Wednesday, August 14, 2024



Ha ha!  I don't know what I love more, the man, or the blue lights on our lovely new induction cooktop!

I am so, so happy I got it.  It is soooooo fast heating stuff up too.  I wish I'd got it earlier.

I've pretty much mastered the new oven too.

Today is a stay at home day, and I plan on painting all the 'leading edges' that need it.

I'm quite surprised how quickly they have gotten dings in them.

ABOVE: Those are 'leading edges' btw.  It's where two walls abut together.  It won't take me long to get them fixed luckily, cos I really want to get back into the sewing room to finish off a few more Braid Runners.

AND sort them out ready for market on Saturday.

Lacy is also coming over today.  I'm sure I can find a few jobs for her to do for me.  Like the bloody vacuuming!


12.50 pm:  I've had a good morning, the paint touch ups took all of 10 minutes!

So then I did some sewing.   Got another Braid Runner finished.   Then I sorted out the runners, in readiness for Saturday.

THEN I visited Bex and the kids.  Both boys are home from school with sore throats.

Lacy is a no-show today, she's otherwise busy.

*sigh*... hopefully she comes tomorrow.  I have a new job for her!  lol

Now, it's lunch time and I'm hungry.

4.30 pm: Stew came home early as we had some plans... which have now fallen through.  grrrrr.

Not sure what to do now, might just sit and enjoy some down time.  I've been busy all morning and am freakin tired. 

An utterly lazy evening, we even bought Pizza for dinner.  Which was decidedly average.

Waiting to watch Coronation Street, then I'll be off to bed.


  1. Your home is lovely and you do take such good care of it!

  2. Kiwionholidays1:26 PM

    I totally agree with the lights on the induction cooktop
    Love wee awesome things like that,
    We’re ordering some bedside cabinets and a lounge one with LED lights which can by a remote ,change colours
    Ones for night light other for Mood Light

    Sorry to hear the wee guys have sore throats ,hopefully snuggled up at home day will see them better tomorrow

    Shout out to Lacy too Hope alls well 💯🛍️☕️🥝
    Cheers 🥂

  3. Super tired. Not sure that I can stay awake for Wordle at midnight. I am working on a movie set for the next three days. That should be fun and interesting!

  4. I’m struggling today too hit the nobody loves me humpty grumpty!

    1. Well boy boy loves you, and so do I!

  5. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I'm tired too to get some energy and motivation! had a cognitive test this week and surprise, surprise I have an excellent memory!!!


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