Friday, August 11, 2023


 A couple of days ago, I decided to strain a pottle of Basil Pesto, to see if I could extract some of the oil.

Cos I figured it was probably 80% oil, if not more.

ABOVE:  Sadly, that was a waste of time.  Seems my sieve wasn't fine enough, and 95% of the product dripped through.

Not sure what else to use to get rid of most of the oil?

Or just accept it's super oily, and eat it.  Or not.

I'm thinking NOT.  

Much as I love it, it's super high in 'points/calories' ... bla bla bla.

So is Mayo. Dang.

Rather typically, anything you use to add flavour to a salad/wrap etc is seemingly high in points.

I knew this.  I had just gotten used to slathering it on without a care in the world.

Ideas for flavoursome shit I can put on me wraps?  In me sandwich?    All and any considered.  Ta in advance.

ABOVE: I'm going out today to look at something like this.  For transporting my sewing machine from the car to inside the hall on Patchwork days.

I know it's only once a month... but I am not going to be able to carry that friggin machine forever!  It weighs a tonne.

To buy a dedicated sewing machine bag with wheels, that my machine would fit in costs around $300 - 400 !  That's just a bit more than I am prepared to spend.

Sadly, I did have such a bag a while ago, but it died.

I will probably head out to Mitre 10 and Bunnings around 9, after the rush hour traffic has dissapated.

Then it will be home to do some fluffing around the house.

I better check in on Lacy as well.... see how she's feeling today.  I bet that mouth of hers is still sore!

DAY TWO of my Challenge.

AND.... the trolls are back.  This came in late last night:

  • You
Thu 10/08/2023 9:50 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "DENTIST AGAIN":Of course you can not do it. You are all talk, a drama bitch. All you do is moan and complain, poor Stu. No wonder he goes to the pub every night. You should try not taking pain meds so often, you seem dependant on them. You go to WW but clearly don’t follow the plan. Its your way or the highway. Your kids are afraid to mess with you. You are just a nosy busybody in there lives. I could go on but I won’t. You just never follow through with anything and you can’t take any criticism. You really need a psychiatrist.
And the dentist let you sit on the floor because he or she didn’t want you there. Who goes in with a 40 or 50 year old child. You and your kids all need to grow up.
Yep.  Usually I just hit 'DELETE' on nasty Anon Comments, but this one deserved an answer.

My husband goes to the pub ONE night per week, for two hours.  

I take a panadol once every MONTH or so... for a headache primarily.

Going to Weight Watchers, no matter if I follow the plan or not,  is my choice.  How I choose to lose weight is NONE of your damn business.

You know nothing about my kids or the dynamics within our family.  NO ONE is afraid of me!  That notion is just ridiculous.

I was more than welcome to be in the room with Lacy at the dentists.  No matter how OLD my kid is, I will SUPPORT THEM if they need it.  

You are a fuckwit.  A nasty, sad individual, who needs to get a life, and stop stalking mine.

This is the LAST time I will address YOUR dumb arse comments.
NOW FUCK OFF.  Ta so much.

ABOVE:  Look at that!  I found the perfect trolley at Mitre 10, it was the one I had narrowed my search down to.  And it is perfect.  Everything I need to take to patchwork group fits on it.
I might use a tie down to make double sure nothing falls off, but otherwise... It all fits.
It folds down to a very small size when not in use, and it is compact and lightweight for getting in and out of the car.

I'm now home and contemplating doing nothing much today.  

And... it's now 4.23 pm, and I really have had the most lazy day!  Feels wonderful to just potter around the house, doing bugger all.

ABOVE:  I stuck up all the Braid Runner pictures on me sewing room wall.  There's 4 more to put up once they are printed.
It's my way of keeping track of what I have done.
And my walls look neat covered with all my creations.

8.20 pm:  Well I'm happy to report Lacy is feeling fine, she's even managing to eat 'normal' meals.  So all good there.
It's time to sign off for the day, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    You could save up handwork to take to your meetings do you do not have to haul anything large. I have belonged to groups like that, when I was younger, I hauled. As I aged, I took handwork or cutting. So much easier. Easier to be social too.

    I have an adult daughter with health issues. I have slept in a chair in hospital rooms, many a time. It is not only support, it is also a safety factor for medications, procedures, tests.


  2. Oh wow lol annon, you Crack me up πŸ˜‚
    ....anyways good Morning DCR πŸ’™ and you're beloved followers ☺️
    Again thank you so much Ma for coming with me yesterday, I πŸ’― percent would not of gone if it wasn't for you xx
    Mouth is feeling sore a bit stolen still and well tender, but that's to be expected...
    Have a good day all
    #Lacy πŸ’™πŸ’œ

    1. OMG! So glad you are doing well. I was reliving a great deal of dental bullsh*t yesterday while you were at the Murder House. Heal up. And then I will nag you like a Mom on the other side of the globe..... Go get your yearly or twice a year check-ups, cleanings, blah blah blah. Hopefully you and dentist can keep things from getting out of control.

    2. Oh hello there Ma from the other side of the Globe 🌎 x yes I am doing better today ☺️ have had a lovely sandwich πŸ₯ͺ my mouth is not to bad 😊 xx πŸ’œ

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    What an idiot. They have completely twisted / exaggerated everything you have said
    Try looking at eskies/chilly bins or suitcases on wheels for your machines too

  4. On your basil pesto--couldn't you blend in more fresh basil to bulk it up? Chuck leaves and your pesto into a blender and buzz it until it's the consistancy you want. The ratio between leaves and oil then changes. OR you could just make your own and adjust the spices to your own tastes.

  5. Fresh herbs in the wrap add flavour. There are likely low calorie/pint dressings & spreads but I don’t know what they taste lik, or what they have in them. Maybe a spoon of tomato based pasta sauce.

  6. People are stupid and mean and I don't understand why they have to be like that. I think you're doing great with your weight loss journey and if my daughter (who is 32) wanted me to go to the dentist, doctor, etc. with her, I'd sure as hell be there in a minute. It's called being a loving/caring Mom.

  7. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Chris - when opening a new jar of peanut butter or pesto, before stirring I pour off the oil that has risen to the top. Then I stir it up and use it. I can't believe the amount of oil there is and it is very unappetizing to me.

    And you can do the 73 days, etc, etc...don't listen to that hateful creature...he/she must be a very sad person. Hateful, definitely. Such a Sad Sack!!


  8. Anonymous1:07 PM

    OMFG Anon hope you feel better for saying that because everyone else is laughing πŸ–•πŸ–• maybe make your own pesto like someone suggested?? Bloody freezing today snow all over the ranges but hey it's winter GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. ☺️☺️☺️πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ regarding your comment towards the twat (annon) xx

  9. Home from dentist WOW that was a ride I sure didn't enjoy, felt like shit....funny there was an earth tremur just as I was leaving the surgery. Had to sit in waiting room for about hour and half til they would let me leave. But they all gone now thank god. Hope Lacy feeling more herself today

    1. I am feeling alot better xx thank you Felicity xx 😘

  10. I know you can do 73 days. But again, I wonder why. If you want to go to taco bell and get a little chicken taco - by all means do it! Life varies. Maybe you need a quick healthy meal. You can make good or bad decisions wherever you are! home / restaurant/ traveling... So just make each decision based on what YOU want or need at the time. Not on a number.
    And bugger off ANON. You are poop!

  11. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Dumbarse Anon must be illiterate and can't read properly. We all know Stew goes to the pub once a week

  12. Do you like sautΓ©ed onions maybe that on a wrap?weight watchers sauces spreads fresh herbs all the above.
    Oh and Anon it’s Stew not Stu!

  13. Happy to hear you feeling ok Lacy.
    Agree with you all, Fark off troll.
    Chris, I use a low point dip like Spring onion or Hommus or similar on my wraps or sandwiches.

  14. Anonymous12:16 AM

    I use regular/plain yellow mustard. I love it.

    One idea I have for you is to put the makings of a wrap or sandwich into a bowl. So everything you would put in it, just without the actual bread/wrap.

    I think of these as “chopped” bowls. I really love them.

    I cannot eat lettuce, so these are fun mixtures for me, but not a lettuce salad.


  15. I am glad Lacy is doing well. I would do the same for my kids. You are a fabulous mom. I admire you so much. As for troll, if only the rock they are under would collapse on them. Very sad person. Hugs.


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