Wednesday, October 18, 2023


The next fluff bucket is off to the groomers today.
It's Coco's turn to get shorn like a sheep.
And she sure needs it.

I am going to drop her off, then head off for a Lake Walk with Lacy and Amanda.

I will be back in plenty of time to pick Coco up again once she's finished.

I think I'll take Marley on the walk with me, so she doesn't stress out on her own at home.

Once home, I am going to do some prep-work in readiness for our 'Double Market' weekend, that's coming up.
It's going to be a crazy, busy weekend.

We have Mike and Joyce arriving for the weekend.

We have the Tamahere Market on Saturday, and my Birthday dinner Saturday night.
Then on Monday (Labour Day) we have the Cambridge Church Market.

Both those markets have proven to be really good for us, so I'm looking forward to making some good sales.

Today I will make sure all my stock is ready, my float is adequate and we have everything we need, all ready to go.

Clearly I'm not a 'leave it to the last minute' sorta person.  😊😏  
I'm feeling really excited for the weekend!  Seeing the kids, having all the family here Saturday night.... it's gunna be so neat.

ABOVE:  This is the Christmas Braid Runner I started yesterday.  Very traditional colours, with a Fat Santa on the beach in the middle.  Very apt as we have Christmas in Summer time.

Once I'm home from the walk I will finish it off.

ABOVE:  Coco's 'before' and 'after' photos.  She is almost unrecognisable!!!
She is going to feel much better now that the weather is warming up.

ABOVE:  Our walk today... third best time!
Just Amanda and I again today.
Lots of lovely yakkity yakking.

ABOVE:  Such a lovely backdrop for photos.  Lighting could have been better, got the sun above so a bit shiny. 

ABOVE:  It doesn't matter where I take photos of our lake, they are always gorgeous.

It's now 11.05 am, time to get into the sewing room and do some work.  NOT that I need to ... but I have nothing else to do!

2.27 pm:  Had me lunch...  lovely chicken wrap.
Then came into the sewing room and just finished the quilting of this runner.

ABOVE:  I swear I spent way, way too long trying to decide what colour thread to use!  In the end I went with a multi-coloured thread.

Now I have to add the backing fabric then bind it.  

WHY????  So, I just leave... again.  It's NOT ME... it's them.  Rude, inconsiderate people.  
Never again though.  Not going to put myself in that position again.  LEFT.  

Moving right along.  Expecting a couple of friends this evening, plus BEX for a game of cards.  Or two.  Just a little group tonight for our last get together.  

I just finished that Christmas Braid Runner and will show you it tomorrow.  Right now I want to sort out some supper for this evening. 

My lips are sealed.
Ya know what that means.
It's not a biggie.... just an explanation for some.
ABOVE:  Just had Bex, Susan D and Z over to play cards.  Z played exceptionally well this evening and won resoundingly.
All have gone home now, and it's wind down time here.
Catch ya tomorrow.

I can't believe we are nearly there.  When I started this challenge I couldn't imagine how it would feel seeing all those crosses.  Now I know.  It feel GREAT!  It's been such a long journey.


  1. Love the runner!

  2. I hope you are enjoying your walk ... beautiful day here in Christchurch. The weekend ahead sounds awesome ... lots of loved ones and lots of fun, plus hopefully some nice profits from the markets too 🙂

  3. I hope you are able to keep up the walks in summer. ANNNND that the daughters will continue walking with you!
    What a change in Coco! So funny!

  4. Umm.... not sure what happened, but that sucks!

  5. Lake looks certainly has warmed up

  6. Anonymous6:34 PM

    It's Hawke's Bay Anniversary Day here on Friday so we have a 4 day weekend YEEHAH am looking forward to that after learning so much in the new job sheesh so bloody hard learning new shit at times 😅 GM 💙💙

  7. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Haha the lower trophy is savage🤣

  8. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Baby bump looks like a boy to me.


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