Thursday, August 06, 2020


So... yesterday's painting, Kaleidoscope #2 had to be tweaked.

This is the result:

ABOVE:  Sadly, the photos really don't do them justice.
Everyone who sees them 'in person' says the same thing.

I won't be making another one today as I've almost run out of shelves in  the Drying Room (formerly known as 'The Multi Purpose Room).  Gawd what a mouthful that was.  Much better just saying the Drying Room.

*** πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜ *** 

Now, a little update on The Old MOO.  She is still in hospital, still awaiting more tests/scans, and results.
She's had some pretty horrible days really.  Lost lots of weight, but NOT HER MARBLES.
She is being well cared for in Coffs Harbour Hospital, which is very comforting for me.
It's horrible being so far away from her, but even if I was there right now, I'd only be able to see her (at the most) every other day, as she's only allowed ONE visitor, once a day.
Thanks Covid-19.

So what am I doing today?  Well... me shop will be open so I might do some sewing.
And that's it for now.
Catch ya later on.


11.30 am:  It's damn quiet here.  Stew and Brylee are at work.  The dogs ain't talking to me.
No one in the shop.  Hardly anyone out walking.

I made an Owl:

ABOVE:  I used part of an old blanket on the front.  They are quite popular, soft toys made from old blankets for some reason.  I prefer the pretty fabric ones myself.  But, everyone is different.

The minute I can close up, I'm going out to get a few things from the shops.

Maybe NOT Chartwell Square though.  Some F*#cking idiot placed some homemade bombs there overnight!!!  Not much more information on that right now though.  No one has been hurt, and that's the most important thing.

UPDATE on the 'bomb' situation.  Seems someone tried to use an explosive device (or 3) to blow open an ATM machine on the exterior of the mall ... didn't succeed.  But the mall is still closed while the police investigate.

I'm about ready to close up the shop and head out shopping.

4.25 pm:  And I'm home from the shops.  Didn't get all I wanted but never mind.  I had wanted to get a larger canvas with a discount coupon I had from Spotlight, but they didn't have the right size so I just left it.

There will be another day when they do have them in.  And by then I will be more confident with the painting too.
Those HUGE canvas's just scare the shit outta me!  

I've got Lamb Chops out for our dinner tonight.  No cooking (except the veges).  Loving that.

8 pm:  Well I've not been able to talk to The Old Moo today.  But I'm hoping she has seen all the lovely comments left for her!  Wow, thanks everyone for thinking of me Mum.
I hope to catch up with her at some point tonight, so will let ya all know how she's doing ... tomorrow.

Time to sign off for the day.
Tomorrow is going to be fun.

Lunch with Stewie.
Shopping for new shelves in the afternoon.

SHOPPING... Whoop whoop!  


  1. GET WELL SOON, Old Moo! Sending positive vibes and healing prayers your way!

  2. Thank goodness for video calls! Get well Old Moo! Chris still needs you to tell her off!!!! Well we need to read the telling offs! πŸ˜‚

  3. Hi Chris’s Mum, old moo sounds a bit strange for me to call you, I hope you are feeling a bit better, are they looking after you well? I hope so. I am from Melbourne and I wish I was somewhere else just now, all my best wishes for you to be well again. Xxx

  4. Hello Chris' Mum... aka The Old Moo!!! What an awful time for you, especially with this Covid thing to add to the mix. I know it's really hard for Chris to be over here when you are unwell - she'd be on a plane in a flash if she could. Sending you the very best wishes from New Zealand :)

  5. Loving the paintings Chris x Wish your "Old Moo" a speedy recovery...sending her and you very best wishes and much love always

  6. Best wishes to Old Moo for a quick recovery.

  7. Chris I know how stressed you are with your Mum out of reach. She is in the best place and you can talk to her on video calls 😊
    Old Moo get well soon. Enjoy your treats lol
    Big hugs to you both. 😘

  8. Hey Old Moo, hope you are having a better day & fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

  9. Does your mum have some way you can video chat with her (Skype, FaceTime etc)?

    1. Ahhh, she's not on Facebook or Skype. So probably not.

  10. Hi Chris's Mum- how did you get the name of 'The Old Moo'? Hope you are feeling a better today and can get out of hospital soon. Kia Kaha.

  11. It must very stressful for you Chris with Mum being in hospital so far away.

    Old Moo, all the best for a speedy recovery. Take care 😘

  12. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Oh Granny πŸ˜” I hope they sort this out soon for you, but glad you haven't lost ya marbles, and glad youre close to home xx
    hope we hear something good soon and you can go home, sure Ron is missing you xx
    #Lacy πŸ’™

  13. Sorry to hear your mum is held up in hospital and I can empathise with not being able to go over and visit her while she is unwell. Fingers crossed the doctors and nurses over there take good care of her and get her well enough so she can go back home real soon!

  14. Get well soon, Old Moo. I miss your comments!

  15. Get well soon Old Moo

  16. To Chris's Mum (Old Moo) .... Get well soon! I too am missing your comments. On a more serious note, I really do hope that you are feeling better soon.

    Cute owl Chris :)

  17. Sorry about your Mum. Can she have visitors in the hospital? Most places here in USA don't allow visitors during the pandemic - so it is miserable for the patients AND their families.

  18. Anonymous5:10 PM

    You're going to get better soon THE OLD MOO we're all behind you πŸ™ πŸ’› GM.

  19. Old Moo, my kids call me Moo - I guess one day they will call me Old Moo - Get well soon. Sending your virtual hugs from Melbourne, Australia. You wouldn't want a real hug from us Melbournians right now.

    1. Krissy, it's a bit like being the plague carrier at the moment, isn't it? We Melbournians must stick together!! Are you north south east or west?

  20. Sorry to read your mum THE OLD MOO is in hospital sending our hugs thoughts and prayers your way Blondie Taupō NZ

  21. Your pictures are amazing Chris. Must be nice to have a hobby you are so passionate about. Hope your mum is feeling a lot better soon

  22. Hope The Old Moo gets to go home soon. Hurry up and feel better. Best wishes from Montreal Canada. Haven't been to a mall since February, still just going for groceries once a week. Getting a little stir crazy. Nice painting.

  23. Ive had wifi issues ALL BLOODY DAY its now nearly 2am and literally first time all day ivehad more than a few seconds of wifi all day. Glad to c ya mum is getting good care be a load off your mind. My mum is coming up from twizel next week for 10 days for respite care not sure who gonna care for me after 2 old tarts 83yr olds 1 drive me nuts most days. Wednesday was Anthony and Sarah (granddaughter) birthday 13 yrs since the blogger get together at your place in Palmy wow many changes since then hey??


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