Thursday, April 07, 2016


Today I have to do some grocery shopping.  Almost out of Diet Coke!

OMG can't have that.

Oh yeah, the dogs need food too... can't have them starving.

Before that though, I'm going to pop into the pottery class and see if my last house has come out of the kiln yet.

I've not managed to  make any new houses this term at all... so I've basically paid for a class I didn't attend.  Bugger.

But, the house and all the prep involved in getting it staged/listed with a new agent etc has taken up most of my time.

And maybe I just haven't felt like potting, or sewing.  I just can't seem to rustle up the motivation to do either right now.

My mind is constantly on the waiting... waiting for a contract to go unconditional.  It's all encompassing.  

It's like my mind can't really focus on anything else.

Every day I get up and make the house 'presentable' before I do anything else.  JUST IN CASE I get a call to say there's someone coming for a private viewing.

Having lived like this for 10 months is nuts!  

And you poor buggers have had to live through it too via this blog!  I'm so sorry!  lol

I hope we can all go house shopping soon!  I will certainly be including you all in it.  *smiles*

I wonder how many people have had 6 contracts on their home, and not sold yet?  Nuts, utterly nuts.  

But to put a positive spin on it... we've had 6 buyers wanting to buy our house, and there's another 2 out there who are very interested too!

And let's not forget the Lady In Red.  Poor lady.  We think she's given up for now as her divorce/settlement of assets is taking so long.

Whoops!  Let's pretend I didn't really yabber on about the bloody house!  I had kinda said I wasn't going to do that any more.  

OK... I'm gunna go do exactly what I've done virtually every day for 10 months.  Get the house tidy.

Ok... totally forgot something important and special today!  Will fill you in later. 

And no... its nothing to do with the house.

ABOVE:  I got picked up by Lyn (fellow blogger) from Hamilton, and we went down to the city to meet up with Jenny (fellow blogger) and her husband Ted.  They are on a cruise from Australia!  That's the 2nd time I've met a blogger off a cruise ship here in Auckland!

We had a wonderful few hours.  Jen and Ted live in Western Australia. We took them on a little 'tiki tour' around Auckland, had lunch then left them at 2 pm to head home again.

ABOVE:  The girls on top of One Tree Hill, where they got a neat view of Auckland.

We also took them over the harbour bridge and along the waterfront.

It really is neat when you get to meet someone who you have 'known' for years, but never met in person.

The rest of my day has been very cruisy... most enjoyable day in fact.

And I've not stressed about the house at all.


  1. Hope you have a great meet up

  2. Christine11:34 AM

    We would miss your house tales if you stopped blogging about it. It certainly will be fun to house shop "with you" though!

  3. christine4:02 PM

    That sounds like a fun day! You have so many virtual friends! And you live in a beautiful place! Glad you totally got to get your mind off the house sale for a few hours!

  4. Had the most awesome time with you and Lyn today, it was wonderful to be able to relax and enjoy time with friends....thank you

    1. You are most welcome Chick, it was really lovely to hang out with you and Ted.

  5. How wonderful. Glad you enjoyed your day.

  6. Don't apologise for anything on your blog. It is better that you have us here for support than you keeping it all bottled up.

    Glad you had a nice day tiki touring round Auckland :-)

  7. I bet it was nice to get out and not stress about the house for a change

  8. how cool what a neat day to catch up with friends, and see the sights. Cruise ship nice!

  9. How wonderful meeting up with other bloggers. Glad to hear you had loads of fun.

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Does Lynn still Blog? I followed her for years, but nothing on her blog a long time? Also good luck with the house sale, this time it will happen :)


  11. Sounds like a wonderful day for a wonderful lady. Just wish the good news would come on through!

  12. It is so awesome meeting people you have known for years online fpr the first time real life!!! ;)


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