Friday, June 07, 2024



I read something on Facebook yesterday that touched a nerve.

I don't make friends easily, and over the years I've felt guilty for letting old friendships die.

Or, I've felt like 'they' have let me go.

Then I read this, and it made me feel a lot better:

Let's talk about the drift in friendship.

There wasn't a falling out.
Nothing terrible happened.
You're not mad, and you're fairly certain they aren't either, but there is a space between you. You've lost touch, you've grown apart, you've moved on.
Sometimes you feel guilty about it, and sometimes you wonder what exactly happened, but mostly you just hope they're doing good and that they know how much you will always care about them.
That's the drift.
There's nothing wrong with you for losing touch, there's nothing bad or disloyal about growing apart. It's a natural part of life. Your paths were side by side, and at some point the reached a fork in the road. They stayed in their lane, and you stayed in yours.
There's no hard feelings, no wishing of anything, but well, it's just life.
Shake off the guilt, let go of the shame, release the questions.
Let's normalize the drift. Let's normalize cheering on the friends we've lost touch with from a distance. Let's normalize being completely for someone with out being in their life anymore.
That friendship, it mattered, so much, and losing touch doesn't detract from that one tiny bit.
Some friendships are for seasons, and some are for the long haul. Both are precious. Celebrate the friendships you have now, and be open to the ones coming, life is full of surprises, and your path is exactly where you belong.


Now, back to today.
I have a walk planned over in Cambridge at 9.30 am. So I don't have to get outta bed at 6 am, awesome.

After my walk I'm not sure what I will get up to. Time. Will. Tell.

ABOVE: When I picked up the headboard yesterday, I got to see some gorgeous golden retriever puppies in the house next door. They were adorable.


12.17 pm. Home from Cambridge. It's rather cold inside me house.... now that I'm cooling down from being out and about.
Another lovely walk around Cambridge streets with the FBG's this morning, followed by a hot chocolate and a bun at Suburban Cafe.
That place has the most AMAZING cakes/slices etc!!!

ABOVE: Another walk of over 6 kms, but ya hardly notice it when you are yakking. It wasn't too cold this morning either, no frost, wind, rain... in fact a really lovely winters day.

Now... what to do? First up, some washing I think. Then maybe whizz around with the stick vacuum, the floors need it.

ABOVE: yeah, this is the life. Lying in the sunroom, soaking up some winter sun, dogs keeping me warm.

ABOVE: Yes, indeed, that is me boob Marley.
Stop sniffing it!

ABOVE: And YES, you do have to share my lap with your sister, so stop giving Coco the stink eye!

Such a nice day. I have been relaxing for the past hour or so. Totally looking forward to a nice dinner at the Indian Restaurant we tried at Horsham Downs a few weeks ago. I'm conflicted on what to get. Should I try their Non-Vegetarian Platter, or just go for the Butter Lamb again, which was delicious? Decisions...

End of the day, and we had a wonderful dinner. We shared a platter, then I had the Butter Lamb and Stew had a hot lamb dish. Couldn't eat it all.
Home now and watching a movie on the telly.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Teri Russell8:08 AM

    I love that quote. Thanks for sharing it. Hope you have a lovely anniversary out tonight with hubby. Congratulations.

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I don’t have lots of true friends, I have lots of acquaintances which I love. I find with true friends that if we aren’t in touch for however long, be it a month or a year that when we do catch up, we just pick up from where we left off, there are no Ill feelings at all from either side, and we always know that if we are needed for any reason at all that it’s a phone call away. Marie, Melbourne

  3. Thats very very true πŸ‘.

  4. Friendships are like books, when you're with them, each chapter is meaningful and memorable.Then you grow older and change and reach the end of that book but you keep it and put it on the shelf. You move on, but you can look back at that book and reminisce about the way you were.

  5. Kiwionholidays3:16 PM

    Awesome that you got out for your walk , Good on you taking one for the team lol
    These cooler mornings make for lovely days yeah .?
    Thanks for keeping up the blog
    We sure appreciate reading it while away from our network ,
    Lots of family and friends there still so neat to be in touch with both Islands πŸ’―πŸ₯πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸŒ΄πŸͺ
    Long weekend over here this weekend so that’ll be nice
    Have. A Great there too, ☕️πŸ°πŸ‰πŸ‘œ
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  6. I totally relate to the friendship thing! I suppose everyone does in some way or another. Whenever I let a new dog into my life - it will be a golden retriever puppy just like those! While we are dog free - Hubby and I would like to do some winter traveling. Go somewhere warm! For a month or two or three!

  7. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I love golden retrievers- their natures are just beautiful. Also enjoyed reading about friendships. When the going gets tough you do need them. I feel blessed by the friends I have.

    Butter lamb sounds lovely! But nice to have a change too. Happy anniversary (belated) to you both - enjoy dinner xx
    Anne Palmy

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Happy anniversary dinner. Why don't you share the platter as an entree and see if they do half sized butter lamb for main. A lot of Indian restaurants down here do half sized mains. Paula

  9. Happy Anniversary. I can relate to the friendship thing. I felt guilty about friends I had and lost, tried to reconnect but, it did not happen. I now have a lot of new people in my life, maybe not friends but acquaintances, which is fine with me. Thanks for the post.

  10. awww puppies!! Nice at someone else's house haha. I need to get someone to go to Indian food with me. I've only had it once and it was so good! That was a long walk too. I need to find some walking buddies.

  11. I am someone who doesn't make friends easily. I am quite shy & plain so I can go unnoticed. I have had people in & out of my life. My husband & I have moved several times so I am sure that adds to it. What you found on Facebook says it all.


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