Thursday, May 03, 2007


I did not cough much yesterday... but when I went to bed... I coughed and coughed till I felt like vomitting!!! So, I spent pretty much most of the night sitting up so I didn't cough. whenever I tried to lie down.. you guessed it, I coughed. Luckily Stew slept through it!

It rained something fierce in the night, a hedgehog visited our yard and make a ruckus, Izzy chewed a friggin bone right outside my bedroom door (noisy tart) and Griffin mutters in his sleep... all things I did not necessarily want to hear.

My mind was so tired I did not dwell on upcoming events (fortunately), but now that I am up..... I'm going walking first thing with my gym buddy, then it will be home to shower and make me nether regions "presentable" .... hmmmm .... then off to the hospital for the 12 noon appointment. I am sure it will be fine, and hopefully we will get the results in the next few days, maybe even before we fly off on holiday. later....

Am home from the walk... got really puffed and tight in the chest, but it's ok... now onto the getting "presentable"... No, don't think I'll go for glitter, pink bits or fancy shaves... and I certainly WONT BE GOING BALD !!!! lol

And No Plaits either ! later people....

Ok.. The Doctor was a really lovely guy, lots of jokes to make one relax ... he even got so cheeky I hit him one (lightly of course) which just made him laugh more!

The verdict: I have two "areas of concern", and so he took two biopsys, then he went up into my uterus and took a sample from there too... that hurt like hell I can tell ya! He needs blood tests and an ultra sound of me uterus as well.... he believes that I have two areas of either low or high grade pre-cancerous tissue... and combine that with my extremely heavy monthly bleeding means he will most likey recommend a complete hysterectomy. I will not have the results of the biopsy until we get back from holiday, and the ultra sound won't be for at least a month.

So, while I have to wait for results, I am not freaking out... if I need the whole lot out, so be it... I will just go with the flow for now. I am not going to spoil our holiday over this, NO WAY, JUST AIN'T GUNNA HAPPEN.

I choose to look on the bright side, thank you very much.

I had a evil lunch with Stew afterwards... and now we both feel ill.... we shared a piece of Bonoffie Pie and it was just tooooo rich. Serve us right! Thats me for now, am feeling really YUK and am going to go lie down for a while.

Banoffie Pie: A biscuit base, a layer of bananas, then a layer of butter, cream and boiled condensed milk concoction, then fresh cream and chocolate on top... extremely rich and sickly.

Today has been an awful day.... and I didn't think it could get any worse... I WAS WRONG!

Our 17 year old son Mike took Stew's company car to get to his netball game an hour ago... and had a car crash!!! He is Ok, but once again the car is NOT.... this car is totally jinxed, it is now the third time it has had to go to the panel beaters in the 6 months we have had it.... my stomach is churning I tell ya. It would appear Mike was in the wrong, so he is going to have to pay the insurance excess, about $1500 and I have just begged Stew to never ever let the boys use the company car again! I just want to cry ....cos I have been telling Stew not to let them use it for bloody months. I am over it now... I just feel sick.

You've just gotta know..... tomorrow my post will have a photo of the latest damage to the car! For now though, I'm going to have a sauna to relax me, then try to get some sleep tonight. nite nite and thanks for all your kind and caring comments and thoughts today...... Life in never boring in this house FOR SURE!


  1. I can't believe someone else is up and already updated. And especially the fact you got no sleep. Hope the appointment goes well, I'll be thinking of you!

  2. My fingers are crossed for you - I'm sure you will be fine. Just be careful with the nether regions, I tried to make mine presentable with some hair removing cream yesterday and managed to take nearly everything off - I now look like a porn star!!

  3. Hoping everything goes well for you today and that the results are normal.

    Take care!

  4. RE-Comment
    If that works for you then keep it up. My mother is the same, she doesn't use anything on her face and she has nice skin too...fab! Maybe you produce more sebum which lubricates the skin and helps retain the natural moistures in the skin.

    HHUGE HUGS to you for today/your appointment.


  5. I so enjoy reading your blog Chris! I sent you an email with a letter attached! (sorry to blather like an idiot! lol) Have an awesome day!

  6. Yea, I'm picking it wasn't just the coughing which kept you awake. But I'm sure all will be fine - will be thinking of you anyway as you display your 'nether regions' !!
    Take care

  7. "presentable" hey... Does that mean a nice trim and tidy up... or if it is long and feral tying it up in a bow... or perhaps if you have time.. braid it..(french plait) hahahahahaha
    See look I am up too friggin early and the first thing I do is come and see if you are doin ok... 6.50am here.. my alarm doesnt go off til 7am! Yeah i know..lazy tart i am! bloody kids always up at 6.30 at the latest! little shits wake me every morning to tell me they are up too!! haha As if I didnt already know! (My bedroom has double doors onto the lounge room!) Take care and I will try NOT to think of you at 10am my time.. when you are at the dr's.. ;o) Smile it will be all over soon. Chat later girl..

  8. Thinking of you, hope you get some positive news before your holiday.

  9. Thinking of you honey, hope it all goes okay.

  10. Everything will be fine. Thinking of you.

  11. Hope all goes well missy, I'll also be thinking of you.

  12. You have no sense of adventure lady...

  13. OMG... who am I calling a lady....
    You have no sense of adventure.... ya potty mouth tart... haha

  14. Thinking of you hun... hope all goes well. And that you get the results before you go on holiday.

  15. Thinking of you, hope all is well and that you don't fall asleep during it!! Onion and raw sugar is a great natural remedy for that sort of cough. Slice onions onto a plate sprinkled with raw sugar, cover and leave for a couple of hours, preferably the day and the sugar will draw the juice out of onion and make a nice little syrup that is great to have next to the bed for when the coughing fit starts. Works brilliant with my son who has asthma and sometimes coughs till he vomits with it.

  16. Will be thinking of you too and hope your appointment goes well and is over fast. Your funny about 'making it presentable'. They seem so many hoo-haas it doesn't matter. You're funny.

    I know what you mean by coughing when you lie down, sometimes you just need to try to sleep sitting up or lots of pillows.
    Take care.

  17. Good on you for the positive attitude. By the way what is a Bonoffie Pie?

  18. Great attitude Chris!! I've been thinking about you all day! The doctor sounds reassuring.

  19. LOL I AM stalking you!! Hell I've been checking since I got home for your update!!

  20. See all over and done with...
    Sounds like you had a gr8 Dr too...
    Fingers crossed it all works out ok for you... If you have to have it all out then so be it...
    At least those ikky heavy monthlies will be a thing of the past... My mum went thru that.. and was so relieved when she had her hysto...
    Glad you are doin ok...
    Chat later...

  21. Oh hun I couldn't get online till now and I have been wondering and wondering what happened at the doctors. Good on you for looking on the positive side... did I ever tell you you are such an inspiration and you rock!!!

    You have a wonderful holiday and let the doctor organise the rest for when you get back.

    HMMMM Banoffee Pie soooooo sooooo soooooo yummmmmyyy... you lucky TART!

    Love ya my friend and I am totally jealous of your holiday too he he he

    Love Chubbymum

  22. Hey mum, feel off that wagon with banoffee pie didnt ya... serves you rite feeling sick :-P

    So its a waiting game with the results the... stink.

  23. Chris, re your email. I have re sent an email I sent to you yesterday. If you haven't received it can you let me know on my blog!!!

  24. YOU SOOOOOOOOOO ROCK. I love your outlook on everything in front of you................. YOU GO GIRL!!!

    I soo want to come on holiday with you....!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. I agree a possitive attitude is definately the way to go! Go girl!

  26. Well, sounds like the verdict isn't so bad. If you "only" need a hysterectomy, you'll handle it like a trouper, Chris. I had one last year, and I've yet to find a downside to it - apart from the lo-o-o-ong month that I was banned from the gym, that is.

    After your previous surgery, it'll seem like nothing.

  27. That pie looks delicious! Remember to think positive Chris, the power of positive thinking is very powerful. You were very brave today, I needed a cry and a cuddle when I had my freakin tooth pulled, let alone what you endured! You are an incredible woman, and I know you will take each day as it comes!

  28. hey you,
    your attitude is amazing. I am so pleased that you are determined to enjoy your holiday and not get hung up with worry. You totally deserve to have a wonderful break away and I'm so happy that you have already made up your mind that thats what your going to do.

  29. hmmm Banoffee Pie!!!
    that is not good what the Dr said but great that you are going to try and look on the bright side and not let it ruin your trip to Aussie!
    Great attitude!!!

  30. OMG I wouldn't be letting him use the car again....Wow that car is jinxed isn't it..

    Big hugs hun

    Love ya

  31. those 'i told you so' situations suck...i'm always right with cam when its bad.

    let the boys be boys, TRY and concentrate one yOUUUUUUUUUUU and what you are going through and doing (easier said that done..)

    look at the positives....

    hes ok...
    you have a really big I told you so..
    they will learn from this...

    money is money, a life is a life..

  32. Hey, a month off from the gym was nothing. The first question I asked my doc when we discussed the whole hysterectomy thing was "how long before I can go back to the gym?" He said a month, but I'm pretty sure he really has NO idea what I do there.... and I didn't bother to enlighten him. ;-)

    I was back training clients 2 weeks after surgery though. They just had to pick up and rack their own weights.

  33. Here's to some good news. Now just focus on your holiday and enjoy it to the best of your ability. We took the kids to the Gold Coast in March and we had the best time ever.


  34. I'm glad your procedure went well and that the doctor was a good one.

    Sorry to hear about your car! Darn kids!

  35. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Holy moly!! Glad that Mike is okay and the car, well, it can alwalys be fixed...AGAIN....;-)
    Hope your cough disappears soon!

  36. Yes yes RELAX and Enjoy. Everything will be alright. The Pie looks yummy, but after reading what is in it I can understand the uncomfortable feeling you would get for eating it.

    Ok I've got to ask what is that thing sitting on the chair?

    Too bad about the car. Kids grrrrr.

    Yes I am going to talk to DH and get him to commit to something.

    Get that cough looked at before you go away. Hope you are feeling better ASAP.

  37. oh my god that pie looks heavenly....

    yum yum.tommorrow is weigh in day so I must not look at this...hahaha

    I really enjoy your blog....



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