Tuesday, August 13, 2024




I'm up and getting a few odd jobs done before I head over to Cambridge for an FBG walk.

After my walk, I'm coming home and visiting the VTNZ.  I have to get a new REGO for my car.

Usually VTNZ send you a reminder in the mail, but for some reason, I didn't get the reminder.  Same thing happened with my Driver's License.  It's a bit weird, because I got reminders after we moved here, but not now. 

After doing that, I'm going to Bunnings for some paint rollers.  When I get home I'm doing a little bit of painting.  Just those little spots that Lacy sanded for me last week.  And also some little chips on leading edges around the house.  I'll show ya later what I mean by 'leading edges'.  I want to keep up with things like that, it's too easy to let them go, and before you know it,  you have a much bigger job to do.

Since I did my big de-clutter, I've actually found even more stuff I'm not going to keep.  It's SUCH a good feeling knowing there's not a lot of 'unnecessary' stuff in my home anymore.  I find myself constantly looking around at what else I don't need!  This 'Swedish Death Cleaning' sure is fun.  😂😅😊

Alright, time to get off here and start the day.


 12.17 pm, and I'm just home from my out 'n' about this morning.

The FBG walk was awesome, we had stunning weather, and the freezing cold, stiff wind made the warmth of the sun bearable.

ABOVE: The 'Wetlands' of St Kilda, Cambridge.  Such a beautiful setting.

Official walk photo to come later.

ABOVE: Our walk stats, which I was very happy with. A good distance and pace today.

Now that I'm home, it's probably time to get some lunch.

MY FOOT???  Feels FINE, just a tiny bit sore.  So now VERY sure the problem was being caused by my sneakers.  

I went to VTNZ to get a new car Registration.  Seems it wasn't out of date.  We paid last December, and they sent the rego sticker to some random person in MASTERTON.   So, I cleared up that problem, and now my car (owned by me) live HERE, in Rototuna, Hamilton. 

ABOVE: Today's official walk photo, doctored of course.  It was such a stunning day!  Still is in fact.

And I've done bugger all since I got home.

I finished watching a movie on Netflix.   Had me lunch.  And now it's like ... 3pm and I don't feel inclined to do much at all.

ABOVE:  I might just continue being a lazy tart.       
And I WAS!  I did bugger all for the rest of the day, apart from cook Stew and I dinner.

We enjoyed a quiet evening, boring old farts that we are!
Catch ya tomorrow.



  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I look around my house every day and know what I want to do but.i.need a willing son to help move stuff. Enjoy your day. Kj

  2. I went to register my car and it said that I didn't have a current warrant! I checked my financial records and yes, I paid for a warrant a year ago. The garage had failed to enter it into the NZTA system so the garage did the next warrant for free. I was panicked for a minute though thinking how on earth I could have forgotten!!

  3. Kiwionholidays5:53 PM

    Hey Chris that first photo of the wetlands blown up and put on canvas would be the Ultimate ,

    Thanks for sharing the fabulous pics of the walks ,,
    Gives a warm fuzzy feeling 🥝
    Had car rego on one of the fleet last week so that’s another box to ✔️

    Enjoy your wee relax while you can
    It’s well deserved
    Cheers 🥂

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Hi I sent you and email....you have such lovely pictures...Peta

  5. I missed reading your blog all day yesterday. So here I am to say HI. I guess I was playing with New Dog. He is the happiest dog on the planet.


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