Sunday, July 12, 2020


Today, all going well... Keera will come over for a visit with Lacy.

We have organised a lunch with Lacy and Keera, Steve and family, Amanda and family, Griffin, Brylee and us.  

Another crazy, busy, noisy afternoon ahead of us I do believe. 

ABOVE:  I took his cap off last night, and this is what I got.  *sigh*  kids eh? 

ABOVE:  Emily in my 'One Size Fits All' snuggly hooded 'blanket' top.  It's HUGE... BUT SO LOVELY to wear around the house.  She wants one now, so does Amanda.
Emily asked me how much it cost?  When I told her she said "Clearly Mum won't be buying two of them then".  😃😂😆

ABOVE:  Huston and Steve last night.  Huston has grown heaps!  He's now 18, his birthday is in between Brylee's and Griffin's.  

This morning I am going out to try and find a trough type thing for my painting area.  Then I'll be preparing lunch for the hordes.

*** lastly for now *** ...

ABOVE:  There is so much to love in this corner of the lounge.  


Been to the supermarket this morning... damn freezing!  And self checkouts?  Never using them again.  I hate them with a vengence.
And also, last time I looked, Countdown wasn't paying me to be a checkout operator right?  RIGHT.

And now... we are off to look for a trough thingee.

Found a thingee.

Home.  Prepared birthday lunch for Keera.  People came and went all day.

ABOVE:  Lacy has a cold.  Lacy was also in a foul mood and left early.

Things didn't go to plan and I doubt this will happen again.  

ABOVE:  Final photo for the day.

*** HEADACHE ***  To be expected with so much going on I suppose.

Keera is leaving shortly... then we can sit back and relax.  Left overs for dinner tonight.

Today was a bit up and downish... but it had a good ending.

Watching TV now, still nursing the headache.   Off to bed early tonight I think.


  1. Kiwionholidays12:19 PM

    Fab pics n get together enjoy the afternoon

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Good on you Stew, relaxing watching the rugby 🏉 lovely day here sun shining with a little breeze just as well have got a stack of washing to do! GM.

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    We don't like self-checkouts either, and don't use them on principle, as they deprive people of jobs.

    Love your new cow painting!

    A Fan in Canada

    PS: Huston looks a lot like Griffin in that photo with Steve. In fact, until I read your explanation, I thought it was Griffin!

  4. Sounds like a very busy weekend at your house - lots of fun family times. Have a lovely afternoon.

  5. What on earth are you painting?? Griffin has changed his hair color! So sweet of you about the LOVE in the corner of the room. Awww. Seems like a fun family day. I used to hate self checkouts. But now, in this cootie infested country I do use them - just so nobody else touches my stuff. I realize someone put it on the shelf - but I don't want someone touching every single thing as I walk out the door. So, ya... I use them now.

  6. Kiwionholidays5:39 PM

    Posted earlier before the last of set of pics fab catchup'

    Time for R & R now for you guys n us too,,

    Cheers 🥂

  7. Great family photo.


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