Tuesday, September 09, 2008


BELOW: The dining 'room'... one end of the lounge really.

BELOW: The Lounge:

The following three photos are of the Kitchen / Family Room:

OK, that's enough of me house... what 's on today?

- Kids to school, yep just like 'normal' isn't it??? LOL

- Try to get into the garage today to do some sorting... I really don't know where to start !
- I have a man coming to fix one of the Dish Drawers (dishwasher)... the account goes to the previous owners of the house.... as arranged.

That's about all.... it really is so much fun having lots to do! I am busy and happy.... and still plowing through all the blog entries I have missed! Starting to see an end to catching up....

UMMMMM.... I did buy something else yesterday! A gift for Stew for Father's Day! Well.... OK.... I fell in love with it so bought it....Stew likes it though! I will put a photo up in a mo.....

There he is... a Blue Glass Gecko! He's by the front door... and he's beautiful.

So far this morning I've managed to find all the linen and blankets and sort out the two linen cupboards... I'm darn wrapt with how much room I've got! Photos tomorrow! (bet ya can't wait!) lol
I also had a visit from my Aunty up the road, who came to see the glass doors with the frosted decals on them.... I did this to stop us just walking into them when they are closed! You simply couldn't tell if they were open or not otherwise! SEE?....

I think they make the door look nicer somehow.
Right ... more stuff to do....

This afternoon has been busy:

- unpacked almost all of the pictures... have to find walls for some of them now (can't fit them all up!)

- Electrician arrived and fixed the dishwasher - and showed me how to use it properly... nice man.

- Visited by our immediate neighbour with TWO BOTTLES OF WINE! As an apology for their burglar alarm going off constantly all day while we were moving in (they were on holiday). How nice. Funnily enough her husband is a 'Stew' too... AND he loves bloody rugby! No doubt they will become firm friends.

- Griffin lost another tooth, he lost one on Saturday too, so he's looking rather 'gappy':

And YES, he has a grubby face too.... I so couldn't be bothered washing it. Derrrrrrr.

End of Day: wooooo hoooo I got done all I wanted to today! The linen all put away and all the pictures unwrapped ... THAT was a mission! The packers sure wrapped the pictures up well.. it took me all darn afternoon to get them open. Tomorrow's task will be to think about where to put them!

NSV: I am feeling great! Getting lots of exercise, not overeating and being quite good! nite nite.


  1. Love the kitchen!

  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Congrats on your GORGEOUS home!!! Your kitchen is so sparkly and new!

  3. It's really beginning to look like a home.

    I think my spare bedroom probably look like your garage. I have the same feelings about it as well ... don't know where to start !!!

    Oh well ... there is always tomorrow :-)

  4. love it... its really pretty and comfy looking!
    cant wait to see more!

  5. The house looks great. Re the garage. just grab one box at a time & empty it. Then onto the next etc. Good luck:-)

  6. Simply gorgeous... I can see why you are so happy there...
    Nothing like a fresh start eh!! Must be wonderful to have Stew coming home for dinner at nights after so long of not having him about... Hope you didnt get too used to having the bed all to yourself !!

  7. Your new place looks amazing! I LOVE the white bar stools. V. v. stylish!

  8. I think the glass decals look great! I wonder what they say? They look Chinese. Hopefully stuff like live long and happy etc...

  9. You are looking very settled in. All that stress, worries etc now behind you:-)

    We are quite sure Izzy is NOT in pup.

  10. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I LOVE your house!! It's absolutely beautiful...but..ahem...the television station is quite steamy!!!

    *blushing* in California :)

  11. That Gecko is really cute!!!

    Can't remember seeing boots hanging from powerlines ... but i have been away for 12-13 years, so I'm not surprised that it's happenning there. There's a few good throwing arms out there!!! :-)

  12. Great pics. Decals look great. Our sliding doors all have hexagon shapes on them to warn people they're about to walk thru glass. A factory addition I believe. Is that an Aussie tv program on the telly?

  13. ohhhhhhhhhhh love that kitchen !!!!
    You are a real homemaker Chris....yoiur new home is gorgeous.

  14. The house is starting to look great and I love seeing your photos...

    Hope the tooth fairly is feeling rich right now LOL....

  15. Congrats on a great day! Doesn't it feel good to get everything done that you planned on doing?

    Your house is beautiful! It looks like a fun place to be!

  16. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Oh! How Fun! I love your kitchen! I've never seen one like it before.

    Griffin looks positively precious with those missing teeth!

  17. I'm in love with your kitchen! The color is devine. The stickers on the patio doors look great too. The house really looks inviting. Hope you're rested up for more unpacking. All the best.

  18. Oh.....my....gosh...



  19. Your house looks great! I love that recessed lighting. Re. lynda's comment: I'm guessing the decals say "Don't walk into the door you crackhead" in Chinese.

    Griffin is such a cutie!!

  20. Little boys always have grubby faces. It's a requirement.

    He's still gorgeous.


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