Thursday, October 19, 2023


Stew's last day at work for ... I think 6 days?
He's taking extra days either side of the long Labour Weekend, so he has a decent break from work.
I am going to enjoy having him home.

And of course, we do have a busy weekend ahead of us.

I don't have any specific plans for today, it's still a bit early to even think about putting anything together for Saturday night's Birthday dinner.
And really, there won't be much to 'prepare' as I'm keeping it very simple.

And everything is ready to go for both of our markets.

ABOVE: This is the Christmas Braid Runner that I finished yesterday.
Never in a million years did I think I would make THAT MANY when I made my first one, which was not that long ago either!
I didn't really like this one as I was putting it together, but now that it's finished I do like it.
I think the finishing touch with the Holly Leaf border made it 'work' for me.

I am SO tempted to make one in Pinks and Blues!
Maybe that's what I will do today, to keep myself out of trouble, and/or bored shitless. 

ABOVE:  Amanda went over and mowed Lacy's brand new lawn late yesterday.  She did an excellent job.
Except the edges looked a bit ragged.
And I told Lacy she would need to find a way to tidy them up.

ABOVE:  *snort*... she tidied them up!
I think she is going out today to buy an implement to do it easier.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ˜…

ABOVE:  Marley standing guard.  I feel so safe.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜

ABOVE:  8.45 am.  Making progress...

ABOVE:  Here's a close up of the centre of this Christmas Braid Runner.  Rather cute eh?

ABOVE: And there it is, finished.  Gosh I love this one!

If I really needed another runner, I'd keep it!  But I totally do not though.

So, that's me done with sewing until after next Monday at least.   

This weekend is all about loving my FAMILY, and the two markets in between all of that.
I am going to have such a neat Birthday weekend.  

CAROLINE:  That you for such a sweet comment.  I have had to work very hard to get where I am today, but it has been worth it.  πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’—

*Let's not lie.*  The 'inner bitch' is still there, she's just learnt how to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself most of the time.
If she acted on her impulses, she'd already be in jail !
Now... when I'm 80 and don't give a shit where I sleep... now that might be a different story.  lol

8.45 pm:   Well I ended up going to the pub with Stew. We had a neat catch up with friends, and then came home to find Steve, Bex and the boys here.
So Stew had a few more beers.  He'd already had quite a few, so was very merry by the time Steve and co left!

He's gunna snore something rotten tonight.  πŸ˜₯😣😭

ABOVE:  The little boys were highly amused seeing their Granddad tipsy.
It's not something that he does very often.  

And that's a wrap on today.
It's been a good day.
Catch ya tomorrow.

I struggled this evening.  There were hot chips on the leaners at the pub ... and it was INCREDIBLY HARD to have NONE.   But I did it, I had NONE.   I came home feeling very proud of myself.


  1. What a nice sister! Love the Christmas runner!

  2. Amanda Alison OBeirne7:22 AM

    It’s a lawnmower… not an edger πŸ˜„ I couldn’t get that close to the edges… twin liked the lines tho.
    Next time I’ll do it with a catcher, I brought the wrong one hehe.

    1. It's ok lol I got those rascal edges twin lol πŸ˜†
      Thanks for helping x

    2. The lawn looks great Amanda.

    3. Amanda-Alison3:34 PM

      Nawh thank you, lots of yelling and running when on in the process of doing them lawns, the twin’s mouth yelling did a wana cupa tea lol.

    4. Yes lol me thinking when would be a safe time to approach crazy twin with lawn mower whilst holding said cup of tea 🍡 lol it took a few attempts then realized, put said cup of tea on the outside heat pump system...and run πŸƒ‍♀️ lol πŸ˜† twin found said tea had a sip and gave me a slight 'side eye, it will do with a weird ass grin' look lol.
      No cups of tea where throwen and lawn was completed lol πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    What is the tank in the corner of her yard please?

    Cleaned out part of my studio Sunday, where the machines are located. So much better!

    Found old projects and am finishing them.


    1. All new homes now have to have Storm Water Storage ... that's what it is.

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Can you hook up a hose and water flowers/lawn? Like a giant rain barrel?

    3. I have no idea Vickie

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    That is one healthy looking lawn. Can't wait to see the new pink and blue runner. Ky Girl

  5. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Can I just say that in all the many years I’ve been reading your blog (almost daily) I’ve never “heard” you sound more at peace than you are now? You rock! You’re killing it Chris! Killing the toxicity, weight gain, all the bad stuff, and gaining a better life. Good on you! Hoping you have the happiest of birthdays and a wonderful year ahead. ❤️ I know it’s not your birthday yet, but I’ll be thinking of you.

  6. Love the runner hint!

  7. Hve a great birthday weekend. Looking forward to hearing about it. And an early happy birthday to you.

  8. That grass look luscious. Our grass is sharp and pokey and this year was dry and brown like burnt toast. I don't think I have ever seen grass like that anywhere!

    1. Was so luscious, it even blew beautiful in the wind lol πŸ˜†
      Now it's cut and didn't blow with the wind but still looks dam good πŸ‘Œ 😎

  9. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Also agree with Caroline - you're ticking all the right boxes - especially after your extremely upsetting Covid period. OMG that lawn is so lush and a beautiful green colour. Marley is doing a fabulous job keeping watch so cute. Have a fantastic birthday Chris new Era/chapter ahead. What are you "fanging" for (meaning what is on the top of your food birthday celebration - Savoury?? Sweet?? Maria(Australia)

    1. I don't think I'm 'fanging' anything in particular. Just the thought of not having to cook it myself is the best part of my Challenge being over soon! And being able to eat at a restaurant again. Weekend trips out of town and knowing we can pop into a cafe or such like for a meal. That's what we have both missed the most.

  10. That runner is gorgeous! Great job!

  11. Anonymous7:52 PM

    WOW Chris I hope you have an awesome weekend. TWO markets? Hard work. Welcome to the 65+ gang on Saturday. Have a wonderful night with your family. You are no 1!!

  12. Great job fighting those evil chips

  13. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Stews on holidays now, woohoo!

  14. Will you take a “same” photo and the end of 73 day stint.
    Hope your next few days are productive financially pleasing and family orientated x

  15. Anonymous11:44 PM

    This might have already occurred to you. I love science experiments, factual data, so this appeals to me.

    Consider weighing yourself on the final day of your challenge to see what impact eating out actually has on you.

    Did not-eating-out have an impact on your weight? Did the (I assume) lower salt intake reduce your water weight/puffiness do you think?

    Those days went FAST!



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