Thursday, August 08, 2024



Sorry, but today I don't have much to blither on about!

I'm going to be sewing all day.  

I have 15 more runners to finish off, so at the rate I'm going, I might have them all done by the end of next week, just in time for the next Tamahere Market.

ABOVE:  YES ...  I do believe she is giving me the side eye!

She's so damn cute, I can almost forgive her for her naughty nature!  She's a bit of a kleptomaniac.  If I drop something, be it a pen, piece of paper or piece of fabric etc, she will sneak off with it.  And if I leave her inside the house while I'm in the sewing room, or off out somewhere, she will find SOMETHING she shouldn't have and take off with it.

At least she seems to have stopped throwing all the cushions/pillows on the floor!  That phase was a bit annoying.  lol

Oh I just remembered.... Lacy is coming over today to do some jobs for me.  I am INCREDIBLY LUCKY to have a daughter who will come over and do the heavier housework for me!  I give her groceries or some pre-cooked meals by way of 'Thanks'.

Today she is doing the vacuuming, dusting and polishing.  

I hope you all have a neat day... I'm off to the sewing room.  Catch ya later.


ABOVE:  ha ha, I don't think she expected to be sanding walls today!  But she did it for me.  That's where I had a 'dog gate', but I took it down cos it was doing me head in.

Doesn't take much to do me head in.

Lacy spent a couple of hours here, sanding, then doing the vacuuming and some dusting and polishing.   Gosh it's sooooooo good walking through the house and it's spic 'n' span.

Thanks Lacy.

While she was busy, so was I.  I decided on a whim to re-arrange the sewing room.  It wasn't working too well for me in it's current set up.

ABOVE:  Before, with not a lot of wriggle room.

ABOVE:  Now things are in rows, and I have heaps more room at the other end of the room.

ABOVE:  Much easier access to everything this way.

And now... I've had me lunch and am finally going to work on finishing another Braid Runner.

7.45 pm:  Well, the sewing room did not remain like that!  I jinked around with it some more, and settled on a different layout.  Rather typical of me.

ABOVE :  Stew arrived home with a lovely gift basket of goodies. He did a talk for a group this afternoon, and they gave him the basket of goodies by way of a Thank You.

I took Stew to the pub, and visited the kids for a couple of hours, before picking him up and coming home again.

Very wet this evening I must say.  I hope tomorrow's walk isn't cancelled!

I'm sure the leader will let me know before I have to leave in the morning.

Right, time to sign off, it's been a busy day and I'm tired.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Oh ya! I would vacuum for food too! win win.
    She is a darling little dog!

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Wish I had a daughter like Lacey. This is my 2nd trip to hosp this week. I asked him to come over early this morning but he can only come this avo. Doesn't work. Be on net. I feel really ill. Thank God for friends. Kj

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Love the hanger above. I need my house rearranged but it's a bit expensive. Good one Lacey. Kj

  4. Lovely gift for Stew presentation. FELICITY

  5. Anonymous11:30 PM


  6. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Looks like your rectangle ironing board is working for you. Mine was a life changer, so much easier.



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