Sunday, December 06, 2009


Stew saw them advertised at Bond & Bond.. and as I have already bought a black one for Griffin for Xmas, I thought... NEAT! She will LOVE IT ... I'm sure.

And luckily for us STEVE our darling son is going to come up for Xmas and teach Brylee and Griffin how to use them. AWESOME... cos neither Stew or I know how the hell to use them!
ABOVE: Mum and Amanda this morning... Mum has just left in a rental car for Whitianga, where she has some business.. she will be back here later on in the week... yaaa. we can go SHOPPING together! LOL
It's a lovely day today.. quite warm. Think we are heading off to the mall now....
Well we ended up at Maraetai Beach for lunch by the sea! It was lovely.
Me under a tree... you can see how dark my hair is now... I HATE IT.... I am going to get blonde highlights as soon as I can. The darkness of it drags me down.
End of Day: and I think that photo of me is gross! I look and feel so fat and ugly now. I don't know what it is going to take for me to truly pull my finger out and lose the weight again? NO IDEA. But just know this, I am miserable about it. And I hate myself. TOTALLY. But tomorrow is another day... and I will try to enjoy it. nite nite.


  1. I dont have kids and no idea what the Hannah Montana toy is... is ita singstar thingy?

  2. It looks like you guys will be Rockin around the Christmas tree on Christmas day.

  3. Oh she will love it, Hannah Montana AND pink - I think I want one :-)

    Thank you very much for the invite.

    Have a great Sunday.

  4. Well she is going to go wild, it pink and Hannah Montana - no doubt you will be in the good books. Martine

    PS: Intend to update my blog today.

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Gee even I want one of those!!! Gorgeous day so am off to the mall too! Probably a different one than you but if I see you I'll say hi!

    Kate R

  6. You are going to have one happy little girl on your hands. Great choice o pressie!

  7. I'm sure she will be stoked. Will you need to stock up on batteries or is it mains power.
    Thanks for the invite, I have been camping and just arrived home


  8. Thank you for allowing me to continue to share your journey. You are very generous with your time, and I hope that going private helps to overcome some of the dramas.

    And I think that I now need to keep my promise to "talk" to you more often


  9. Hi Chris,
    Being blond really suits you.... go and do it :).

    Hope you had a nice day out, the sun is always a morale booster.

    R xx

  10. Anonymous5:57 PM

    My son loves his! Meison asked for a "video game" for Christmas- but she is going to have to settle for Leap Frog. She asked for "a computer, a video game, cell phone, and camera"- she is only 4. She is going to kill me when she is a teenager.
    Sorry about the sewing machine-

  11. Hope you have a good week Chris!

  12. She will love it -purple is a tweenies black :)

    Glad you had a great day - you dun look old and fat and if dark hair brings you down then bring on the highlights

    take care


  13. Funny how hair color can drag down your spirit, eh? It's summertime, time for you to be a blonde beach babe!
    Brylee should love the DS. A friend's daughter has one and has taught herself a good bit of French and also how to cook several dishes. They can be a good learning tool.

  14. Video will never see the kids again :)...they are great when you they have to sit and wait or on long rides in the car - but don't try to talk to them, they won't be listening.
    Hope the weight loss is easier when the stress resolves itself. You need more beautiful lazy days beach side.
    Our summer is gone and the temp dropped dramatically last night, at least in Florida it doesn't last more than a few days at a time but I did have to drag out my jacket...I hate that!

  15. I think the colour in your profile pic really does you the best justice.

  16. I have to tell you...I am a gamer since I was a kid, and owned most of the systems. Joe just got me the DSI...a red one, and I am getting the PSP too soon. I never grew out of that!


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