Wednesday, June 05, 2024


 First up for today:  I didn't get around to tending the pool yesterday, so I shall do that first thing.  I also plan on tidying up under the pool deck, it's a bloody mess.

After that...

A walk on the treadmill, cos I can't go over to Cambridge for an FBG walk today.

There's only one walk on today, and it clashes with something else I have planned for this afternoon.

I am having a late lunch with Stew, something we don't do that often during the working week.

I'm looking forward to it. 

Can you believe it?  I am probably 70% done with the decluttering inside the house!  It's taken over a month already, and many loads of stuff taken out of this house.  To the Op Shops, to family, and to the dump.  It is such a damn fantastic feeling, knowing we are not harbouring so much crap we don't need.

I'm actually going to take it easy today (after the pool is done).  I got some blisters on me toes from yesterdays walk!  I was wearing really old sneakers.  My current, new sneakers were caked in mud, so I was letting them dry out.  Lesson learnt, don't wear the old ones!  Hopefully the blisters heal quickly, me toes are a bit sore.


ABOVE:  I just made a pretty pillow case for this bed.  It matches the throw nicely.  I am going to make a headboard for that bed sometime soon as well.  I might even ask Steve to knock one up, it doesn't have to be complicated. 
I don't know about you, but I don't like beds without headboards.

I went to the mall, it was dead at 9 am, kinda to be expected I suppose.  I didn't stay there long, I only went in to get one piece of  linen.

Now I'm going to do some washing, then head out to spend an hour with Stew.

My time spent with Stew this afternoon was lovely.  We ran into a bloke who we chatted with for a while, very informative guy.  He helped us with some forward planning for our future. Never too early to be making plans for one's future eh? 

Once Stew dropped me back home, I sat down and just did NOTHING for a couple of hours.
Now... it's almost dinner time.  Stew is having some more of the corned beef for his dinner.

9.24 pm:  A nice quiet evening here.  Watched some TV. Browsed the 'net.  Not much else going on.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Hey DCR 👋

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I agree, I don’t like beds without head boards either

  3. The bed looks cozy, inviting, and cute! Love the pillowcase.
    Did I miss something? Why are your shoes caked in mud?
    Well, nighty nighty. This late job is making me quite sleepy when I get home.

    1. I wore them for a bit of the time at the market last weekend... and yep, got all dirty.

  4. Love the pillowcase. Yes beds need headboards. Hope you had a lovely lunch with Stew.

  5. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Never too early to make plans for the future. We are in the process of doing the same as we don’t know how much longer hubby will be able to work due to an injury 12 years ago

  6. How nice you & Stew could lunch together. I love when I do that with my husband. We finally did some estate planning. It was about time. We should have done it so much sooner. Plans always need to be tweaked.


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