Friday, July 10, 2020


Today the weather is supposed to be fine.
So we might go for a day trip over to Tauranga.

I think it would be lovely to go for a walk around the base of Mt Maunganui.  One day I hope to do the summit walk again.

I say 'again' with a bit of a snigger.

The last time I walked to the top of Mt Maunganui I was about 15!   And my darling brothers nick named me 'The Tank' for some reason,  after following me up it.  That name stuck for a while if I remember rightly.  lol

While over there, I will pop into their Spotlight store, hoping they might have some of the batting I need.  Our local shop had NONE ... as per usual.  
I have been know to drive to Auckland and Rotorua for batting.  So, fingers crossed Tauranga has some.

ABOVE:  Bex is crocheting me another cowl... this time in blue.  They are just so snuggly to wear!  All the warmth around your neck without the long dangly bits of a scarf.  

Right... let's start the day.  Catch ya later.

Big frost this morning... damn cold as f#*k.
Its 9.34 and we have just left for Tauranga.  It's  gunna be a beautiful day. 

ABOVE: My job when we get home. Organising my new painting area in the garage. I decided to get it all out of my sewing studio as fabric and paint really don't mix.



ABOVE: Oh shit!  Kinda did some more shopping. WELL... there were SALES on. Right? Yeah. ðŸĪĢ😅😂😜

On our way home (3.03 pm)... you quiet buggers!
Guess what the painting is of???? NO.. YOU GUESS. ðŸĪŠðŸ˜†ðŸ˜„

5 pm:  And we are safely back home again.  We had a really lovely day.  And, OMG so funny... we didn't end up walking around the base of Mt Maunganui.  We shopped.  A bit.
And had a walk on the beach.
Then came home.

I got some lovely photos... 

ABOVE:  Top of the Kaimai's.  We could see Mt Tongariro and Ngarahoe very clearly in the distance!  (left hand side).  Might be difficult to see in this photo.

ABOVE:  Much easier to see in this one!
It was just amazing how clear they were.  I'm not sure of the distance between where we were and the mountains, but at least 200 kms?

ABOVE:  It was just the most beautiful, calm day. Not exactly warm, but so nice.  I haven't seen the beach so calm in a very long time.

ABOVE:  We had lunch at a Turkish kebab place at the Mount.  We chose a 'Mixed Meats' with salad, it came on a bed of chips!  And yep, that's a cheeky seagull on top of our car.

ABOVE:  It was bloody huge!  But so, so delicious.  We don't need dinner tonight.  Might have some crackers/cheese/relish much later.  😀😃😋

Now... as for what we I bought?  Well, I will post that tomorrow as there's quite enough on here for the day!
Keep the guesses coming on 'What's the painting?'.
No one has guessed right yet... except there's blue in it.  Ha ha ha.

1.05 am:  Whoops, better get to bed!  
And no one has guessed what the painting is!  No one is even close.
All will be revealed tomorrow.


  1. Have a lovely day Chris. 3 degrees here this morning so sure you will be cooler. Don't know if you ever buy batting by the roll but Spotlight has great special on at the moment. I order online.

    1. I do buy it by the roll... when they have it here. Which is almost NEVER. It is doing my head in because I can't remember the name of the batting I prefer either, otherwise I'd definitely order it online. It is FREEZING here this morning.

    2. So no special on batting in Tauranga. Dammit.

  2. I wish I could have come to Tauranga with you!! Did you get to walk around the Mount? Love that place.

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Ohhh well at least you have had a nice day out. Sun has come out wonderfully today me and the midget spent time sitting in it. Must have tired her out because now she's snoring ðŸķ George's Mum.

  4. The painting, is a painting of the town that you guys just moved to..??

  5. Replies
    1. Nope. I'd only buy a 'Mount' painting if we lived there.

  6. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Something with blue in it? Am going to shorten my name GM ðŸĪĢ

    1. Yes it has blue in it George's Mum. ðŸĪĢ😉

  7. Wonder is the picture like your other one with shells and starfish OR something that matches that?

  8. What painting? Oh, that painting. He is carrying it. Hmmmm. I would say it's of your current town. But, didn't you already get one? Fish? Speaking of fish - how is your little koi pond?

    1. Our pond is great, and I've not killed any more fish! lol

  9. Picture of the ocean looking out from Mount Maunganui and a ship sailing across on the horizon is my guess!

  10. I'm betting you went to Zeytin for lunch. Yuuum

    1. Nope, it was called Turkish Delight. And it was wonderful, and we will certainly go there again.

  11. I'm guessing the painting is a cat seeing as you love them so much 😂😂

    1. You gotta KNOW it's NOT a friggin cat! lol

  12. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Something nautical GM.

  13. Love the scenery! Such a beautiful country.

  14. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Not a lighthouse then? Is it a bird in a blue sky? I like Warm and Natural batting. It's not heavy but very warm.

  15. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Whoops that's me. Jonesy

  16. Certainly a beautiful place to spend time. Have a relaxing weekend.

  17. Beautiful pics Chris, my guess, your new house.

  18. Cow is my pic for painting oh what else to do at 3.40 am

    1. What ya doing awake at 3.40 am ???

  19. A perfect day for going Over The Hill :)
    I love seeing the mountains from the Kaimais - it doesn't happen that often but still has the power to make me go Wow. Love your beach photos too.

    1. What are you doing leaving comments at 4am! You should be asleep Chick!!!


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