Thursday, October 10, 2024



ABOVE:  Last night we had dinner at the Fergus Bar and Kitchen, on Borman Road, Rototuna.

ABOVE:  Stew and I decided to share a pizza and loaded fries, to compare them to The Foundation, where we usually go for that type of meal.


Like seriously.

Sooooo much better.

Amazing in fact.

I don't think we will ever go to The Foundation again.  

The meal was that good.   Martyn had a Teryaki Beef salad, which looked nice too.

He ended up sharing our Pizza and fries too... cos it was very filling.

ABOVE:  We all opted for a desert too, something Stew and I don't usually do.  It was called a Whittakers Chocolate Brownie.

That was amazing too!

So, if you want a really lovely meal, in a nice atmosphere, I highly recommend that place.

Moving on....

Today's job is to tweak a couple of areas of the garage, just finishing off the BIG job I started yesterday.

ABOVE: First up, I thought I'd show you where all the market stuff ended up.  In the sewing room.  And I don't think it has made the room look any less spacious.

ABOVE:  I already had that table in there, so all the runner bags went on it, and the rest of the stuff is under and beside it.

Works for me.

ABOVE:  While this corner of the garage isn't too messy, I am going to try and tidy it up so it's not annoying me.

Once that is done, I can then finish off the RHR #4, which did not get done yesterday.  And I really do need to get it done, seeing as some crazy tart down in Wellington wants it!  lol  

Love ya KJ.


10 am:  And I've done all I can do to the garage to enhance it's size, and tidiness.

ABOVE:  I tidied up what was on that shelving unit, then covered it.  Much better.

NOW I can work on that Round House Runner (Wall Hanging) for KJ.

ABOVE: And that's done and dusted.  Now I'm just waiting for the dowel to dry (I painted it), then I can send it off to you KJ.

I can't believe it's been about 16-17 years since you first gave me tips on sewing quilts etc!

I can still remember making my first ever quilt for Griffin, and telling you to finish it if I died during one of my surgeries!  Funny.

Time sure flies by, the years spin faster and faster as you age, that's for sure.

It's now 12.30 pm, and I've stopped for now.

I don't even know if I shall 'start up' again, I'm that tired.  Maybe a quiet afternoon is needed?

FUMING.   We have not even been 'on the market' two months yet.  And our Estate Agent is advising us to drop our price FOR THE SECOND TIME!  She told us to do it after only 12 days!!!

Now she's back to telling us to do it AGAIN.

I'm so angry.

SHE told us what our home was worth ffs.  We also looked at the market and could see what our home offered over others of similar size in our area.  

LUCKILY we are not actually in a hurry to sell, cos I am going to dig my fucking toes in and wait.

IF we lose the home we have a contract on right now, so be it.  There are others we can go for.  And if there is nothing we want when we are ready, then we will rent until the right home comes up for us.


9.09 pm:  Usual Thursday night here.  I took Stew to the pub, then spent time with Steve, Bex and the kids.

They I joined Stew and the crew at the pub for an hour, before we came home.

Now... keeping nice and warm, watching telly till bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Crazy!!! Haha. Must be from knowing you so long! I can't believe I showed you the first steps to patchwork. You just took off and did it on your own! You are amazing Chris. And I love ya my friend. Stew too! Kj

  2. Take it easy. You ARE permitted!

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Why reduce your price again. You know what it is worth! And if 2 lots are interested it's shown there is interest. And you could change your agent!!! Kj

    1. We can't change agents until mid December ... if we were to do that.

  4. Rhonda6:42 PM

    Agents are renowned for the behaviour of your agent that you’ve just outlined. Say what you want to hear to get your business and then bang oh no I think it’s overpriced 🤦‍♀️. Commission is their only interest! Very annoying. Hang in there as I’m sure you will - I wouldn’t be in your agent’s shoes lol

  5. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Maggie. Melb Aus Maybe it’s a sign to stay in your beautiful home.

  6. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I agree with you Chris. Real estate agents (my opinion) only work for themselves, they don’t give a stuff what price they get for the house, they just want turnover, they’re happy to take less commission for a lesser price, they just want to roll them over. Then they tell prospective buyers that you have to sell as you’ve got “bought” something, leaving buyers thinking they’ll get a bargain. Not sure about NZ but in Melbourne peak sales times is just warming up. Stick to your guns!! Marie, Melbourne

  7. Or stay right where you are!
    It is an option.....


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