Tuesday, July 07, 2020


Today Steve is going back up to Auckland to pick up some timber he left at their old house.  Griffin will be helping him.

That should be the last time he has to go back up there.

Bex will no doubt spend the day unpacking.  I will go over to visit them after I close my little shop at 2 pm.

ABOVE:  Steve sent me this photo last night... the kids look pretty happy up at their new dining table.  It seems to fit in their new dining room well.

Back to today, I will be in me studio finishing off a cot quilt.  Then starting another Wonky House Runner.  
I've no idea what Stew will get up to... but it probably involves feet up, dogs on lap, watching some sport on TV.  He needs to have a break!

So, that's us for now... catch ya later.


Now.... a few months ago I decided to play a prank on Steve.  But how to get it to work?  Hmmmm.... I pondered this for ever.
Then last night Steve messaged me and said he'd left his pills at our house... in our medicine cupboard.  


ABOVE:  I'm going to be a bit mad if it's sideways!  

And it is.  Sorry about that... no idea how that happened, I thought I was holding the camera the right way.  Derrrr.

3.08 pm:  Well... I got the 2nd cot quilt finished and started on a Wonky House Runner.  Then, as it was quiet with no visitors to the shop, I closed early and Stew and I went to Chartwell Square for lunch. 
Then we went over to Steve and Bex's for a quick visit there.

Steve had just arrived back from Auckland with the wood.
We hung out for a little while, then came home.

I've a few photos of the outside of their house.  None from the street at their request.

ABOVE:  From the back, left side.  There is a door from the garage that leads out to this side.  Very handy as the laundry is in the garage.

ABOVE (X'S 2)  The back yard.  It's LUSH.  It h
as several fruit trees and a really lovely deck for enjoying outdoor BBQ's etc.  You can access the deck from the dining room and the lounge.

ABOVE:  From the back, right side of the house.

As you can see, lots of pebbles, so virtually no weeding or garden upkeep.  Perfect for the family.

And that's it for now.  We are both rather tired, so a quiet couple of hours ahead I think. 

8.55 pm:  Dinner tonight was Chicken baked in a Teriyaki Marinade over Udon Noodles.  Was very yum.
Steve, Bex and the boys came over for showers as their hot water is still not hot enough.  Their cylinder only got turned on today.

I did a little more work in my studio after dinner.  Now it's time to relax before bed.


  1. Love the video, how did you get them to stay in there while you filled it with ball?

    1. We closed the left hand side door, then I held a wooden board up in front of the open side and Stew shoved all the balls in until it was full, then we carefully slid the wooded board to the left as we closed the right hand side door. It worked well.

  2. Very clever and very funny!!

  3. Kiwionholidays10:54 AM

    Love it lol
    Have a fab day

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Haha great prank!

  5. Classic. That's so good 🤣

  6. ohh yeah, you got him!! Love it !!

  7. The house looks great! It will be a fantastic new home for the family.

  8. I love that house. And I am sure they will really appreciate that wood fence!

  9. Anonymous4:20 PM

    What a great back yard for the kids

  10. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Whoops that was from Dee^

  11. That is such a cute wee house. Hopefully Bex will give us a video tour of inside when they've settled in.

  12. Kiwionholidays6:19 PM

    Love that beautiful lush grass too,,
    Making me homesick (smiles)

    The new home is super cute and they will have loadsa fun there,,
    That arch shaped window is lovely ,

    Will be great for you all lots of you and yours,now in coo ee of each other

    🥂 Cheers

  13. Looks like a lovely home. Great that you are so close.

  14. haha love it, house looks really nice too


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