Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I have been going... not-so-quietly... insane with all the damn boxes littering this house.
Everywhere I turn I run into boxes.

Sealed boxes, open boxes, squashed boxes... bits of bloody boxes!  You name it, we got it.

The idea was that a box would be emptied, then deconstructed, flattened and piled up in the lounge, ready for pick up by the movers at some point.

That got done for the first day... but now?  Nah.

So I'm constantly running into, climbing over or half falling over bloody boxes.


I. HATE. BOXES. I will be happy to see the back of them.

 ABOVE:  Can I be excited about new pots?  Well hell yes!  I had been using really heavy cast iron pots, but they were just too heavy for me.
So... I passed them on to another family member and got some new, lighter ones.

ABOVE:  Yesterday afternoon these flowers arrived.  The card said "Welcome to your new home".  No name from who sent them.  
Hmmmm....  Stew said it was probably from my Mum... and he was right.
Thanks MUM ♥ Spoilt... much.

We plan on keeping the dogs outside more often during the day... so they are not cooped up inside... so we decided to get them a nice, cosy kennel to sleep in.
I found one on TradeMe yesterday afternoon, so we went and looked at it last night.
We ended up buying it on the spot...

ABOVE: Isn't it cute!  I will put some warm wool blankets in there so they are comfy.
They won't be sleeping in it at night of course.  It's far too cold here in the Waikato!

Last night on our way back from Hamilton the temperature was 8 degrees, way colder than we are used to!  Brrrrr... we haven't even had our first frost yet!

Something else I did yesterday worth noting.  I went back to Weight Watchers.
And I have pre-paid for 6 months, so no backing out.  I'm committed to losing weight and getting fit again.  No more excuses.

Today?  Stew is going to finish getting the dog's area fenced off, and I am going to work on our walk in wardrobe some more, hoping to get it finished today.
Then I will tackle the lounge, so it's got room in there for the new lounge suite that arrives on Thursday.

Right, that's all for now... catch ya later.


I can see the floor in some places!

We have been busy working all day, time to relax for a minute.

I have almost finished in our walk in wardrobe.
And the lounge is almost ready for the new lounge suite.

 ABOVE:  I have tried to put all the boxes to be unpacked in just two places, the sewing room and our bedroom.
That's my sewing room!

 ABOVE:  Stew worked on getting the fencing done, which he did.  He's put a temporary fence down the far end so they are confined to this area.

ABOVE:  The girls in their new kennel... they will only be using it during the day when we are not home.  Otherwise they will be inside.

Griffin has been home all day, he wasn't feeling well this morning.  He seems to be OK now though.
Stew has gone to pick up Brylee from school... making sure she doesn't get lost on her way home.  *smiles*

Then he is going to Bunnings to order a couple of smallish garden sheds, so we have somewhere to put all our outside stuff.

Sheesh moving house can be bloody expensive!


  1. You really do sound happy - what a contrast to where you were a couple of months ago, it sounds as if everything is coming right for you at last and long may it continue. The house looks great, and glad to see that Brylee and Griffin are enjoying their new school. I hope you'll all be very happy in your new home. Coming from the UK, 8 degrees doesn't sound too bad but I guess it's all relative, if you're used to higher temperatures!

  2. You seem to be in great spirits! So happy for you. The flowers from your mother are lovely.

  3. Sounds like a good job for the kids, taking out all those boxes :) Cute dog house :)

  4. You certainly can get excited about pots!! I do :) I bought all new pots last year and love them. Hey, if you've got to cook you may as well enjoy it.

    I'm so happy for you getting everything in your life sorted - heck you haven't even unpacked the fabric yet... now that will make you a very happy Chris :)

  5. Shesh should call you two the energiser batteries cause you just keep going.

  6. You are doing an amazing job of unpacking and sorting out, I would be crying & rocking in a corner somewhere :-)

    1. I'm too bloody tired to cry let alone rock in a corner! I'm EXHAUSTED... and so sore! But on a positive note, I've done over 10,000 steps every day for almost a week!

  7. Oh Chris you are such a goer and I admire the change in your outlook YOU will get there and then the photos of space will come and you can change rearrange to your hearts content..... AND I can't wait to see your sewing area and you doing what you do best sewing and making .... and YOU TIME! Stew and the kids will not know themselves either the space the no more packing unpacking moving and stressing IT is all falling into place well.

  8. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Lordy - you are going like the clappers! Awesome work. Love the kennel :-)


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