Wednesday, October 09, 2024




Anyone want a free weight bench?  Cos we don't want it ... Stew can't use it anymore and I don't want to lug it to our next home.

Free to collect from our home.  edit:  TOO LATE, IT'S GONE!

Now, moving on... Today I'm going to finish off this:

ABOVE:  This one (#4) is 80% done and dusted.

So, I should get it finished by lunchtime.

After that, not sure what I will get up to.

Not sure if I feel like starting another runner today.  Might wait and see.


9.20 am, I listed that weight bench on Facebook Marketplace.

Within SECONDS I had several people clamoring for it!  So it's gone pending pickup soon.  I am going to use the spare space in the 'gym room' to store stuff from the garage and house.

ABOVE:  From this...

ABOVE:   To this, in exactly 22 minutes!!!!!

I am in shock!   I never in a million years expected it to go so swiftly.  I had 13 people ask for it in the space of 20 minutes, before I took the advert down.  

Now I can de-clutter the garage.  Excellent, I won't be idle today or for the next few days I reckon.

I hate being idle.

ABOVE:  So, I just listed this for sale on Marketplace.   I hope it goes quickly!  Not free, but pretty damn cheap.

And now, back to the de-clutter.

I'm certainly getting some exercise today!

4.21 pm.  I've been working like a mad woman all day!

The garage is almost totally sorted.  Might do some tweaks tomorrow.

ABOVE: One tweak I can't do.  That little wooden 'fence' that kinda separates the laundry area.  It's gotta go, but no matter what screwdriver I tried, it is stuck fast to the bloody floor.

So Steve is coming over in the weekend to get it off for me.

That will open up the area a bit better.

ABOVE:  Only one casualty for the day! One of my lovely Scentsy burners fell and smashed to smithereens.  Sad, I really liked that one.  Lucky I have three others.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š

ABOVE:  Vickie:   Too late.  When you made that suggestion, I had already put this lot down in the gym room.  NO WAY was I taking it all out again.

The flat pack boxes will go in the back shed... tomorrow.   So the room is not looking cluttered.

ABOVE:  I'm really happy with how much I managed to get done to de-clutter in here today.

Except for that corner to the right.

I will work on that tomorrow.

Hoping that little cabinet sells and gets outta my house soon too.

ABOVE:  The left hand side of the garage had MASSES of 'stuff' all along it.  Market stuff.  Big table.  Freezer.  And so on.  All gone.

Now the garage could fit two cars in it, at a pinch.

AND that was the object of this exercise.  To show the space in here.

Stew will need to tidy up 'his' corner in here too... I'll get him onto that this weekend. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

NOW.  I'm done like a dinner.  Totally knackered and about to STOP.

Or will I?

5.50 pm:  I didn't, no surprises there.  I got out the vacuum and did some of that around the house.

Then I got a call from a friend from Tauranga, and he's coming to spend some time with us this evening.  I think we are gunna go out for dinner.

Shit.  I now have to get out of these work clothes and into something slightly more tidy.

Luckily I had changed out of me PJ's when the bloke came to pick up the Weight Bench this morning, otherwise I think I would still be in them.

OMG I am so tired.  

8.10 pm, just home from dinner out.  We tried a totally new place tonight, I shall tell ya about it tomorrow.

It rained, it was like drops of bloody ICE I tell ya, soooooo damn cold!  

ABOVE:  It was a very nice skyline as we left the eatery.  But those clouds off to the left looked menacing, probably loaded with ice drops.

OH! That cabinet I listed today on Marketplace?

Yeah, there's a lady coming in half an hour to pick it up.  BOOM.

More shit outta my house.  Love it.

It's been an exceptional day really.  

And now I'm going to sign off, put me feet up, grab me hot pods and blankie and blob out.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Wow that was fast. Was it free??? Lol. I love the houses. So much! I just might. Kj

    1. You are such a dag! I am going to be seeing all my creations all around your home next time we visit!

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Pretty good chance of that Chris! Lol

  2. Yes it was free. Paying it Forward when I can.

  3. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The things I want gone quickly, I list from $1-$10 usually.

    I do not do free. I have problems with the free people. . .

    I agree, very effective way to get rid of a lot of things.

    Most of my things go very quickly, if they dawdle, then I take them down/unlist and donate.

    This combination MOVES stuff out of my house in a very effective way.

    I would leave the gym as is/empty so it looks spacious. Keep cleaning out. Use your sheds if necessary,


  4. You have been busy. Hope next open home shows reward for your hard work.

  5. I’m a stay in pj’s girl too….dont get dressed till I have to

    1. I usually get dressed very quickly once up, but today I was very tardy!

  6. Kiwionholidays7:00 PM

    Tired and understandably so but heck what a huge achievement
    You are a girl on a mission and Love your energy ,
    Have a fab dinner out tonight , no cooking n no dishes to do
    Will be fabulous πŸ’―πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ₯˜πŸ₯˜πŸŒΉ

  7. You are such s dynamo Chris. I could use you to organise my clutter here in Aus.

  8. How wonderful to be able to get rid of those treasures so quickly. You never stop working. So worth it though. House is looking even better

  9. You got lots done. Today. Yesterday. Whatever it is. I would really love to do a giant declutter too. But, it is hard when we are still self-employed and who knows what we will make next. The house is minimal. It's the studio and garage and such that are the problem!


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