't suitable and they listened!  

So, so happy they found and got the one they did ON THE SAME DAY, it's perfect.

I'm so excited, you'd think it was ME moving!  But seriously, they needed to move.  This is going to be so positive for them.

So... that's me for now... better get a move on.


3.10 pm:  today has gone like clockwork.  My morning at Patchwork was just lovely!  I'm slowly starting to feel happy there.

I was home at 12, just in time to see Griffin rise out of bed.  *sigh*

Since then I've done bugger all!  Looked at potential schools that the little kids might go to.... while in 'consultation' with Bex!  lol

Weight Watchers rolled out a 'new' thing today... and I'm NOT impressed at all.
more on that tomorrow.

Right now I'm going to get ready for my walk.
Feeling rather crabby so hopefully my walk cheers me up.

ABOVE:  Lovely walk tonight, but still HOT HOT HOT for me!  We had quite heavy cloud, threatening rain... so very oppressive.  I don't know how much longer I can keep walking in this heat.  If I go any later (therefore cooler), I will be walking on my own!  
Most of the FBG girls find 8 pm too late!

Oh well.. we will see what happens.

Winding down, cooling down... bed in a couple of hours.


  1. Good Morning Cambridge Tribe and Auckland Tribe lol xx

  2. I lay in bed last night thinking of miss muppet and how excited she will be to be living with the boys

  3. I'm so glad it's all happening over the Xmas holidays haha so many ajustments for all of us. 😊 and kids behaviors to also work on. 😂😂 Im more excited for keera to join us and decorating her room 😂😂

    1. I think I will make more bunting for her new room, so she's got heaps of it! *smiles*

  4. So exciting for Steve & Bex & the kids, new year, new house new start. I am sure there will be some challenging times ahead but that's life with kids.

    Enjoy your walk tonight :-)

  5. Saw bring out new programs every year to keep u buying there products

  6. I used to run at 9pm all the time because it was cooler lol

  7. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Tis me Blondie I can't get in on my own name again silly thing I have a lot of catch up to do


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