Saturday, September 12, 2009


And we have virtually NO PLANS for the day!

That's quite awesome.

OK, we do have to put the rubbish out for collection...
And I do believe Lacy and her fiance (and a friend) are due for lunch... and maybe dinner too.

So that will be nice.

We have only met Lacy's fiance Tim once before, but we liked him... here's hoping that he's still just as nice as we remember! LOL.
I havn't told the kids they are coming... it will be a nice surprise for them. They love visitors.

Lacy and Co. arrived safely... and we are having a nice visit.
ABOVE: the two of them....
ABOVE AND BELOW: playing on the swing set...
While Stew and Teddy....
So far it's been a nice day!
End of Day: pizza for dinner.. naughty! But nice. Visitors have gone.. in all a lovely day. nite nite.


  1. Have an awesome day :-)

  2. Enjoy your weekend. It's friday afternoon here in Florida. We are off to Walt Disney World for the evening. My daughter's Tamara's birthday is today and we thought we would catch the fireworks and have some dinner.
    It is 9/11, a day of mourning for the USA, the day the terrorists bombed the World Trade Towers in New York City. Pray for world peace tonight.

  3. I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Have a lovely family day!
    Hope the weather has improved up there.
    Kel xxx

  5. Glad it was a good day Chris. Does look great. Can you blame Stew and Teddy. Probably the quietest room in the house!!!

  6. Sounds like you are having a wonderful weekend.

  7. Oh how i'd forgotten how much I miss your updates! I need to stop being a slack tart and start reading blogs more, even if it means the house is a mess (case of priorities). Glad to hear you've had a good day and thanks for putting the thought of pizza in my head ... lol ... i'll be back soon, i promise.

  8. It sounds like you had a fun day with your visitors! Stew and Teddy just have no idea what they missed!


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