Thursday, August 10, 2023


 Lacy has another dental appointment today, at 1 pm.  It will be the removal of the part of the tooth that remained in her jaw after part of it fell out.  

She's stressed to the MAX, I would be too.

I will be taking her to the appointment, and staying to support her.

Here's hoping I don't end up traumatised too!  I hate being in a dental clinic.  I'm going to take earphones to plug into my phone so I can listen to music LOUDLY!  lol

ABOVE:  I have decided to do a PERSONAL  73 DAY CHALLENGE.

One I've just made up for myself.

NO TAKEAWAYS or MEALS OUT for 73 days.  ***  That will not include meals we have at our families homes, as long as they are home cooked.

All home made meals from TODAY until the 21st of October.  

That will be the day of my 65th Birthday.  That night we will go out to dinner for sure!

My main goal is to be healthier, lower my blood sugars some more, and my weight might even go down a bit too, not to mention how much money we will save!

Do you think I can do it????  Have any of you ever done something similar???

*Poor Stew is gunna have to either get himself takeaways sometimes, or follow my lead! 

So.  Today is Day 1.  Let the countdown begin.

A very wet night and morning I must say.
But... it didn't matter to me.
I dragged Lacy out for another lake walk.
In the rain.

ABOVE:  I felt like our pace was slower today... and it was, but only slightly.  Seems at my 'usual' pace I can do the lake in 38 minutes on average.  I'm happy with that.

ABOVE:  We dressed for the rain, and I even added gloves, as my hands often feel frozen.

We are now back at mine, I've had an early lunch (a wrap) and I'm trying to keep Lacy's mind off the dentist.  If I wasn't here with her, she would have already backed out of it.

50 minutes to go...

ONE FULL HOUR IN... and they still have not managed to get the tooth out. Its now become a semi surgical procedure.  They are cutting into her jaw bone! I needed to leave the room... my head started to spin. God knows how bad Lacy is feeling  right now.

ABOVE:  If I ever go to the dental clinic again as a support person.... I must remember to take a fold up stool with me!  It was terribly uncomfortable sitting on the floor.
I was very surprised they didn't offer to get me a chair in fact.

ABOVE: about 30 minutes in, and having a little break so more pain relief could kick in.
There was no offer of gas or anything like it.

Lacy did have anti anxiety medication from her Doctor to take, so she wasn't too freaked out once that took effect.

ABOVE:  75 minutes from start to finish!  And it's out.  And she is SO RELIEVED.  Now it has to heal for a couple of weeks, then her plate can be adjusted, and she won't look like a bogan from the  Westside any more.

She's gone home now, and I am going to just relax in me comfy lounge chair for a while.

Someone commented that 73 days was a bit long for my challenge.   Stew and I have done the 'no takeaways, only home made meals' before.  About 4 years ago in fact.  And we did it for several months... so I know it's totally doable.

8.43 pm:  And Lacy has reported in ... and while her mouth/gum/jaw is rather sore, she's managing the pain well.

Stew arrived home early and took himself off to the pub.  He's home now.  All is good.  Nice and warm indoors.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I think that is a great experiment. It will be interesting to see what happens. Of course WHAT you eat at home, will be key.

    We have a dinner meal service that delivers the ingredients, shipped once a week, we cook. My son and daughter in law are on same plan. One of my daughters is on program but her meals come cooked, she just warms them.

    So it is all portion controlled. Whole Foods. Organic.

    Almost no breads/noodles/processed/cheese.

    Husband/myself are on the vegetarian plan and add plain baked chicken (my husband cooks/shreds/measures/freezes portions) to all the meals. My daughter is vegetarian. Son/DIL do meat plan.

    I have two eggs for breakfast every day in order to take my meds and go to exercise. It is enough and holds me, without making me nauseous in class. It does not impact my cholesterol.

    Lunch varies but is solid and small.

    And I drink lots of (plain) water, usually hot.

    I think eating from home, eating only at meal time, portion control are all key. I think keeping protein up and carbs down so they pretty much balance is also very important.


  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Poor Lacy! Can they knock her out or give her something so she does not know/care?

    1. To be knocked out it will have to be done at the hospital, and there is a waiting list I'm gathering, so docs gave me some of my anxiety meds for this.....I'm so hoping they work good enough...last time I had to tap out twice and have meds....was not a pleasant at all πŸ˜’

  3. I sure hope Lacy can get some gas or pill that will relax her.
    Yes - I think you can go without takeaways. But why? You can make good or bad choices at home or restaurants. I LOVE take-out. So much so that I often make one meal last for 2-4 meals (Vietnamese food or any "real" restaurant). Taco Bell has healthy choices. McDonalds has kids meals. Oh dear.... I seem to be an addict!

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I applaud your challenge but 73 days is a very long time! Would it perhaps be better to break it down into one or two weeks at a time and then if you do "slip up" you can just pick it up again before your birthday. Anyway good luck with the challenge and, dare I say it, personality adjustment. Audrey

  5. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Good luck Chris, something I’m not interested in doing AT ALL!! I love socialising, so often am out for breakfast, lunch, dinner. So that five kilos I’ve had to lose for the past ten years is still with me, even though I go to gym every day and walk 10k every day. Marie, Melbourne

  6. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I forgot to mention @the_women_space on Instagram has lots of ten minute workouts you can do at home without weights Marie, Melbourne

  7. You go girl!!you can do this

  8. Sounds like a good plan. I live in an isolated area with no restaurants

  9. Anonymous11:04 AM

    What a wonderful goal and I love how it ends on your birthday. You can do this. I look forward to seeing what meals you come up with. When you go out to Steve and Bec's house, that will feel like going out...dress up some before going over and you will feel like you've been "out" to dinner. Just a thought to livin' things up.
    Ky Girl

  10. The only meals out we have would be brunch when travelling. We hardly ever get takeaways except if out with the grandsons (I think we've done that twice this year!). Lately we never go out for dinner, in fact I can't remember the last time we had dinner out - not even for my birthday last week. My point is clearly eating out/takeaway food is not my problem :) Having said that next week we are off to UK for an entire month of eating out and I'll have to be so careful to not overeat!

  11. Rhonda11:52 AM

    Good luck with your challenge. You certainly go all out when you set yourself a goal! Lots of fake-away recipes on goggle

  12. LACY! No backing out! Trust me. I have lived with dental hell in my mouth since I had baby teeth. When I was in my twenties a dentist told me I would lose all my teeth by age 35. That started me going to a gosh darn periodontist every THREE months for tortuous invasive cleanings. Not covered by insurance, very expensive! I am now 54. I have lost several teeth and have a partial denture. I even went to Costa Rica to get 6 implants. But guess what!!?? Too much bone loss in my jaw and they didn't take. I have NEVER let anyone including my husband see me without my "teeth". Nobody even knows how many are missing. But the keen reader will figure it out from this comment. Shhh. Don't tell. Anyhow. My point is this. Each and every tooth in your mouth has a monetary value of about $6,000. So take care of them. No matter how hard, stressful, scary, shitty, pain in the ass, nightmare, freak out, piece of crap, and anxiety inducing it is ! A broken tooth will lead to nothing good. It will lead to infection and bone loss and more. Ask me how I know. I assume you are at the dentist or maybe even finished! Have some KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken) mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner. Or a milkshake. (no straw) . I am with you and sending positive vibes! I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW what you are going through.

    1. Omg 😱😱😱😭 I'm sitting in the car with Ma outside the Murder house waiting for 1pm
      I am litlerly sh*tatting myself......

    2. Murder House.!!!!!
      Hell girl, I go to the murder house every three months to be tortured. I will definitely be referring to it as "Murder House" going forward! You got to keep those teeth. It gives you something to attach that partial denture too. If we lose those teeth, we will get sunk in faces like a turtle. Get in there and do what needs to be done. That's what Novocain is for! And Gas is even better!

    3. Hang in there Lacy. It will be worth it in the end. I have the same fear so know EXACTLY how you feel. When I finally went (after avoiding it for 30 odd years) I was lucky to have a lovely dentist & his assistant was very sweet, she even held my hand when she could see I was getting freaked out.

  13. Diet Coke..... Please update ASAP. Now I am in Lacy Dentist mode and can't think of anything else.
    LACY ! It will be fine. After this get a nap, and then soft foods or milk shakes.
    Nasty tooth - BE GONE!
    Healthy teeth - Keep those no matter the cost. Remember they are worth $6000- $10,000 each! Let the murder house have at them one or two times a year! Ironically, the more you go to the Murder House, the better!
    OK OK> I need to get to work....
    Update. ....
    Thinking of you both!

  14. Shit - well, I have had this happen to me. Doctor B told me that Doctor A could have broken my jaw. Thank the Goddesses that didn't happen. Seriously... Do you have Nitrous (Laughing gas) or a BLUE PILL? I got a blue pill in Costa Rica because they don't have gas. Anything at all... for the heinous stress and fear and anxiety.
    Lacy - Stay put. Get this done. It will be okay in a few days. Until then, rest, relax, eat soft food.

  15. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Top Woman Lacy for hanging in there πŸ’œ well done Team Harvey GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. Thank you heaps GM xx 😘
      #Lacy πŸ’™πŸ’œ

  16. Thank Goodness that's over. I truly can't believe they let you sit on the floor! That's outrageous. Lacy , heal well, be gentle, eat soft.
    Goodnight All!

  17. I'm out, thanks Dogstars ☺️ and Tracy and Vickie xx 😘 and most of all a massive thanks to my Ma, Miss DCR herself for being with me xx you rock Ma x
    #Lacy πŸ’™πŸ’œ

  18. Anonymous4:03 PM

    People should always try go to an oral surgeon if there is a difficult tooth to be broken on the gum matter how hard they have it out in minutes... was the tooth take out at a public or private dentist ?... not very nice to have to sit on the floor...take care Lacy....Peta

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      I don't think there are any public dentists in NZ - public is generally subsidised by the Government, ie public hospitals as opposed to being covered by insurance. My dentist has a spare chair in her surgery but the room is pretty small so it would be a bit of a crush with dentist, dental nurse, patient and support person all in there. Take it easy for a few days, Lacy, and have a nap whenever you need it. You were very brave. Audrey

    2. There wax PLENTY of room for a small chair in the corner I sat in.

  19. Rhonda4:11 PM

    So glad it’s over for you Lacy. Your Ma is so lovely. On the other hand I’d question if the dental surgery are all that caring to let your mum sit on the floor 🀦‍♀️. I cannot believe it, disgusting!

  20. I shouldn't have read about Lacy dentist today I'm going tomorrow to get 6 teeth out not bothered "much".

    1. OH HELL Girl! I am so sorry. I hope it goes smoothly and they knock you out! Or at least sedate you. I wish I could be there as your support person. I hope you have a support person?

    2. My mum is coming with me and I'm staying at her place the night, possibly 2 depending on how big baby I am lol

  21. Anonymous9:03 PM

    As someone who hasn’t been to the dentist for 30+ years, well done Lacy

  22. I can't believe they let you sit on the floor! I certainly would have asked for a chair. I'm glad Lacy has had her tooth sorted, you really need to look after teeth :)

  23. Well done on sticking with Lacy. I wish her quick and complete wishes.


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