Friday, November 04, 2016


Today little Miss Muppet is off to Kindy for the morning, then once she gets home it will be lunch, then off to the Doctor's for her 4 year old Pre-School check up and immunisations.

Somewhere along the line, she didn't get her immunisations when she turned 4.  Oh well... better late than never.

She must have them so I can get her enrolled into Primary School.  And that has to be done asap too. I better not forget to get Stew's prescription while I'm at the Doctor's too... I've managed to forget for over a week now.  WHOOPS!

While Keera's at Kindy today, I am going to make a start on the quilting of her quilt.  I keep saying I'm going to do it, then get distracted by something else.  

So that's me day... 


ABOVE:  I think Santa needs to bring Keera a TENT.  A small, inside tent.  Yes? lol

ABOVE:  I have sewn all morning, and there is some progress.  I've probably done a sixth of it.

KEERA'S IMMUNISATIONS:  Got to the Dr's bang on time, answered all the questions, then it was time for her 2 injections.

I sat on a chair with Keera on my lap, facing out.  I held both of her arms down while Nurse #1 blew bubbles in front of Keera.
Meanwhile, Nurse #2 and Nurse #3 gave her an injection in each arm.

Keera didn't even FLINCH!  She didn't cry or anything, she just acted like they had done nothing!!!!  What an amazing kid.  Very proud of her.

We are are home now, and hopefully the rest of the day goes like a breeze too.  

The rest of the afternoon and evening have gone well.  Keera is fine too.  No reactions to her injections thank goodness.

It is now (holy hell!) after 1 am in the morning.  That's what happens when I get stuck into sewing!


  1. My three year old grandson has a teepee in his room with a battery powered pull chain light hanging from the center. It is his favorite place to sit with his stuffies and "read".

  2. I've bought inside tents for two nieces. One is a magical mushroom shape, the other a police car!! My grandkids have a pop up fire engine tent - the all love them.

  3. aaahhh pillow tents in the lounge room! My boys loved that (and still do) they would raid the linen cupboard and add sheets and blankets. Fun! ..... but bloody annoying to pack away LOL

  4. Here you go Chris... gorgeous.

    1. Actually this special finishes at midday... you'd need to buy it now. Mind you they have more specials all the time.

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    If you have big w there they have a blue and white tee pee in the outdoor section

  6. I actually just found one at my favorite thrift store for one of my great-grands for Christmas. They really do seem to love them-their own space.

    Shots- I still Hate them. lol

  7. Go Keera, not going to let a couple of little injections phase her :-)

  8. What a good girl. Little miss mias immunisation won't be something the nurses or us forget in a hurry. They came to our house we're here an hour there was screaming choking almost vomiting it took three of us to hold her down her poor mother index up with bruised leg from the boot she got and because she was so tense when they finally got the injection inshe ended up with s huge bruise herself.

    1. Poor kid! Some kids just don't cope well at all. Keera didn't get told what was going to happen at all, so she didn't even get a chance to crack a shit before hand!

  9. Wow keera well done for your injections. I'm dreading taking Dante for his. Maby grandma can do it haha. Hes gona scream. and a tent would be awsome I want one for when we get a bigger place. Xx

    1. I just took Ramona for her six month ones here today (she is seven months but her four month ones ran late because she was sick). Anyway. We both cried like mad. She looked very put out, and betrayed. Got momentarily distracted by the nurse blowing bubbles, then cried again. We got through it though. Sitting in the waiting room afterwards listening to other kids cry didn't help though!

      Good luck with Dante, and go Keera! Penny xo

  10. Surprised they let you get her shots - it's a paperwork nightmare here between various forms of guardianship and then insurance. You must have some special arrangement - glad that is over with for now. :)

  11. I still cry a little when I go for injections. Fear of injections does not diminish with age. At least not with me.

  12. wow how nice! here they used to just hold them down lol


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