Wednesday, August 07, 2024

2017 - 2024


I have two days 'off' walking.

So I'm going to make the most of it, and sew and finish as many Braid Runners as possible.

I have been feeling a bit despondent lately about my stalled weight loss.  I've been pretty much the same, up and down 5 kilos, for about a year.

Then one of our FBG ladies posted a 'throwback' photo from 2017, when our group first started.

And I was like... OK.

ABOVE:  On the left is a photo taken in August 2017.  On the right, one taken yesterday.

I'm winning.  Slowly but surely, I am winning.

At a turtle's pace, but still moving forward (or rather, downwards!).  

I think I'll keep at it.  😊  But maybe I do need to change something.  Like drop my portions again, stop having so many meals out and so on.  I will talk to Stew about it over the coming days and see what we can come up with together.  It really is a never ending cycle eh?  

It (my weight), shouldn't bother me that much, but IT DOES.  I know how much happier I will be if I could only lose those last 10 kilos!!!!

Both girls go to the groomers this morning.  Coco's 'very bad mummy groom' has grown out enough for them to not be too shocked at her face 'n' head!  I will tell them I did it in a moment of madness.  lol

In fact, I did it because A) the groomers charge like wounded bulls and B) I couldn't get an appointment for months!  I was bloody lucky to get them in today, because they had a cancellation, otherwise they wouldn't have got an appointment till the end of October!

Right, enough yakkity yak, I better get a move on.


ABOVE:  Today's forecast.  FOG.  Goodness knows when it will lift.

I've been out and dropped off the girls for grooming, and am now home in me sewing room.

Heat pump is ON.

ABOVE:  Stolen off Facebook.  Rather funny.

ABOVE: 11.15 am, two hours later, and they are looking beautiful again.  I am always amazed at how different they look straight after a groom.

I am 100% happy with this groomer, she is much better than the bloke I tried last time.  He may have been cheaper, but he wasn't as good.

AND I have made an appointment for two months from now.... as I used to do.  It sure beats trying to book them in when they actually need a groom.

Now... back to the sewing.

Wow... I didn't realise I'd not updated in a few hours.

Well... Happy to say I got 4 more Braid Runners finished today.

Stew arrived home and we had steak, haloumi cheese and wedges for our dinner.  That was rather nice.

We've been watching telly since then.  Bedtime in a couple of hours.

So... catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Lookin good! You should be very proud of the weight loss success you have had.

  2. I wonder if the groomers would ever take a few minutes to show you how to trim the face between grooms. I was friends with our groomer so she did show me. I was still too bad and the dog too squirrely to actually do it though!

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Chris, why don’t you book the dogs in for their next visit when you pick them up today. I have very short hair and it gets cut every 4-5 weeks, so I book in for next visit as I leave. Marie, Melbourne

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I do that (book next appt) with everything I do. Every doctor, dentist, my nails, mammogram, etc.

      My hair guy and my massage lady book all my appointments for the full year, at the beginning of each year.


  4. Huge difference. You should be proud of yourself ❤️

  5. There’s a difference alright you’re hanging into last ten kilos when you get there you’ll still stress over gaining I want you to nail to a big piece of wood in bags of potatoes how much you’ve lost VISUALISE IT that way.

  6. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Wow, that is a huge win since 2017 - stop looking in the mirror, lol. You aren't much different to the lady standing next to you, well done. Audrey

  7. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Don't stress about your weight loss any more. Your body is probably just telling you that's its "happy place". I'd like to lose another 10 kg but when I do I look sick and can't maintain it. So I sit in the low 80s, size 16, and just stay there. The stress it causes you is simply not worth it. Don't spend the rest of your life worried about what you eat, or that you didn't lose that last 10 kg. Look back at how far you have come, and settle in at your "new" weight. Focus on just maintaining that. The added pressure is not good for you. You look great, and I'm sure you feel much better. Much love xx Colleen.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Colleen, I agree with you 100%. I went on so many different diets in the past, lost the weight, and then put even more back on. As long as I can fit my clothes now I am happy with my weight as it seems to stay around the same without any effort from me!! Being happy is much more important than focussing on something that makes no difference to you as a person. Audrey

  8. Anonymous12:32 PM

    You really look so much better in the more recent photo. Do you ever take measurements? I found that sometimes when I had a weight stall I was loosing inches instead

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Hey you need to be proud of the perseverance and determination you've put into your weight loss Chris. Take a look at the photos of the decorated tree if you want a reminder. I'm going to try keto. I reckon I could stick to that. Spent morning in hosp yesterday cause my heart rate had dropped. Just medication but it helps vm. So need exercise keep it up. Have found a trainer I can go to and he's keen to help build up my strength in my legs. The dogs do look so different but so cute. You look awesome. Kj

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Good luck with Keto! I've been keto/carnivore for about 9 months now. Best thing I've ever done for my health. Many ailments I had become accustomed to have melted away. Amazing for weight loss also, no need to torture yourself with calorie deficits and excessive exercise when you allow biochemistry to do the work for you! Keep your insulin low (low carb) and your body cant store fat and will use fat for energy (in the absence of insulin). Its all about insulin/glucagon ratio. Goodluck!

  10. The dogs are naked now ;) I bet it feels good to them though. I've never had a dog that needed to be groomed. Something to remember when and if I ever look for another. You've come along way in the weight loss department. I think I went the other direction ;)

  11. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Well done on the difference between the two photos. It is sometimes good to have a reminder like that. Yes- we have bad days/periods with food/weight loss but overall you are winning. Slow and steady is the best way.

  12. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Wow the poochies look like 2 different dogs!

  13. Wow, that photo comparison just shows how far you have come and better still, you are maintaining better these days. Clearly all the changes you have made over the years are paying off.

  14. These "wedges" you speak of.... Do you make them from scratch or buy frozen? They sound tasty!


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