Wednesday, July 08, 2020


Stew is babysitting Dante and Archer this morning, as Steve and Bex need to do a BIG grocery shop.
They ran their stocks down before their move, so there was less to move of course.
Now they need to replenish the pantry, fridge and freezer.

I will be in my studio, working on two Wonky House Runners.

One is my 'normal' sort, with floral type fabric houses.

And one is going to be totally different from the norm:

ABOVE:  I'm using striped fabrics.   I have no idea how they are going to look compared to the floral fabric houses!
But, I wanted to try something different and new.  If it sucks, well it will be the only one.  😄😂😆

After I shut shop, I don't know what Stew and I will do.  But... You are sure to find out.  *smiles*


1.25 pm: And our morning has been fairly good.  No visitors in the shop today, not at all surprised though.  We have had a huge amount of wind and rain.   
Stew and the boys enjoyed each other's company while Steve and Bex did their shopping.
Our pantry got a bashing!  

We have been invited to dinner at their's tonight... so we will be their first dinner guests.  
How lovely.  Seems we have to take the dogs with us to keep the little boys happy.  lol

ABOVE:  I got this lay out finished... I had to take one house away as it just didn't look right.  I can't wait to start stitching it!  

9.40 pm:  Well our dinner was wonderful!  The kids made us Deviled Sausages and cheesy mashed potatoes.  Followed by 3 different ice creams and chocolate sauce.

We left there stuffed full!

Then I did 2 hours of sewing before coming back into the house to watch Coronation Stree.
Which should be on soon.

So, a very good day.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Love the stripes Chris. Kj

  2. Stripes and ANY patterns will work. You really can't screw up a Wonky House in any way that I can think of.

  3. Another great wonky house runner

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    How neat you and Stew are the first dinner guests 💙 turned cold here am tucked up by the fireplace after the doctor diagnosed me with pneumonia ohhh joy!! George's Mum.

    1. Sorry to hear that Robyn, I hope you are feeling better soon Chick.

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Yeah me too one thing after another at the moment but ya can't kill weeds 🙂

  5. GeorgesMum,look after yourself,you are still young,whatever have you been doing,this is serious.keep warm and rest plenty.THE OLD MOO.

  6. Love the house on the left - with the spiral roof line!

  7. Glad to hear that Steve and Bex are happy with the house. I love the look of it. Enjoy dinner as their first guests. Your new runner is fantastic-love the striped fabrics.

  8. Kiwionholidays8:50 PM

    No doubt you are still enjoying your lovely dinner with your new families in your neighbourhood lol

    Lovely that you are getting lots of your crafts done as well as your busy days

    Cheers 🥂

  9. Your wonky house runners are wonderful! I was wondering whether you had ever done a haunted house/Halloween one?

    1. Nope. I don't even know what a Haunted/Halloween house would look like.

  10. Sounds like a lovely day. How wonderful to be the first invited to dine.


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