Saturday, July 11, 2020


Well of course, it wasn't supposed to be a shopping trip.
But I had planned on stopping at Spotlight for batting, and I'm so thankful I did, as they had some.  I bought all they had cos who knows when there will be more available?

It seems to be available only every now and then, and almost never here in Hamilton.

So anyway, that was our first stop.  After Spotlight, we went into the Mount and walked up and down the main shopping street.  And before I knew it we were in probably the only fabric shop there!
And I got a few meters of fabric and a couple of panels.

ABOVE:  This panel will turn into 8 placemats.  

ABOVE:  And these butterflies ?  Dunno yet, I just love the colours.  

ABOVE:  And here's 8 lengths of fabric I also bought.  Just a meter of each... I didn't go nuts.

After the fabric shop, Stew (stupidly) pointed out two gift shops that were closing down.  So we went to check them out.
And I saw a gorgeous painting in the window of one.  Saw the price and thought:  'Not bad', but as I couldn't think of anywhere in our house it would fit, we left it there.

BUT...  50 METERS DOWN THE ROAD, and I said to Stew "What if that painting is 40% off?".  So, we turned around and went back.  And it WAS 40% off, making it too good a buy to leave behind.  And I really loved it.

On our way home, I thought of how it would fit in:

ABOVE:  And there ya have it.  'Ellen'.  Isn't she gorgeous?  

Well, that's our purchases from yesterday.  Something tells me I should stay out of shops for a while now!

Now, don't forget, if you are reading this on your mobile phone, scroll right down to the bottom and choose 'View Web Version', then you will be able to view the video.

Today our Keera is 8 years old!  OMG time just flies by, she's half way to being a pesky teenager.

Today, I will be working in my studio till early afternoon.  Stew has a few odd jobs lined up, so he will be busy.
I think Steve is coming over to help his Dad put a new roof on our wood shed, it leaks a bit.

Catch ya later.



And for those who simply can't do it... here's the painting:

ABOVE:  She's beautiful.

Phew!  Such a busy morning.  I went into my studio and did some sewing.
Steve arrived to help Stew with the wood shed.  Bex and the boys walked over as it was a lovely fine morning.

Then Griffin arrived for the weekend.  He's come down to see Keera for her birthday.  
We will have Keera here tomorrow afternoon, which will be lovely.

Now Bex, Griffin and the boys have walked home, the men are working on the shed, and I've just finished setting up my painting area in the garage:

ABOVE:  I have a table for painting on, and a big double cupboard for all my paints etc.  Perfect.  Now all I need is a plastic trough to poise the canvas's over, to catch all the drips.  Might go look for something suitable soon.

Just had a lovely chat with The OLD MOO... (GM she is doing well.  Home tomorrow).

Right... off I go again.

8.40 pm:  It's been a busy evening here again.  We had Amanda and 3 of her kids, Steve, Bex and boys, Griffin and Brylee and us all here for dinner.

 ABOVE:  Full house!  If we have more than this I will have to invest in more cutlery... or use plastic ones.
Now there's an idea!  Why didn't I think of that before?  I've got dozens of plastic ones in the garage.

And dessert?  Magnum Ice Creams! So easy and no dishes to wash.  I've never done that before, but will be doing it again for sure.

All is quiet now... my ears are thankful.

Time to chill out and relax.  


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I can’t see the photo and my guess another cow painting

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Love the painting 🥰 I couldn’t have left it there either. Michelle from Oz.

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Love love love it. Moooooo kj

  4. Yes, I LOVE your painting too! gorgeous. Love the eyes & nose 😍

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Bugger I was going to say a cow grrr it's gorgeous 😊 GM.

  6. She is beautiful. But a cat would have been better *ducks for cover*

    1. lol... you are a dick! Said ever so lovingly of course.

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY Keera hope you have an amazing day 💝💝 GM.

  8. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Haha I was right! Blondie

  9. Anonymous2:15 PM

    dam I should of commented yesterday, I thought it would be a Cow 🐮
    #Lacy 💙

  10. Happy Birthday to Keera!

    I love the new painting - Ellen is indeed a beautiful cow. I also love your new fabrics and panels - I know you'll have lots of fun turning them into your gorgeous creations.

  11. The new painting is darling. Where is the old cow painting? Can you make a butterfly bowl cozy? Even if you don't see its a butterfly right away the colors and patterns are still nice.

    1. Our other cow painting is in the family room. We love it too. I don't think a bowl cosy is right for the butterfly fabric, the pattern is too big. But thanks for the suggestion Chick.

  12. Happy birthday miss muffit

  13. you won't believe me.... BUT I was going to say a cow yesterday for your artwork!!! I really was!!!!!!!

    1. I do believe you Chick! Anyone who knows me really well would have guessed a cow or something nautical. *smiles*

  14. I haven't hear about your paintings in ages. In fact, the last I remember is you were going to put a painting in an a spot so bugs and such can't land on it while it dries for weeks. I don't remember seeing it after it was dry. Have you been secretly painting all this time? Or are you thinking of starting it up again? Where is that painting you did?? Is it dry yet?? (sarcasm....)

    1. I finished 4 acrylic pour paintings... sold two already. I am going to make some more soon.

  15. I think if you had commissioned a painting it would be that cow... it is so 'you'. If you didn't buy it you'd be kicking yourself by now. It must be lovely having the kids close by now!!

  16. Happy Birthday to sweet Keera! Love the painting of the cow!

  17. What a fun evening. It is fabulous that Steve and BEx are within walking distance. A family gathering like that sounds fun. There are tons of July Birthdays in my family. But with the USA getting 60,ooo cases of covid a day - I think i will be staying home for the near future!

  18. The dogs fabric is so cute, love the butterflies, so colourful. The cow painting, is also cute, however, not one I would have purchased, I am more into scenery paintings. But, to each his own, if you love it I am certainly glad you will get a lot of enjoyment seeing it on your walls.
    You are fortunate you can fit your family in your house, with our combined children, grands and spouses and great grands it impossible. We do it in shifts.



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