Saturday, February 09, 2008


Today my friend Chris D and I are off to Foxton for morning tea... that ginger crunch has my name on it! I am allowing myself 1 day 'off' a week, where I can have something evil... so today it will be GINGER CRUNCH in Foxton! Lets pretend I didn't actually already have a piece this week eh? LOL (Jenny T, we will be at that Coffee Shop I mentioned earlier in the week around 11am).

When I get home ( around midday ) I shall weigh in.... I am hoping for at least a kilo.... hell I NEED at least a kilo to be gone... I have worked really hard almost all week and I DESERVE it! Keep your fingers crossed for the next update... later

I couldn't wait ! So I weighed already... and...... ........ .......... ...................
I LOST : 1.6 KILOS !!! So I have lost 3.1 kgs in 6 weeks, an average of .5 a week, so "ON TARGET"... YA HOOOOOO !
I'm wrapt! How cool, I finally have a handle on this bloody weight again.... now I can go have a piece of cake and a coffee with me girlfriends.

We had a wonderful morning tea, ended up with Me, Chris D, Jenny T and her 'surrogate Grandson' and Sandra (our Weight Watcher Leader) all having a lovely catch up ! I got to cluck over an 8 month old adorable wee boy! I love babies! The GINGER CRUNCH was soooo worth driving 20 minutes for! And I bought some Bacon N' Egg Pie and Carrot Cake for Stew and Mike's dinner as well.... so that's their dinner taken care of! Wooo hooo.

The photo does NO JUSTICE to the true size of these portions! Don't ya just hate me now for posting photos of evil food! LOL

Can you all tell how happy I am today? I am feeling like "oh hell, what will be will be" in relation to the house sale, I need to stop stressing so much and just accept what will be. It will sell, and we will get to Auckland.. all in good time. FATE people, I believe in Fate, so it will happen when it's supposed to.

JAXX: you are welcome sweetie, enjoy!

End of a lovely day.... didn't get much done but hey, I'm happy!

NSV: it was all THE SCALES today I'm afraid! Still buzzing ... nite nite.


  1. Enjoy your sinful crunch!!

    I am always looking on the net for rental properties in Aussie, stupid aye cos we aren't moving for another four months and inevitably I have found a house I love on 3 acres for $325 a week, now all I need is for it to not get rented for 20 weeks!! Doh!!

  2. Whoohoo well done and ginger crunch yummmmmmm...... Have a great weekend

  3. WELL DONE....YeeeHaaa

    Enjoy your ginger cake!

    Hugs x

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    congrats on the loss this week! and i'm with you on having a handle on the weightloss stuff again, feels great right?

    enjoy your cake, coffee, and weekend! :o)

  5. What a fantastic effort! Half a kilo a week is perfect. I hope you enjoy your weekend AND that somebody rich comes to see your place at your next Open Home!!!

  6. Great work Chris! I hope that the celebration cake was small sense spoiling all that hard work you put in!
    Have a great weekend-oh, shoe pics are up for ya'!

  7. Thats fantastic Chris!!! Enjoy your morning tea:)

  8. Well done on the loss Chris. That's fantastic!!!
    Glad you are still allowing yourself a treat.

  9. Thank you, thank you so much for the chicken chop chop it arrived this morning. I am going to have some for lunch.

  10. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Well done Chris that is fantastic news, enjoy your reward

  11. I believe in fate to, so i know you will get there!
    Your weight loss chart is very encouraging, i hope you are very proud of yourself!
    And that cakes looks very scrummy!

  12. Well done girl ..what a loss!!! You have to be proud of that!!!


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