Sunday, October 11, 2015


ANOTHER BLOODY OPEN HOME.  I'm not even getting hopeful.  I just feel resigned to this taking FOREVER.

Which is a bit of a bugger as it's costing about $150 a week for Stew to commute to and from each week!  I thought his car was more economical than that, but no.  Of course not, just our luck.

Perhaps he really does need to try and find somewhere to stay down there a few nights a week.  

So... back to the drill.  Get the house ready for the Open this afternoon.
Shouldn't take too long.  We can even sleep in I suppose.  I'm going back to bed!

Catch ya later!


Hi! Well we have been busy.  Got the house all spic n span, then we went down to the mall for lunch.
Came home, did the last minute things and vacated the house for the Open Home.

3 groups through today, one quite interested, but she has to sell her home first, and see if she can actually get the finance.  So... a wait and see situation.

Better than no situation I suppose.

After the Open, Bex,Steve and the little boys arrived for dinner.  Bex came bearing lollie cake.  Then Stew came home from the supermarket with more cake and biscuits, so everyone is ruining their appetite for dinner!

Not me.  I'm holding out for my favourite dinner... Teriyaki Chicken with garlic bread!

Talking of bread.  I made a loaf so the house would smell delicious:

ABOVE:  I had it sitting on the kitchen bench cooling down... and Dante decided he felt like some fresh bread... so he just grabbed himself some!  *sigh*  He declared it was rather yum .. so I'm not too bothered.  Might make slicing it a bit difficult!

End of Day:  all in all... a nice enough day.  Best part was cuddling wee Archer and watching Dante enjoy himself here.
nite nite


  1. Fingers crossed for a good open home. I wonder if the school holidays have affected the last couple, and probably todays as well. Next week should pick up.

  2. Good luck with the open home

  3. Fingers crossed that the house sells quickly, it will be one thing you don't have to worry about.

  4. Dante thought it was pull apart bread lol (we have them in Bakers Delight in Australia, they are delicious)

  5. lol, he didn't want to wait!

  6. One thing I used to do when selling was put a pan of water on the stove, and put cinnamon sticks, orange (or lemon) peels and a few cloves on and let it simmer. Turn it off when you leave, but the smell stays and smells so yummy!


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