Thursday, June 06, 2024



FIRST AND FOREMOST:  Happy Wedding Anniversary to us.  We have been married 37 years today.

πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’–I still love ya Darling!πŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’œ 

I'm thinking dinner out somewhere nice is called for.

Well, it's going to be another day pottering around the house.

Another day with no walk planned over in Cambridge, unless I go to the 6.45 am one, and I'm not keen on getting up that early again!

There is a good one on Friday, so I'll probably go to that one.  It's 6.4 kms, so hopefully my blisters are a bit better by then.  

Ones on top of me big toe (right foot), and one is on the side of my big toe (left foot).  Most annoying.

In the meantime, here's a question for you:

ABOVE:  I made a floral pillow case for this bed yesterday.  I thought it matched the throw nicely.
Then... I got thinking...

ABOVE:  What if I made an end of bed throw in the same floral blocks?  I'm also thinking of covering the black flower centres with a softer colour.

I've not sew them up yet... waiting for your opinions.
Is it too much?  Bearing in mind it will be slightly narrower than the blocks shown right now.
Let me know your thoughts.

For the time being, I have plenty of other stuff to keep me occupied.  

9.15 am:  and I'm listening!  I will do some 'tweaking' in that bedroom before I settle on the final look.  I want it to be a calm, pretty room for when we have Keera here for a sleep over, or later on, Lily.  

ABOVE:  And there ya go.  I kept the striped throw... cos it was just too busy with the flowers!  Now all it needs is a simple white headboard, which Steve is going to make for me.
Stuff paying through the nose for one from a shop.  They are even an exorbitant price on Trade Me!
Hmmm... I wonder if there's any on Facebook Market Place?   Off to look...

Well that was easy, and fast.  It looks like I've found a headboard here in Hamilton.  I'm just waiting to sort out pick up details.  So, that's saved Steve a job.  And it was super cheap.  

Dinner this evening is being postponed until tomorrow night now.  I completely forgot it is THURSDAY, and it's Stew's night at the pub with his mates.  Silly me.  We will enjoy dinner tomorrow night just the same.

Looks like I will be picking up the 'new' headboard late this afternoon.  Awesome.  I can probably paint it tomorrow, as it will need a new coat of paint. WHOOP!

Just home and guess what?  I don't need to paint that headboard after all.

ABOVE:  Look at that!  It suits there PERFECTLY.
One less job.

Now... I'm just waiting for Stew to arrive home, then I can take him to the pub.

8.15 pm:  And we are home again.  Stew enjoyed a couple of hours at the pub, and I got to hang  out with the kids.  

So a lovely evening for both of us.  Time to sign off for the day now.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I prefer the little stripes. I liked the contrast of the shapes.

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    No good asking me Chris about what to put on the bed. I am very much a “less is more” person, I love minimalist. Marie, Melbourne

  3. First photo for me too. The large flowers are too much.

  4. I like the stripe- thing. I like the texture of it. HAPPPPPPY ANIVERSARY!!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Looks fabulous either way, but I like the new idea best out of the two. Happy Thursday and happiest of anniversaries to you both xx Michele PN

  6. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Happy Anniversary to you and Stew and to us!! Chris and I have made it to 60 years -where have they all gone? We are having an afternoon tea in our Community Centre for our friends in the retirement village today and the family is coming down from Auckland on Saturday and we are all going to lunch. xx

    1. 60 years is an awesome achievement! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS.

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both. I vote stripes

  8. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Hi both look good, I think the brighter one is a great idea...Happy Anniversary!! Peta

  9. Happy anniversary!!! I like both looks too but as someone who loves color, I love the flowers.

  10. Happy Anniversary!!

  11. Happy Anniversary! I hope you're having a great day!

  12. Happy anniversary. Have a wonderful night x

  13. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Happy anniversary. We made it to 39 years this year. I just hope we are both alive to make it to 60
    Both bed runners look good and give different looks even with the black flower centres

  14. Happy anniversary
    I liked the flowers but I would .
    Either way the room looks lovely.

  15. Happy Anniversary to you both.

    I like how you left it…the new headboard will look great, a bead needs a headboard. 😊

  16. Kiwionholidays3:26 PM

    Happy Anniversary πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸŽ‰

  17. Happy anniversary! I like the matching throw, but I think it would look calmer and prettier in pastel colours

  18. The head board is perfect. Calm and pretty, just like the bed!

  19. Happy 37th Anniversary Mum and Dad xx

  20. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Happy anniversary! And the bedhead is perfect!

  21. Happy 37th Anniversary, have fun celebrating!

  22. Wishing you 2 a very Happy Anniversary and may you celebrate lots more!!


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