Wednesday, August 05, 2020


Today me shop is open again... but I won't hold me breath for customers.

I'm looking forward to doing another 'Kaleidoscope' painting.

#2 is still going to have lots of colour, but NOT 15 colours!
I learnt from yesterday's effort, less is more!  Maybe only 8-10 colours ?

And wider swoops of colour, not such thin ones.  It becomes too 'busy' otherwise.

I'm really enjoying the painting, it makes a nice change from sewing I must say.
Once I've got a few more paintings done I will get back to me sewing.  I'm sure I should get a few more Tree and Wonky House Runners done in readiness for the end of year markets.  Oh ... and Bowl Cosy's.  Can never have enough of them.

Right, that's all I have for now... I'll catch ya later.   With a new painting to show ya I hope.


11.58 am:  Well, I've had two lovely ladies in the shop today, and a small sale.
I was covered in paint! lol  They even popped into the garage to see what I was painting... and they were quite impressed.  That was nice.

Now, what have I done this morning?

edit:  I took down Kaleidoscope #2.  I hated it.
I've since tweaked it. 
You can bet it's way better now!

ABOVE:  This was the start of Kaleidoscope #3.

ABOVE:  And this was the end result!  It got some balloon kisses too.
I love it.

Right, I followed my instincts and went back to Kaleidoscope #2 and worked on it a bit.
I'll show it later.  Let's just say I kissed it to death.  
45 minutes until I can leave my Studio.  I need to go buy balloons, blown up disposable gloves just ain't that good!

I just walked past a mirror...

ABOVE:  Question to self...  "Was that paint on there before, or after I had visitors into the shop???
Either way, I'm not worried.  It enhances me eyes... right?

Kaleidoscope #2 is coming back... soon.
Right now, I'm cleaning myself up as I have a girlfriend calling in shortly... I don't want to be covered in paint!

4.50 pm:  Well I spent a couple of hours yakking with the lovely Sue from Raglan.  She used to live just out of Hamilton, but recently moved to the seaside.

ABOVE: Sue has been working on this gigantic crochet blanket!  It's amazing.  There's like over 300 stitches PER ROW, and over 40 rows to complete one sequence of the pattern!
I can't believe how much work is involved ... hats off to you Sue.  You rock!
Oh and anyone who likes Diet Coke is OK by me too.  

So, I got my lunch at 4 pm, so I won't be needing dinner now.
Stew and Brylee can have sausages and some chips.  Nice and easy.

ok.... it's 8.30 pm and I'm freakin well ready for bed!  It's tiring doing paintings, then having to clean up all the mess!
I will take a photo of Kaleidoscope #2 and show you it tomorrow.
Catch ya then.


  1. Sorry Lynda, I accidentally deleted your comment! Having to delete a few nasty ones, and hit delete on yours too!

    Lynda has left a new comment on your post "KALEIDOSCOPE #2":

    I like the last one best of all. It almost looks floral! I not such a fan of all the colours but that's just my opinion. Obviously it's all experimenting and trial and error.

  2. Hahaha, love your new look, but I think the highlighting of the eyes should go on your eyelids petal :-)

  3. I love your art work, Jo

  4. Kiwionholidays2:13 PM

    Such neat and varied pics going on there Chris

    It’s lovely to have a change of crafts and you seem to have found your niche there as well as your sewing ,

    Well done you,,

    As for the paint on your face that’s par for the course lol

    I know you will have been to town n back by now n hope you get some R&R before it’s dinner time prep again

    Enjoying the blog

    Cheers 🥂

  5. If you kiss your paintings you will get paint on your face!!

  6. Nasty Comments? You haven't even done anything out of the ordinary lately! What on earth? People are just mean. And have been getting meaner the past (almost) 4 years! Have you noticed that? You get a nasty name calling bully in a position of power and people emulate it whether it's intentional or not.

  7. OMG - LOVE that blanket.

  8. Kiwionholidays7:58 PM

    That’s fab you caught up with Sue as well today,,lots of work in that blanket,,
    Fab thing about winter n.z great time for crafts etc

    Used to enjoy her blog but guess they have a different lifestyle now they are at that lovely seaside place

    1. Hi ya, i will blog again soon, it's just been a 2020 of a year so far x

  9. Looks like you are having a great time paint. Wow nice blanket!

  10. Hope the Old Moo is feeling better. Do wish her well.

  11. Hey oh my gosh that blanket is amazing sue 😀🥰 I couldn't do a blanket that massive I have tryed but loose interest although saying that every section is different. I love it.

  12. lol on the paint on your face, sign of a true artist :)


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