Saturday, July 24, 2010


******What was written here has now been deleted********
Now .... onward...
ABOVE: here is my latest effort and the 1st of my 'Nautical' Cards! I think it's quite nice, even if I do say so myself.

Today: will be dedicated to having fun with my family and Rena! Then later on this afternoon I am going to a Volunteer's Afternoon Tea held by the Hospice. Hopefully it will be nice. And 'Granddad' will be on 'watch the kids' duty for an hour or so! Neat.

That's all for now...

RENA: went to bed last night at 9.40pm.... and fell asleep immediately. No crying, climbing out of the cot... NOTHING! AND she slept without moving until 8am this morning! How awesome is that? She had her breakfast (milo and fruit toast) and is now playing ever so happily with Brylee and the dogs... I am thrilled to bits at how well she is doing here with us. OH and she has not asked for her Mum or Dad once! lol

ABOVE: I just got a new watch... it was so hard to decided what to get! There is just too much choice out there! It ended up being this one or a Mid Blue Baby G.... this one won.

We had lunch at our favourite mall, Sylvia Park, bought our granddaughter some clothes and shoes... cos we could... and after being out for 4 hours came home! I am not used to having a toddler around...we went out without her nappies or wipes... luckily we didn't need them! Well... we did zip home and change her nappy after lunch, but went out again right after! lol... fancy forgetting the nappy bag!

Now... I'm tired! Think I will have a rest until dinnertime!

End of Day: dinner... chinese takeaways... naughty, naughty. Made more cards this evening... slowly getting the ever so large order going.... nite nite.


  1. Love your card...We should swap cards one day. Anyways, have fun with your family.

  2. ohhhhhh I like that one very nautical and manly!Have a neat day

  3. Good for you, Chris. Hope she pays up!

    Another great come up with the best ideas.

    Glad Rena is doing well away from mom and dad...hope you all enjoy the visit!



  4. The nautical card is really very neat. I like it a lot.
    I will have one of my 2 yr old grandaughters all day tomorrow. I hope things go as well here as they did there with Rena.

  5. Your chocolate blue nautical card is fantastic! It's different from your other cards but good different.

  6. Have fun with Rena!!

  7. Glad to hear you had such a fun day!

  8. I love Baby g watches! So cool! ANd the colour is cute too!

  9. That is nice watch!

    So glad to hear that Rena is doing well with you.

  10. I love your card you are so talented. Where do you get your energy?

  11. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Really like your Nautical card! More talent showing!! It's fun to buy little wee clothes for our girls! I also like your watch. Have not heard of "Baby G" watches before but do like them very much. Pretty color!...debbie


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