Thursday, July 09, 2020


Last night, when we were over at Steve and Bex's, you could actually see some of the floor in their garage!
Today Steve is going to assemble some shelving in the garage, so they can start making some sense of things that don't need to go into the house.  Like six boxes of baby toys, tools and so on.

The boys got to sleep in their beds properly last night, Steve assembled their beds yesterday.
I'm impressed with how much they have managed to get sorted out in just a couple of days.
Bex's 'Craft Room' is certainly looking very organised!  😆😅😂

Today is another day in my Studio.  Hopefully the weather is a heap better than yesterday!  I should finish the Wonky House Runner I started with the Striped Fabric this morning.
Then I am going to make some flat-ish cushions for our bar stools.

I'm really disappointed in them.  They are made from wood and cane, and I should have known the cane wouldn't last.

ABOVE: This one is the worst of the four we have.  I'm using it in my studio at the moment, but once it's got a cushion covering the damn hole, it can go back in the house.
Why the hell does the cane break after only 4 and a half years???
I'm friggin annoyed cos they were not cheap chairs by any means.

ABOVE:  This is my favourite striped wonky house by far.  The other three... you will see once I finish the runner later on.

And now... it's time to get up and start the day.  Oh man, I hope it's a nicer day, weather wise.  I'm over the freezing cold wind and rain for a while.


ABOVE: Well... it's finished, and I'm very happy with it.  The stripes look fine.  I am now working on the next one. 
I didn't feel like doing seat cushions right now after all.

The weather is much better today thank goodness.  Still freezing, but not so much cloud and rain.

ABOVE:  This house is in the next one.  It made using my MOST favourite fabric, a Kaffe Fassett floral.  I'm waiting for some more of it to arrive in the mail... hmmmm... might give the shop a call, it should have been here by now.

6 pm:  So I rang the shop in Auckland, seems part of my order can't be filled.  So, I will just have a credit and they will send me the other fabric in my order tomorrow.  Glad I chased them up, cos I don't think anything would have happened for a while otherwise.

We popped into Steve and Bex's for afternoon tea, they have managed to get the garage empty enough to get Bex's car inside it now.  That's awesome.

I know how that feels. 😂😅😆

10.41 pm:  And that's a wrap of today.  It's been busy, productive and damn cold.
Time for bed.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I love that blue wonky house!! I'm glad the kids are enjoying their new house - Bex will love having a craft room!

  2. I love the stripes.

  3. Kiwionholidays12:30 PM

    What a shame about the Bar stools , You can see by looking at them they were not a cheaper brand
    Another job for you to do for cushions etc , as if you don’t have enough already,

    Looked at a
    Lounge suite yesterday in passing , in one of the big stores it was 5 thousand and only had a 4 year warranty on the leather,,!!!

    Could buy three fifteen hundred dollar ones Every four years in that case lol

    Love the wonky houses so colourful etc

    Enjoy the day

    Cheers 🥂

  4. Loving the wonky houses, so colourful :-)

    I am sure Bex is loving getting her new wee house in order.

  5. So glad they love the house. It looks great and to be so close to you guys is wonderful

  6. Amanda8:32 PM

    Lovin that blue wonky house 💙

  7. I’m so pleased for you to have Steve, Bec & boys so close now.

  8. The wonky houses look great. Good to hear that they are happily settling in. Keep warm.

  9. I've never been able to park my car in the garage, that would be so nice lol


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